Monday, January 18, 2021

Guatemalan security forces clash with migrant caravan


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:30 AM PT – Monday, January 18, 2021

As thousands of migrants in Guatemala push through police barricades to reach the United States, many Americans are left concerned about Democrat attitudes toward the issue.

On Sunday, a report exposed a violent caravan of roughly 1,000 migrants who edged their way through security forces despite being tear gassed, all in a bid to make their way to Mexico with the United States as their final destination.

“We were informed just last night that elements of the Honduran Maras criminal gang and organized crime had infiltrated,” stated Guillermo Diaz, director of the Guatemalan Migration Institute. “This worried us more, and fortunately the forces of law and order established a contingency plan for these cases and controlled this that was a battle.”

While President Trump’s immigration policy ensures migrants must wait for asylum approval before entering the U.S., Joe Biden has pledged to overturn this.



While the radical left has a track record of glamorizing illegal immigration, it overlooks the recent research on brutal exploitation and violence that vulnerable women and children face during illegal border crossings.

In a recent interview conducted by Fusion, directors of migrant shelters claimed 80 percent of Central American female migrants are raped while traveling through South America on their way to the U.S. border.

This is further supported by a study from Amnesty International, which asserted that such treks put vulnerable female migrants at significant risk of sexual violence. The threats are particularly from criminal gangs, human traffickers, other migrants as well as corrupt officials.

Moreover, attorney Elvira Gordillo, who has lived and worked along the Mexico-Guatemala border for over a decade, expressed concern and claimed that almost all women are abused on their way up north.

While speaking in Florida, President Trump contrasted Biden’s defeatist immigration plan to his own efforts to keep America secure.

“We’re not letting criminals into our country, our country would surrender control of our border and we would surrender control to the cartels in Mexico who are vicious,” he stated. “The Biden border plan would be the biggest gift in the history.”

Despite this, Biden has appeared to push policies that directly incentivize illegal border crossing. His intentions were specifically exposed at the first Democrat debate in which he claimed his administration would provide free federal health care for all illegal immigrants.



According to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, giving undocumented immigrants access to federally funded health care in the U.S. could cost up to $23 billion per year. Moreover, this would be on top of the $45.8 billion of which the federal government already shells out to illegal aliens and their children for expenditures such as public education, health care and welfare programs.

In an interview just days before inauguration, a high-ranking Biden transition official directed migrants in the caravan to wait and not enter the U.S. just yet. This comment possibly hints that they will be able to do so soon. 




 Honduran migrants clash with Guatemalan soldiers in Vado Hondo, Guatemala, Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021. Guatemalan authorities estimated that as many as 9,000 Honduran migrants crossed into Guatemala as part of an effort to form a new caravan to reach the U.S. border. 



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