Thursday, January 14, 2021

Daft old codger says it’s time to raise the minimum wage

Crushing Small Business seems an odd way to “Build Back Better.”

Daft old codger: It's time to raise the minimum wage

Yesterday that daft old codger Joe Biden tweeted this galaxy take.

Is he kidding with this?

I realize old codger Joe spent the last several months holed up in his basement, but has he forgotten that nine months ago states ordered businesses shut down to “slow the spread?”

I guess he could’ve forgotten. After all, this is the same idiot who claimed the 56% of Americans who said they were better off under Trump than Obama must have bad memories.

We’ve lost tens of thousands of small businesses since thanks to panicky governors. Tens of thousands of businesses that aren’t coming back.

And to add insult to injury, we just endured a summer of riots that left businesses looted, burned and left with billions of dollars in damage.

Only a daft, oblivious old codger can look out at all the economic destruction of the last nine months and conclude, “It’s long past time to raise the minimum wage.”

I don’t know whose advising this old coot, but whoever they are know nothing about operating a small business.

There’s this old Medieval torture where you lay the prisoner on the ground, cover him with a plank, then proceed to add one weight after another until he’s crushed to death.

This is what this old codger wants to do to small businesses in America.

You thought the economy was being crushed because of COVID?

Just wait till this old codger and his anti-free market economic team get to work.

Piling a minimum wage on top of all the crushing weight of the last nine months will destroy what old codger Joe just last week called “the backbone of America.”

This isn’t “Build Back Better.”

This is “Add Another Weight to the Prisoner Until We Shatter His Backbone.”

Good heavens, the next four years are going to suck so hard.