Saturday, January 9, 2021

As Tech-fascism Purge Rages, Glenn Greenwald Warns About Troubling New Biden Moves

We’re starting to see a lot of craziness in reaction to the Capitol protest. Or perhaps I should say, using that as an excuse to crack down on the right and on their speech.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media are cracking down on any non-approved narratives.

Twitter locked President Donald Trump’s account and then released it after about a day or so. Then Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and others are calling for Trump to be pulled. Now as we just reported, Twitter has banned the president permanently. Twitter is now literally doing the bidding of the Democrats.

Facebook and Instagram already suspended Trump for at least two weeks and possibly permanently. Shopify even pulled MAGA goods from their online stores. Because MAGA hats are apparently evil now.

Democrats and media are also blaming Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and calling on them to resign or be expelled.

This is crazy. It was a riot. With thousands of peaceful people and some who were not. Yet it’s being used to shut down the opposition and to shut down any election questions. Objecting to the electoral count is not illegal, it’s not “sedition” or whatever craziness Democrats want to spread. It’s exactly part of the Constitutional order, which was something Democrats understood when they in fact objected over the last three Republican presidents, as we previously reported here and here.

Now word comes from Joe Biden that he is working on a bill to go after “domestic terrorism” with a redefinition of the term, to go after the “ideologically-inspired.”

Remember how when Trump was talking about prosecuting Antifa for demonstrable crimes against the federal government during the rioting/statue attacks? The left freaked out that he might be going after people for political opinion/ideological reason. Attorney General Bill Barr made it very clear that it wasn’t about ideology but crime. Here’s Joe Biden literally using the term “ideological inspired” and defining the Capitol protesters, all of them, as “domestic terrorists,” making no distinction on the basis of crime or no crime. “Don’t dare call them protesters,” Mr. Biden said in remarks from Wilmington, Del. “They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.”

Democrats seemed to think that was just fine. But those on the right and the folks more on the left, like Glenn Greenwald, raised the warning red flag.

❌ Listen to what Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D- said, “The single greatest national security threat right now is our internal division.” So they will eliminate internal division? How will they do that? By only allowing the Democrat-approved narrative?

Between Democrats and Big Tech, as I said, the crackdown is here. 

This isn’t for your safety. It’s for their power.

HT: Twitchy