Sunday, January 10, 2021

As Democrat lies compound, the truth will out


Article by Earick Ward in The American Thinker

As Democrat lies compound, the truth will out

Have you ever lied, or ever watched someone else lie?  What commonly occurs is a compounding of more lies, designed to cover the original lie and subsequently keep the truth from being discovered.

It is not enough that the left cheated (a lie).  What we are witnessing today is the left flailing about, working tirelessly to conceal its deceit.

If leftists rightfully won the 2020 presidential election, and now the subsequent Georgia Senate runoff, one would think we'd see a measured process for transitioning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the presidency and vice presidency.   

What we're seeing instead is chaos.  A myriad of leftist entities, from pols to Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, and others, are whipped into a frenzy to silence dissent and cut short the president's term.

There are the 25th Amendment, impeachment, punishment, and threats of punishment of anyone who dares question the legitimacy of the vote, and now mass censorship of the president and American citizens?  Are these necessary when a peaceful transition of power is scheduled to occur in a mere 10 days?  

If you have the truth, pound the truth. If you don't have the truth, pound the table.

What we are witnessing is a tantrum of spoiled children, pounding the table.

We know they lied.  They know they lied.  We know they know they lied.  The more that they flail about, the more at peace you should feel that our cause is just.

No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a bushel, or hides it in a basement, but places it upon a lampstand that all may see the light. For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden (lies) that will not be known to come to light. —Luke 8:16-17

As has been said before, democracy dies in darkness.

The question for us all: Will the light (of truth) be revealed before or after January 20?

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