Thursday, November 19, 2020

‘How *Do* You Deprogram 75 Million People?’ — California Democrat Wants ‘Post WWII’-Type Re-Education For Conservatives

‘How *Do* You Deprogram
75 Million People?’ — California Democrat Wants ‘Post WWII’
Type Re-Education For Conservatives

By Mary Margaret Olohan • November 19 2020

A California Democrats regional director suggested Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s supporters should be deprogrammed through post World War II reconstruction tactics.

“No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people,” California Democrats regional director and Democratic National Convention member David Atkins tweeted Wednesday. “Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.”

“This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement,” he continued. “This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. The only actual policy debates of note are happening within the dem coalition between left and center left.”

The California Democrat director noted that he saw that some conservatives were “upset by some of the responses here.”

“And yeah, many are out of line,” he tweeted. “But what do you expect people to do in self-preservation? The Right has been running 4 years on ‘fuck your feelings, my conspiracy theories are valid opinions, and we have more guns.'”

Atkins said that conservatives are giving themselves the coronavirus “just to own the libs” and “dying in COVID wards insisting they don’t have COVID because it must be a liberal plot.”

“You can’t run on a civil war footing hopped up on conspiracy theories hating everyone who lives in cities, mainlining Fox/Breitbart/QAnon, threatening to kidnap governors and shoot protesters, without people trying to figure out how to reverse the brainwashing,” he added.

WASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 14: People participate in the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court, on November 14, 2020 in Washington, DC. Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump marching to protest the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

His comments come as media figures and Democrats call for lists to be made of Trump’s supporters, suggesting that these lists will be used in the future to hold the president’s supporters accountable. Liberal media figures are also pushing President-elect Biden to take aggressive approaches to censoring conservative media, particularly Fox News.

“There is no question that Democrats are gearing up to use their new power to apply far more pressure than ever on Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. to censor any views they deem ‘threatening,’” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted Monday, referencing comments made by former President Barack Obama about controlling the internet with “a combination of government regulations and corporate practices.”

“Please look at what is going here,” Greenwald continued. “Democrats are defining whoever opposes them not as adversaries but as national security threats, fascist terrorists, etc. — all to justify blocking them from the internet using their influence with Silicon Valley.”

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'We no longer have' an 'honest press'

'We no longer have' an 'honest press'

By J. Peder Zane • Real Clear Politics0

Imagine if Joe Biden had enjoyed a healthy lead on election night only to see it evaporate as the numbers dripped in from Republican strongholds.

Does anyone believe the mainstream media would have rushed to anoint Donald Trump the winner? Would the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR and other outlets have cast the inevitable Democrat demands for ballot reviews and recounts as a constitutional crisis or would they have run wall-to-wall coverage about the inherent problems associated with mail-in ballots?

We don’t have to imagine the answer – just recall 2016 when the same liberal news organizations that are damning Trump as a tyrant and suggesting he might be planning a coup cheered and facilitated Democrat efforts to delegitimize Trump’s victory by claiming he was a crooked businessman who had colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the election.

After early efforts failed to convince electors to defy the will of their states and cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton, talk turned to impeachment before Trump was even sworn in. On the morning of his inauguration – which was boycotted by several dozen Democrat members of Congress because, as Rep. Jerrold Nadler said, he was not “legally elected” – a Washington Post article reported, “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.”

Democrats and their media allies fulfilled that promise, spending the next three years using salacious smears funded by the Clinton campaign to claim Trump was Putin’s puppet. When Special Counsel Robert Mueller dismissed that conspiracy theory in March 2019, Democrats impeached Trump on other grounds that did not include high crimes or misdemeanors. At a May 2019 event, Biden agreed with a woman who said Trump was “an illegitimate president.” A month later, former President Jimmy Carter said the same.

Nothing in our history has done more to destroy norms and undercut the rule of law. This history does not bolster Trump’s claims that massive voter irregularities caused his 2020 defeat – though we owe it to our country to review the results from this highly unusual election. It does suggest that one reason millions of Americans are skeptical about Biden’s victory is the insistence of a highly partisan media that he won fair and square – no questions asked.

Presidents come and go, but the media is forever. The transformation of leading news outlets from liberal voices into propaganda arms of the left may be the most consequential legacy of the Trump era. It’s not surprising that the media so causally compares Trump to Hitler while branding Republicans as racists – these are now articles of faith among the leftists they support. This is apparently what they believe.

Gallup polls illustrate the partisan shift. During the Obama years about 55% of Democrats felt the “mass media” reported the news “fully, accurately, and fairly.” About 30% of Republicans agreed.

In 2017 the number of approving Democrats rose to 72% – where it has roughly stayed – while the number of approving Republicans dropped to just 14% in 2016 and is now at 10%.

No doubt many Democrats tell themselves they are reality-based while Republicans have been brainwashed by Trump’s “fake news” lies. But that position is hard to defend given the Trump/Russia fiction they perpetrated, the ugly accusations they launched against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and the contempt with which they view those who disagree with them.

Free nations need an honest press. We no longer have one. Heaven help us.

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Benedict XVI & The New Totalitarianism

Benedict XVI & The New Totalitarianism

This photo was taken of St. Peter’s Basilica on the day
Pope Benedict announced his resignation

Rod Dreher • November 18, 2020

The Italian journalist Antonio Socci writes about something Benedict XVI said to his biographer Peter Seewald. Excerpts from Socci’s piece:

The crucial question placed by Seewald to Ratzinger is this:

One phrase from your first homily as pope has remained particularly impressed in our memory: “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.” Had you perhaps foreseen what awaited you?

The pope replies that this was not an allusion to the problems of the Vatican (such as Vatileaks), as many thought. Benedict XVI explains:

The true threat for the Church, and thus for the Petrine service, does not come from this sort of episode: it comes instead from the universal dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies. Anyone who contradicts this dictatorship is excluded from the basic consensus of society. One hundred years ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to speak of homosexual matrimony. Today those who oppose it are socially excommunicated. The same holds true for abortion and the production of human beings in the laboratory. Modern society intends to formulate an anti-Christian creed: whoever contests it is punished with social excommunication. Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural, and what is truly needed is that the prayers of entire dioceses and of the world Church come to the rescue to resist it.

Anyone who contradicts this dictatorship is excluded from the basic consensus of society, said Benedict XVI — and he went on to associate this with the power of Antichrist.

Funny, but I read this today in conjunction with a 2009 paper about Philip Rieff by the scholar Stephen Gardner. In it, he says:

Wittingly or not, the human sciences prepared the emancipation of desire culminating in consumerism and the sexual revolution. In the last analysis, there is only one revolution in modernity, and that is the bourgeois-democratic. At bottom, it is cultural and moral rather than political or economic. [Emphasis mine — RD] It is measured in the transformation of social relations on the personal level, in relations between the sexes and within the sexes as well. A total revolution has transpired in modern life and the most ancient and hallowed moral understandings have been sacrificed, without putting political and economic forms in the slightest danger.

Gardner says that this has led to the elimination of the distinction between public and private. The personal, as the 1960s generation said, is political. But now that idea has become quite malicious, in that people are being marginalized, and even persecuted, in the public realm for ideas and beliefs they hold privately. In the emerging order, the social credit systematizers will easily identify who the wrongthinkers are, and punish them.

The key point here is that all of this is happening within a bourgeois, democratic, capitalist order. The totalitarians have figured out that the cultural revolution can be carried out within existing structures. This is a big reason why many people cannot grasp what’s happening.

Along these lines, take a look at Carlo Lancelotti’s essay in Communio about the 20th century Italian political theorist Augusto Del Noce’s prophetic anticipation of a new totalitarianism. Excerpt:

Rejection of transcendence has the effect that all human realities (the state, sexuality, work, the family) lose their symbolic or ideal significance and become “dumb,” completely devoid of any finality beyond the satisfaction of the immediate material or psychological needs that can be studied scientifically. It is in this sense that scientism, according to Del Noce, is the philosophical premise of the sexual revolution. At the same time, political struggles take an absolute value, replacing religion as the focus of social concern and the source of people’s identity and meaning.

The flip side of the politicization of reason is the absolutization of politics, which to Del Noce is another definition of totalitarianism. Every aspect of reality is interpreted in terms of a political narrative, which becomes the interpretative key for all aspects of social life: law, education, medicine, the family. Society at all levels splits along political lines because “culture is entirely subordinate to politics” and “the idea of politics is subsumed within the idea of war.” The older totalitarian movements had no desire to find a political accommodation between social classes or races: one side must eliminate the other. Likewise, no compromise is possible with “repression” and “bigotry.” They must be simply fought and, ultimately, eliminated.

But since, in fact, politics lacks any ideal (as opposed to ideological) point of reference, it must necessarily degenerate into “a management technique at the service of the strongest” by a technocratic elite which is not united to the rest of the population by any real ideal bond. The stated goals of politics can only be a constant expansion of production and consumption and the advancement of individual autonomy, expressed in the language of “rights.” Paradoxically, the individualism of the technological society covers “the extinction of the individual, by which I mean the individual inasmuch as he enters into relationship with the absolute, and through this relationship can become critical in the present.” An individual cut off from transcendence becomes “completely dependent on society,” “a social atom.”

Incidentally, this is perfectly compatible with recurrent spasms of ideological extremism, which claim to fight the “system” but in reality are just expressions of alienation, since they generally fail to call into question the metaphysical presuppositions of the technological society.

Reading BXVI’s remark about the coming of Antichrist makes me revisit Archbishop Georg Gänswein’s remarks on September 11, 2018, endorsing my Benedict Option book. An Italian journalist who was present for Gänswein’s talk told me that I can be sure that BXVI approved ever syllable of what the archbishop, his personal secretary, said that morning. From his speech:

In May, the Archbishop of Utrecht in Holland, Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk, confessed that the present crisis reminded him of the “final trial” of the Church, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church describes it in paragraph 675, which the Church must undergo before the return of Christ, as a trial that ” will shake the faith of many believers”. The Catechism continues: “The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the ‘mystery of iniquity.’”

Like an exorcist, Rod Dreher is also familiar with this “mysterium iniquitatis”, as he has proven with his reports over the last few months, in which he also promoted the enlightenment of the scandalous history of the former archbishop of Newark and Washington like perhaps no other journalist. Yet he is not an investigative reporter. Neither is he a fantasist, but a sober analyst who has been following the state of the Church and the world alertly and critically for a long time whilst nonetheless retaining an almost childlike, loving view of the world.

That is why Dreher does not present an apocalyptic novel like the famous “Lord of the World”, with which the British clergyman Robert Hugh Benson shook the Anglo-Saxon world in 1906. Rather, Dreher’s book resembles a practicable guide to building an ark, because he knows that there is no dam to stop the Great Flood that has been flooding the old Christian Occident since long before yesterday, and to which America belongs for him as a matter of course.

We really might be in that time. Cardinal Eijk said that it was the “confusion” in the Catholic Church — he blamed the Pope and bishops — in particular regarding the status of same-sex marriage, that signaled to him that the Great Apostasy might be upon us. Maybe so, maybe not, but it is impossible to watch all this unfold so quickly without alarm. In Live Not By Lies, I talk about how China now has the technological capability to monitor closely the lives of all those who participate in public life in any way, and to cut anyone who refuses to conform out of public life. Specifically, if the Chinese state so desires, you cannot buy or sell without their permission. This is coming to us too, in time. People will welcome it, as many do in China, because it replaces social trust — and people are accustomed to living their lives online anyway. A reader who lives in a former Communist country of Europe told me that it is impossible to overstate how powerful the Internet, specifically social media, is in socializing the young. Nothing — not church, not family, nothing — is more powerful.

It’s all part of the quickening.

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Want unity, Joe? Then call for a real election review

If Biden Voters Only
Saw These Things First......
Would They Have Voted For Him?

By Lt. Col. James Zumwalt • Published November 18, 2020

In the presidential election aftermath, with Democrats clamoring for unity, a classic tactic in football used by the offense immediately after a questionable penalty has been called against the defense comes to mind. As a call is not reviewable once the next play is in motion, a quarterback rushes his team back up to the scrimmage line to initiate it.

We are witnessing the employment of such a tactic politically by Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats. On offense, Biden, inappropriately coronated "president-elect" by liberal media supporters, is rushing his transition team to the line for a play, before a questionable presidential election call can be reviewed. He calls President Donald Trump "an embarrassment" for refusing to concede as Democrats who supported Stacey Abrams in her failed gubernatorial campaign in Georgia ignore her continuing refusal to concede her loss.

At a time America is burdened by a Democratic Party that places political power above national security interests and worked for four years to undermine Donald Trump's presidency by falsely promoting his illegitimacy based on the Russian collusion hoax, one would think Democrats would prefer nipping in the bud any future illegitimacy claims against a Biden presidency for the next four years by supporting an election review now.

Not only is such a review important to determine the real 2020 winner of the presidential sweepstakes but it is a necessary step, based on numerous reports of fraud even from among Democratic supporters, to restore voter confidence in fair elections – a prelude to any effort to unify America. Unsurprisingly, however, this is not the case as, once again, Democrats promote political power over national security, preferring to leave a potential Biden presidency tainted by the claim he won election with a little help from his fraudulent friends. In fact, Biden, dismissing any real concerns for unity, just added fuel to the fraud fire by hiring onto his team the chairman of the company that provided the election's voting machines.

Taking his media crown seriously enough to prompt a victory speech, Biden cites America's discord, claiming he will be president of all the people. That should demand he demonstrate the qualities of a prospective president committed to integrity by embracing an election review. Not only would doing so help the country support the legitimacy of his election, it would help restore its confidence in the voting system. That is what is expected from a president of all the people.

Our enemies fear a unified America, knowing such support behind a president makes us an unstoppable force. It should come as no surprise, therefore, why those enemies favored Biden in the election. Embracing him as president were China, Iran, Russia, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Palestinian Authority, the Communist Party of America, etc.

Liberals infamously raise claims of racism and the suppression of black voters against Republicans whenever possible, no matter how outrageous the claim. Accordingly, a voter fraud lawsuit filed by Trump in Michigan prompted Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel to raise the racist banner. Offering no supportive evidence, she bizarrely claimed the lawsuit blames black people for voter fraud. Specifically, she argued, "Really the themes that we see, that persist, are this: Black people are corrupt, black people are incompetent and black people can't be trusted. That's the narrative that is continually espoused by the Trump campaign and their allies in these lawsuits." Since Trump won the highest non-white vote for a Republican in 60 years, one applying Nessel's logic could make the contrary argument Democrats' failure to support the review of a heavy pro-Trump minority voting process suppresses those votes.

It is not just by failing to support an election review that Democrats demonstrate unity is far from their leadership's collective mind. It is reflected too by Democrats' effort to overturn an initiative taken over a century ago that sought to unite a still divided America years after our Civil War. They seek to eradicate an historical effort simply to accommodate their "woke" agenda today.

Under the sponsorship of wannabe Native American Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act is being pushed to mandate action within three years to rename bases, streets, aircraft, ships, etc. that have been named for Confederate officers or honoring the confederacy in any way. While Warren naively sees the names as a "tribute to white supremacy," her amendment ignores an important fact. Years after our Civil War, efforts were being made to unify the country in various ways, including naming military assets after revered members of an enemy army of brothers.

Warren undoubtedly is unaware, but one of her own state's most famous native sons, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Homes (1841-1935), who fought for the North during the Civil War, spoke richly about his brothers of the South in an 1884 Memorial Day speech. He eloquently noted, seeking to heal the wounds of war:

"… We believed that it was most desirable that the North should win; we believed in the principle that the Union is indissoluable. … But we equally believed that those who stood against us held just as sacred conviction that were the opposite of ours, and we respected them as every man with a heart must respect those who give all for their belief. … As it was then, it is now. The soldiers of the war need no explanations; they can join in commemorating a soldier's death with feelings not different in kind, whether he fell toward them or by their side."

The Civil War uniquely saw brother fight brother. We do not honor enemy heroes of any other wars we fought by naming bases after them. But doing so for hero brothers helped prove a nation once divided could again stand united – a particularly important lesson today. Thus, if Warren knew her history, she would accept the naming of U.S. bases after Confederate leaders not as an act of division but of reconciliation. It is her legislation that now suggests she prefers division to reconciliation.

Biden's effort to sing the blues about our country's need to unify under his leadership is an attempt at manipulation, seeking to bring his team up to the line of scrimmage, hoping to initiate another play, before an official review can be undertaken of the voting process. If he truly sought to unify the country as president, he would act presidential by reeling in Warren and her ilk and by fully supporting a review of a most suspect voting process.

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Are we witnessing a long-planned hostile takeover?

Are we witnessing a
long planned hostile takeover?

By Paige Donner • November 19 2020

Dominion Systems voting software is in the headlines this week, riveting the attention of anyone who is following this 2020 presidential election outcome. What's becoming clear is that we're watching a vast, long planned scheme, rather than just the impulse of a bizarre year.

Dominion Systems voter software is supposed to tabulate electronic votes automatically. It is used in at least 28 states — not in Texas, though, because the governor's office concluded that Dominion was too flawed to secure voter integrity. Other experts have agreed. Even Dominion's vice president, Eric Coomer, admits that the system is vulnerable.

In this video, when the New York Times purported to care about election fraud, a computer software I.T. specialist and hacker demonstrates unequivocally why and how voting machines are bad:

Dominion's headquarters are in Toronto, Canada. According to former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, the company's Toronto offices share a floor with the George Soros–funded Tides Canada Foundation.

Dominion runs on computers from Smartmatic, a mysterious Venezuelan company with a history of miscounted elections. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of the company that owns Smartmatic, is a Soros crony.

The Dominion/Smartmatic combo was purportedly used in Hugo Chávez's 2004 election and again in the 2013 Venezuelan election, which elected Nicolás Maduro by a thin margin that the opposition contested. It's also possible that a unit of the United States European Command compelled a CIA unit in Germany to turn over its Dominion servers.

In sum, our American votes for this highly contested 2020 presidential election were counted using identifiably flawed software that offers hackability as a "feature" and has strong links to foreign countries and George Soros. Nevertheless, in July 2019, Georgia paid $106 million for its Dominion System voter software, despite fraud concerns:

Dominion systems also operate in Arizona, Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

When POTUS tweeted last week that 2.7 million votes were switched from Trump to Biden via a software glitch, he was referring to the Dominion/Smartmatic pairing. For just one example of the electronic game-playing, "[i]n the Georgia election, 800 ballots were marked only for President Trump, and 96,800 were marked only for Joe Biden." For president-only ballots, this is statistically impossible, according to a statistical calculation called the Bernoulli Trial.

Trey Trainor, the Federal Election Commission chair, told Newsmax TV, "I do believe that there's voter fraud taking place in these places. Otherwise, they would allow the [poll] observers to go in[.]" Lin Wood, a celebrated free speech attorney, put his reputation on the line to say the same:

As you think about the Democrats' avid embrace of voting machines with a history of fraud, here are two more things to mull:

First, remember that Biden hired hundreds of lawyers before this election, allegedly to fortify himself for a possible contested election outcome. Then, just days before the election, he clearly stated that he and Obama "built the most extensive voter fraud network in the history of the United States."

Is it possible that the Democrats intentionally tied up the nation's election fraud lawyers so that, if Trump dared to point out election fraud, he and the over 73 million Americans he represents would struggle to find top-notch election fraud lawyers without a conflict of interest? It helps that leftist activists are also intimidating Trump's attorneys into withdrawing.

Second, for four years, Hillary Clinton has vociferously claimed that the 2016 election was "stolen" from her. Nevertheless, despite Hillary's and the Democrats' considerable influence and power over state institutions, they didn't push hard to ax voting systems they knew were vulnerable to corruption. Could that be because they calculated that it was to their greater advantage to preserve a corrupt voting system than to end it for Clinton's sake?

Consider this: could the Dems have mounted such an extensive and successful "social justice" campaign (arguably a four-year "civil war") these past four years if Hillary had been in the White House? Quite simply, no.

Am I alone in beginning to feel that this entire thing is playing out like some long planned, sinister script, intended to move America toward a radicalized, weakened descent into chaos and misery? The evidence of national vote fraud in voting machines is irrefutable, yet Democrats, knowing about their problems, embraced them.

They tried to steal the presidency.

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The Four Stages of Marxist Takeover

4 Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov
The journalist and Soviet defector long ago pegged the current left-wing moment.

It’s important to understand that this is a revolutionary moment in American history, and it isn’t a bad idea to act in ways that would fall under the traditional description of “accordingly.”

But it’s also important to understand that the revolution taking place in America is not yet a “kinetic” one. That may come soon, or it may not. The battle taking place presently is a war of information — or disinformation, as the case may be.

And the revolution is a Marxist revolution. You should make no mistake about that. The groups fomenting it, the intellectuals promoting it, and the money financing it are all quite open about who they are.

The object of this information revolution? To begin with, defeating Donald Trump and installing Joe Biden as the Hard Left’s puppet president. Biden is, for now, palatable to the American people in ways that actual communist Bernie Sanders, spawn of a communist Pete Buttigieg, Sandinista sympathizer Bill de Blasio, and other far-left revolutionary (remember: Sanders has spent years traipsing around the country calling for a revolution) figures were not. But despite his lack of bona fides, Biden offers something quite beneficial to the Left — he is wholly incapable of executing the duties of president of the United States owing to a clear deficiency of mental function that shows itself every time he makes a public appearance. Couple that with Biden and his handlers being so utterly devoid of principle and scruples that he and they are willing to serve as an empty vessel into which might be poured whatever horrors the Left is willing to use him to bring on.

Joe Biden isn’t Vladimir Lenin. Biden is Alexander Kerensky, the Russian politician who served as the vessel for the revolutionaries to overthrow the old guard in 1917 and then, once he had proven himself useful toward that end, was shuffled aside so the real power could assume control. And as in Kerensky’s case, what comes after will bring the end of all that we know.

They’re not even trying to hide this anymore. Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrice Cullors repeatedly says “We are trained Marxists.” Antifa’s imagery, dogma, public statements — all straight from the Marxist playbook. The bleatings of the Democrat Socialist crowd, including AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and the rest — unabashedly Marxist. What do you think every one of these “community organizing” outfits catching oversized checks from the Soroses of the world are teaching to their new recruits? Where do you think critical race theory, repressive tolerance, and intersectionalism, the tools of the cultural revolutionaries setting fire to all our traditions and institutions, came from? They came from the Frankfurt School, all of whom were Marxists.

This playbook was written long ago. If you think that Bernie Sanders or Kshama Sawant or Alicia Garza are smart enough to dream up a plan for taking down the greatest society the world has ever known, you are out of touch with reality. The only way they could have been as effective as they have so far is to follow somebody else’s plan. Which they are doing.

The reason you believe a Marxist revolution on these shores is far-fetched is that your faith in America’s institutions makes you believe the loss of your freedom and prosperity are impossible.

That confidence isn’t a flaw in your character. To the contrary, it’s a sign of your patriotism. But this moment makes that confidence unwarranted, if not obsolete.

Joe Biden is telling you that if he wins in November he will “transform” America. He’s telling you that he will institute massive, crushing tax increases. He’s talking about getting the Post Office into the banking business (not just putting the Post Office in charge of ballot security, banking as well), while his fellow Democrats are talking about creating a cashless society — the combination of which will effectively eliminate private finance and the cash economy, meaning no escape from the tender mercies of the IRS and government regulators who will then be able to audit and analyze all of your financial transactions.

Now is where you should be thinking about China’s new social credit scoring system, elements of which are already creeping into our society, and how that might merge with government banking and the elimination of cash.

The frightening promises Biden is making to the Hard Left in this country while he vets anti-American loons like Tammy Duckworth — who openly discusses the defenestration of George Washington and calls Abraham Lincoln and Jackie Robinson “dead traitors” because Trump praised them at Mount Rushmore, then pretends to be insulted when people rightly call that the offensive idiocy that it is — as his vice presidential choices, show that he is the Left’s puppet. Biden jumped in to defend Duckworth after her insane ranting, in case you missed it; in any other time in American history a presidential candidate would have dumped her as a potential VP the minute she came out against George Washington.

You shouldn’t believe the polls that show Biden with such huge leads. But the reason those polls are delivering the numbers they do should make you concerned.

Those polls are trash, because Trump voters are “shy voters.” If you’re voting for Trump, are you really going to tell a stranger over the phone whom you’re voting for? Doing so might put you on a list, get you doxxed, get you fired from your job, beat up, or worse.

Why do you as a Trump voter worry about that? You, and everyone else in America, are being demoralized.

There is a video interview from a long time ago that you should see if you haven’t already seen it. It’s one of those things that many of our readers may have seen years ago and then forgot about — but all of a sudden it’s incredibly relevant again. The interview dates back to 1984, and it was conducted by the author, filmmaker, and John Birch Society gadfly G. Edward Griffin with a Soviet defector and former KGB operative named Yuri Bezmenov.

Forget about Griffin’s background. He was something of an Alex Jones of his time, and he’s still around in his dotage, obsessing about things that cost him his relevance. It’s Bezmenov who matters. The Russian was involved at relatively high levels as a propagandist par excellence before leaving the USSR for Canada, and he laid out in excruciating detail the process by which a free society might be brought to collapse.

Bezmenov didn’t dream that up. It wasn’t even a secret. Nikita Khrushchev, who ran the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1964, was quite open in predicting the destruction of the United States and furthermore said it would happen in the way that every society eventually collapses — internally.

“We will take America without firing a shot,” Khrushchev said. “We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.”

Khrushchev and the Soviets weren’t just bragging. What he was talking about was an entire system of Marxist indoctrination and takeover they had perfected and executed in country after country during the 20th century. Eastern Europe. North Korea. North Vietnam, then all of Vietnam. Cuba. Nicaragua. Later, Venezuela. Various African countries, including South Africa, the communist bloom of which has only recently come to pass. Some of those countries went communist because the Soviets rolled the tanks in; most went communist because the pre-communist society collapsed for various reasons. All went communist after they had been infiltrated with Marxist revolutionaries.

The point being that there was a template in place for how to penetrate a society with Marxist ideals and implode it so that the revolutionaries would control the ruins. Bezmenov, whose father was a high-ranking Soviet military official and who was trained to be an elite KGB overseas operative, was taught the template and put to work in India attempting to infiltrate that country and bring it into the Warsaw Pact. He also worked at the Soviet RIA Novosti news organization, editing and planting propaganda materials into foreign media. The man knew exactly what he was talking about when he outlined how a Marxist revolution might be America down without firing a shot, just as Khrushchev had predicted.

Of course, the Soviet Union didn’t take America down. We won the Cold War and they lost. The USSR collapsed before we did, mostly because America had a leader in Ronald Reagan who had the vision and will to pressure the Soviets into collapse and openly talked of a day when Soviet communism was on the ash-heap of history.

But Reagan also warned that freedom is a fragile thing, and that it’s never more than one generation from extinction. That warning expired when Reagan did, as Americans grew far too complacent after the USSR fell apart and forgot what communism means. And as the cold warriors of the 20th century passed into the history books, what replaced them was an American cultural and political elite either ignorant of the Marxist threat and how it might materialize, or far more concerned with the rise of Islam.

That’s how you got a red diaper baby like Barack Obama elected president of this country for two terms. It’s also how you got Republican state legislators, governors, and congressmen fully invested in throwing money into education, and particularly higher education, without a second of thought as to what they were funding. The teachers’ unions were the largest donors to Bernie Sanders. What do you think that tells you? Why are you surprised the schools are turning out students who think Washington and Jefferson were villains?

Back to Bezmenov, who warned us in 1984 that a free society collapses in four stages, and the first is demoralization. What he meant by demoralization is a process by which students in schools controlled by disciples of leftist thought would be indoctrinated into a set of values and beliefs foreign to those of the American tradition. Bezmenov said, in 1984, mind you, that this would happen when the 1960s and 1970s student radicals began to control the educational institutions, and their project would be to throw out traditional Judeo-Christian morality, classical education, and American patriotism. Is there any doubt this has happened? Our young people are the least patriotic in our nation’s history, and the most ignorant of the cultural, intellectual, and ideological patrimony of which they are heirs.

It’s even worse than that, because the cultural Marxist project not just in our schools but in our media and entertainment institutions has poisoned those against the country. Remember when the NFL was an escape from politics? Remember when the movies Hollywood made extolled American values and made viewers feel good about their country?

When was the last time you saw anything from American education or corporate media that made you feel good about your country?

The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. Once you succumb to that, you are, in the words of Ming the Merciless, “satisfied with less.” Why do you think ordinary white people are so willing to apologize for the sins of their ancestors and to confess to being racist without even knowing it? Why do you think corporate America is blindly endorsing a Marxist revolutionary organization that openly declares war on the nuclear family?

That’s demoralization, and according to Bezmenov it’s the first step in engineered societal collapse.

What’s the second step? Destabilization.

Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations. We’ve discussed in this space the unquestionable impetus on the part of Democrats to keep the economy as hamstrung as possible with COVID-19 shutdowns, and those continue despite a precipitous decline in death rates as testing ramps up across the country. It’s clear the virus is no longer a significant threat to the health of Americans who don’t already have serious medical issues, and yet COVID hysteria is increasing, rather than decreasing. Just Wednesday the Ivy League shut down all its sporting events planned for the fall semester, an absurd decision that is nonetheless likely to be copied by other universities dominated by leftist political activists (the Big Ten, ACC, and SEC are all in various stages of planning conference-only schedules this fall, which makes no sense whatsoever). The virus is the perfect platform by which to impose the economic destabilization the Left has wanted all along.

No, that isn’t a conspiracy theory. They’re telling you it’s what they’re after. Do you believe Ilhan Omar was off-script when she suggested dismantling America’s economy as a system of oppression earlier this week? Ilhan Omar, who paid a political consultant $900,000 in fees last year, money that came from somewhere, isn’t smart enough to say these things without having the script written for her. She’s being trotted out to introduce them because she’s already radioactive and a lightning rod for criticism, and also because she’s (1) black, (2) Muslim, and (3) an immigrant, and even an illegal one. To criticize her statements as cracked bears the signature not of incisive reasoning but rather racism. So when other Democrats join her call you are no longer allowed to object.

Google Omar’s statements and what you’ll find is a loud cacophony of gaslighting by left-wing media outlets like Common DreamsThe Nation, the Washington Post, and others attacking Republicans for reacting to what they saw and heard on video as “meltdowns” and “losing their minds.” Even Snopes, the left-wing site purportedly acting as a fact-check operation, declares that Omar didn’t actually say what she said.

That’s destabilization. They’re fully engaged in it, whether you believe they’ve been successful or not. But ask Mark McCloskey, for example, whether or not he thinks it’s outlandish to suggest the American order has been destabilized. McCloskey told Tucker Carlson that after the police told him they couldn’t protect him after the incident where he and his wife used guns to protect their property from a mob of Black Lives Matter trespassers, he called around to private security firms for help and was given advice to get out of his house and let the mob do what they would. Does that sound like a stable society to you?

The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. Looking for a crisis? Take your pick. We barely even remember the fact that we just had only the third presidential impeachment in American history half a year ago, a constitutional crisis that was wholly and completely manufactured directly out of thin air. We progressed immediately from that to COVID-19, which was unquestionably a manufactured crisis — not that the virus itself isn’t deadly to a certain portion of the population, but if you think the panic and destruction it’s caused doesn’t smack of manufacture then it’s clear you’ve been demoralized.

And then the George Floyd riots and the paroxysms of violence and virtue-signaling those have brought on, complete with the current campaign to bowdlerize American history and culture in an increasingly indiscriminate fashion. That’s a crisis, everybody, and it’s a completely manufactured one. The speed of the cultural collapse that followed Floyd’s death — when the legal system moved very swiftly against the police officers responsible for it — makes it undeniable this was planned and only needed a catalyst.

What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” The statues and monuments are gone, the ball games are out, or at least you aren’t allowed in the stadium to watch them (and you’ve got to watch them on TV interspersed with commercial spots and in-game messaging pushing whatever memes and narratives the ESPNs and NBCs of the world and their Madison Avenue partners wish to implant in your mind), the schools have purged American history and culture, the Universal Basic Income checks have replaced your job, which you can’t do because the small business where you used to work has gone under thanks to the virus.

And Biden is president. For a little while, until it’s clear he’s incapacitated per the 25th Amendment, and then somebody else that you didn’t vote for is in charge of the country.

Out goes Kerensky. In comes … who knows what?

Let’s hope your confidence none of this can happen is well-placed. Let’s hope Bezmenov was a crank like people think G. Edward Griffin is.

But just to be sure, let’s make damned sure Biden and the Democrats take an historic beating in November. We don’t want to find out what’s behind the curtain in Biden’s basement. Too many nasty things are already peeking out at us from there.

Trump Leads Voyage Of Pilgrims To Greenland To Establish Even Better America

WASHINGTON, D.C.—"May God bless this voyage, and may God bless New America!" Trump said before a crowd of a few hundred loyal patriots in Washington. They had gathered at the docks to board three small ships: the Covfefe, the Bigly, and the Yugeflower, built especially for their voyage. 

Their destination? Greenland, where Trump will establish a colony that's "even bigger and better than that old, stupid America."

"It will be the best America, maybe ever!" he said as the crowd cheered. "We're talking freedom you wouldn't believe, liberties galore. That old, sad America is just pathetic! Not good!"

The ships then pulled out of the harbor as Antifa well-wishers stood and screamed at the sky, distraught that their only reason for living was leaving America.

Plans for the new colony include a Mt. Rushmore that just has four faces of Trump, a Statue of Liberty modeled after Melania, and a Meme War Memorial in the capital city of Trumpington. Greenland will be divided into the same states we have in America today, though California and New York will be left out in order to make it a true utopia. 

Dems/Media Keep Lying About Obama’s Agencies Spying On Trump’s Campaign

Proving whether election irregularities occurred will require a willingness to judge the evidence fairly, not a habit of declaring demonstrable facts to have been 'debunked.'

Four years after the FBI sent “Confidential Human Sources” secretly to gather information on Donald Trump’s team, the president’s opponents in politics and the media continue to deny that the bureau spied on his 2016 campaign. They are now using that denial to dismiss questions of voting irregularities in the 2020 election by arguing that Trump and his allies traffic in outrageous falsehoods for partisan purposes.

During the vice-presidential debate, Mike Pence said, “When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, the FBI actually spied on President Trump and my campaign.” The response from NBC “fact checkers” was to declare that “Pence repeated a false claim that Trump made during the first presidential debate – accusing the Obama administration of spying on their 2016 campaign.”

Media Are Denying the Facts 

At Politico, Kyle Cheney and Andrew Desiderio caricatured the accusation of spying as alleging “Biden was a mastermind of an effort to spy on Trump’s 2016 campaign,” saying it was a story “riddled with falsehoods, exaggerations and assumptions.” By pressing accusations of spying, the president has politicized “institutions in a way that will leave lasting damage,” Politico quoted Democrats saying. The outlet warned, “Trump may exacerbate that strain in the coming weeks.”

Last week, USA Today reporters Kevin Johnson and Kristine Phillips described as “debunked allegations” claims that Trump’s team had been spied on, while reporting that Attorney General William Barr, a prominent leveler of the charge last year, was now opening the Justice Department to “claims of partisan interference” with a new directive to investigate credible claims of voting irregularities.

Lesley Stahl, in her “60 Minutes” interview with President Trump ahead of the election, refused to even discuss the spying charge, rejecting it as unverified and untrue.

“The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign,” Trump told Stahl. “They spied on my campaign, Lesley.” 

“Well, there’s no real evidence of that,” Stahl objected.

“Of course there is. It’s all over the place.”


“Lesley, they –”

“Sir –”

“– spied on my campaign and they got caught.”

“Can I — can I say something?” Stahl said. “You know, this is ‘60 Minutes.’ And we can’t put on things we can’t verify –”

“No,” Trump said, “you won’t put it on because it’s bad for Biden. Look, let me tell you –”

“We can’t put on things we can’t verify.”

Sen. Charles Grassley says Stahl and other media are denying the facts – facts that have not only been verified but proven: “The FBI ran confidential informants against multiple Trump campaign aides in the lead-up to the 2016 election,” the Iowa Republican told RealClearInvestigations. “They aggressively sought and received secret warrants to eavesdrop on Carter Page’s communications – warrants that were repeatedly renewed despite many critical flaws and omissions of exculpatory evidence. These facts are indisputable,” Grassley said. “Call it whatever you want to call it, but if this isn’t spying, I don’t know what is.”

What Is ‘Spying’?

This might appear at first glance to be a debate about semantics, a question of whether to call surveillance “spying” or something with less negative overtones, such as “intelligence-gathering.” Either way, it has been verified that the FBI took the extraordinary step of investigating an ongoing campaign for the presidency. It has also been verified that the bureau drew on its complete arsenal, including wiretaps and secret agents – both in-house “Undercover Employees” and contract operatives called “Confidential Human Sources.”

Though the FBI doesn’t use the word “spy” to describe its own activities, the bureau’s actions fit definitions of spying, old and new. In his 1755 dictionary, Samuel Johnson defined spying as “To search or discover by artifice.” Thomas Sheridan’s 18th-century dictionary described a spy as “One sent to watch the conduct or motions of others.” Modern dictionaries differ very little from their precursors. A spy, according to the “American Heritage Dictionary,” is “an agent employed by a state to obtain secret information.”

That describes FBI Confidential Human Source [CHS] Stefan Halper rather well. Using his cover as a Cambridge professor, Halper cozied up to both Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos and pumped them for information. Halper’s spycraft included introducing an attractive FBI asset to Papadopoulos, claiming she was his research assistant. “Azra Turk,” as she was called, was an Undercover Employee – or UCE, as the bureau bloodlessly refers to its secret staff – and she tried to get Papadopoulos in a chatty mood.

Some definitions of spying imply a certain negativity to the enterprise. American Heritage offers this: “To observe secretly with hostile intent.” Webster’s includes: “to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes.” The imputation of hostility suggests that spying is not a very nice thing to do. The implication is that those being observed are unlikely to be getting a fair shake.

That accurately describes the experience of Page, who was repeatedly put under electronic surveillance. The FBI obtained warrants from a secretive federal court by presenting as true false allegations penned by a private spy paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

It’s no mere debating point, this question of whether to call the FBI’s snooping “spying.” It is a question that has serious consequences. The Center for Ethics at the University of Pennsylvania and an activist group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington would like to see prosecuted some of those who have described the FBI’s methods as “spying.”

In particular, they include the attorney general: “Did Mr. Barr agree to investigate unfounded allegations for the purpose of supporting the talking points of a political campaign?” asks the ethics center report. “If so, such actions would violate the Hatch Act,” which limits federal employee participation in partisan political activities.

The FBI Did Spy on the Trump Campaign

The University of Pennsylvania paper claims that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz “refuted” the claims that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign. RealClearInvestigations asked the report’s lead author, Claire Finkelstein, to point to any passages in Horowitz’s reports that do this.

The UPenn professor responded with a three-sentence quote from the inspector general. The first sentence reads: “We found no evidence that the FBI used CHSs [Confidential Human Sources] or UCEs [Undercover Employees] to interact with members of the Trump campaign prior to the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

That does not mean the FBI didn’t send secret agents to gather information on the Trump campaign, just that the spying did not begin until after Crossfire Hurricane was officially launched at the end of July 2016.

The second sentence of the quote Finkelstein referenced states: “After the opening of the investigation, we found no evidence that the FBI placed any CHSs or UCEs within the Trump campaign or tasked any CHSs or UCEs to report on the Trump campaign.”

In other words, the spies cozied up to individuals affiliated with the campaign and pumped them for information. The fact that the informants did not themselves join the campaign as moles doesn’t mean they weren’t spying.

The last sentence states, “Finally, we also found no documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivations influenced the FBI’s decision to use CHSs or UCEs to interact with Trump campaign officials in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

Again, this is an admission that the FBI used paid informants to gather intelligence on the Trump campaign. The inspector general doesn’t write that there was no spying, just that the hiring of the spies was not motivated by “bias.”

Those claiming that the accusation of spying has been “debunked” rely heavily on Horowitz’s repeated statements that he had not been able to prove the FBI was motivated by political bias. Does that really mean there wasn’t well-documented bias?

Aug. 8, 2016, a week after Crossfire Hurricane was launched, FBI lawyer Lisa Page texted FBI Section Chief Peter Strzok: Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?” And Strzok replied, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

These messages, and others like them, Horowitz stated, “potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations.” The text messages were “not only indicative of a biased state of mind,” the inspector general found, “but, even more seriously, impl[y] a willingness to take official action to impact [Trump’s] electoral prospects.” According to Horowitz, “The messages raised serious questions about the propriety of any investigative decisions in which Strzok and Lisa Page played a role.”

Strzok didn’t just play a role, he “was directly involved in the decisions to open Crossfire Hurricane,” Horowitz wrote. Once the investigation had begun, Strzok was the agent running Crossfire. But the inspector general wrote that he “found that [Strzok] was not the sole, or even the highest level decision maker.”

Horowitz believed that the FBI agent in charge of investigating Trump’s campaign, Strzok, was willing “to take official action to impact [Trump’s] electoral prospects.” But because he didn’t act alone, the inspector general declined to conclude the investigation was tainted, just that there were “serious questions about the propriety” of Crossfire Hurricane.

In response to the Horowitz report, FBI Director Christopher Wray did not admit the FBI “spied,” but he did acknowledge the bureau “did not comply with existing policies, neglected to exercise appropriate diligence, or otherwise failed to meet the standard of conduct that the FBI expects of its employees – and that our country expects of the FBI.”

U.S. Attorney John Durham has been investigating those failures for over a year. He may yet bring charges or close his enterprise without any further prosecutions. Trump has called on Durham to take action.

The Trump team will either find compelling evidence of election fraud or they won’t. The president’s accusations of vote tampering and other irregularities should turn on whether they can be proved. But that will require a willingness to judge the evidence fairly, not a habit of declaring demonstrable facts to have been “debunked.”