Monday, November 2, 2020

Donald Trump, Counterrevolutionary

Against all the money and clout of America’s revolutionary forces, the counterrevolutionary Trump had only one asset, 
the proverbial people.

Until Donald Trump’s arrival, the globalist revolution was almost solidified and institutionalized—with the United States increasingly its greatest and most “woke” advocate. We know its bipartisan establishment contours.

China would inherit the world in 20 or 30 years. The self-appointed task of American elites—many of whom had already been enriched and compromised by Chinese partners and joint ventures—was to facilitate this all-in-the-family transition in the manner of the imperial British hand-off of hegemony to the United States in the late 1940s.

Our best and brightest like the Biden family, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg would enlighten us about the “real” China, so we yokels would not fall into Neanderthal bitterness as they managed our foreordained decline.

We would usher China into “the world community”—grimacing at, but overlooking the destruction it wrought on the global commercial order and the American interior.

We would politely forget about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, and the Uyghurs. Hollywood would nod as it put out more lucrative comic-book and cartoonish films for the Chinese markets, albeit with mandated lighter-skinned actors.

The NBA would nod twice and trash a democratic United States, while praising genocidal China—becoming richer and more esteemed abroad to make up for becoming boring and poorer at home. The universities would nod three times, and see a crime not in Chinese espionage and security breaches, but in the reporting of them as crimes.

So our revolutionary role would be to play stuffy and snooty Athenian philosophers to the new muscular Roman legions of China.

Given our elites’ superior morality, genius, and sense of self, we would gently chide and cajole our Chinese masters into becoming enlightened world overseers and democrats—all the easier, the richer and more affluent Chinese became. 

For now, Trump has stopped that revolution.

Internal Counterrevolutions

Until Trump’s arrival, Big Tech was three-quarters home on the road to Nineteen Eighty-Four. Five or six companies monopolized most American—and indeed the world’s—access and use of the internet. In cynical fashion, Silicon Valley grandees patronized naïve conservatives that they were the supposed embodiment of Milton Friedman libertarianism and 19th century robber baron daring. Yet to their leftist kindred, the moguls of Menlo Park simultaneously whispered, “Don’t worry about such necessary disinformation: we will enrich only your candidates, only your agendas, only your foundations, only your universities—in exchange for your exemptions.”

Antitrust legislation was as much an anathema to good liberals as rigging searches, institutionalizing the cancel culture, and censoring thoughts and ideas were welcomed. For now Trump, almost alone, is battling that revolution.

Until Trump’s arrival, there was increasingly no border at all. Fifty-million foreign-born resided, both legally and illegally, in the United States. Nearly a million annually walked northward across the border with ease and without legal sanction or invitation. To object to illegal immigration and decry its deleterious effects on the entry-level wages of our working poor, on the social safety net of the American needy, and on the sanctity of the law was to be smeared as racist, xenophobic, and nativist.

More than a quarter of California’s current resident population were not born in the United States. That desirous “new demography” since 1988 had flipped California into a caring blue state. Open borders and the end of immigration law enforcement had pushed Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado into just Democratic societies, and was supposedly soon to transform Texas and Arizona into enlightened states. For now, Trump—with his soon-to-be 400-mile wall, his beefed up ICE, and his war on sanctuary nullification zones—has nearly stopped the revolution to end borders.

Until Trump, the American interior was loser country. In-between the two gilded coasts resided the deplorables, irredeemables, clingers, the smelly Walmart patrons decried in the Page-Strzok text echanges, those John McCain called “crazies,” and Joe Biden has variously called the “dregs,” the “chumps” and the “ugly folks.” They were written off as Morlocks, who were occasionally seen poking about the rotting, rusting skeletons of abandoned steel plants, and for some reason never had proper orthodontics as children.

Obama laughed about the “magic wand” needed to revive these unrevivable people. Larry Summers reportedly called such an idea a “fantasy.” He was said to have  praised the meritocracy that properly gives to such losers what they justly deserve. Very caring and very humane elites felt very little for supposedly very expendable riffraff.

Translated, that meant on the eve of the Chinese takeover, our clueless deplorables never learned to code, or to borrow $200,000 to get a woke-studies education, and so deserved the opioids they took and the trailers they crashed in.

Few apostates said, “Wait a minute! The United States has cheaper energy than anywhere on earth, a skilled workforce, a huge domestic market, and a still-viable infrastructure. There was a reason why Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania once led the world and why they can again.” Through tax reform, deregulation, trade rebooting, a new foreign policy, and loud jawboning, Trump for a while has stopped the revolution that was destroying our once greatest states.

Until Trump, the woke cultural wars were just about won by the elites. Seeking unity was dead; chest-pounding diversity, often the spark that had ignited history’s multiracial societies, was ascendent.

The melting pot that sought to make race incidental was deemed racist; the salad bowl that made our superficial appearances essential was celebrated. Quite affluent, self-appointed minority leaders, with their quite wealthy white liberal counterparts, established who is, and who “ain’t,” “really” black—the definition resting on whether one was loyally left-wing or disloyally independent-minded.

The success of civil rights was not to be calibrated by black unemployment figures, household income, family businesses, dignity in having leverage over employers, access to competitive parochial and charter schools, or descending abortion rates, but in electing more activists as progressive mayors, liberal city councilmembers, and leftist district attorneys to garner more redistributive state money to hire more careerists like themselves. 

Trump, branded a bigot and racist, for now has sought to end that revolution, and measure race relations not by how many minority elites have choice jobs and high incomes, but by how well the entire minority community reaches income and employment parity with the general population—an idea that will earn the “racist” Trump far greater minority support than was expressed for John McCain and Mitt Romney.

Can the Revolution Be Stopped?

We are in the midst of a cultural revolution, for the most part driven by angry middle-and upper-class white youth of Antifa and its sympathizers, wannabes, and enablers. Many are humiliated that they have college pedigrees, lots of multi thousand-dollar debt, plenty of woke-studies classes to their credit, but still have no real jobs, no real knowledge, and no real immediate chances of buying a house, marrying, and raising a family in their 20s.

Nothing in history is more dangerous than the underemployed wannabe intellectual or college graduate, whose cultivated sense of superiority is not matched by his income or standard of living, but who blames “them” for his own self-inflicted miseries and unappreciated genius.

The revolution toppled statues, renamed what it did not like, Trotskyized the past, photoshopped the present, and used language, government, and cultural intimidation to do its best to make America into Animal Farm.

Corporate CEOs in terror washed the feet of the woke. University presidents, fearful for their status and careers, wrote incomprehensible memos admitting their past sins and asking how best to do present penance. Hollywood studio owners promised race and gender quotas, with ample provisions that—in the manner of NBA and NFL owners—adjustments and exceptions could be worked out for themselves.

Somewhere, somehow graduations, dorms, and campus spaces, all segregated by race, became “liberal.” Intermarriage, integration, and assimilation were shamefully illiberal. Standing for the National Anthem was unpatriotic; sitting in disdain for it, cool. Donald Trump fought that revolution too. 

What tools did Donald Trump have to wage these many counterrevolutions?

The media? America’s Fortune 400? Academia? The great foundations? The nation’s think tanks? The bipartisan government establishment? The international community? The banks? Wall Street? Corporate CEOs? Silicon Valley? Professional sports? The entertainment industry? Hollywood? The intelligence community? The current and retired top military brass?

In fact, none of them. All had joined or enabled the revolution, on the theory either that their wealth and influence would shield them and their own from its excesses, or like naïve Kerenskyites their status would impress and win over even those who targeted them, or they were inner revolutionaries themselves all along, just waiting to be freed at last by BLM and Antifa.

Against all that money and clout, the counterrevolutionary Trump had only one asset, the proverbial people. He had solely the under-polled and the written-off. They came out to his rallies in the tens of thousands, deluded the pollsters, and told the media less than nothing, but voted and will vote in waves to save America from what it was becoming.

Massive Trump Caravans Fill Roadways Coast to Coast

In just about every state of the union, including Alaska, there were massive car rallies in support of President Trump throughout this weekend.  Today, the scale of the organically inspired car caravans surprised almost everyone. 

 [Twitter Thread Here]

Most of the MAGA caravans were organized on social media and through email contact lists.  However, all of the locally organized events were organic and represent an entirely new dynamic in political campaigning.  The visibility is impossible to ignore.

One of the benefits to the caravan approach is how it works around many of the COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings that have been instituted by state and local governments.

The parades of cars with Trump flags and banners actually started several weeks ago.  However, with the election only a few days away this past weekend saw hundreds of thousands of vehicles participate in the events.

Some of the caravans were dozens of miles long, with one in Colorado and another in Arizona well over 50 miles each.

There was a caravan around the Washington DC beltway that drew thousand of Trump supporters onto I-495, and another massive caravan of Trump flags and banners with a scale that eventually shut down the New Jersey Garden State Parkway.

Tens of thousands of cars flowed out of parking lots and meet-up places in Philadelphia (PA), Miami (FL), New York City (NY), Encino (CA), Denver (CO), Houston (TX), Central Illinois, Indiana, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and just about every single state in the country.  A glorious display of moving patriotism and support for President Trump.

When the American people see corruption holding influence while individual liberty is so easily dispatched and nullified, at an internal level we know our own freedom is at risk.

It is still true that most Americans can actually still see the bigger picture.

Most Americans go quietly about their business trying to do the next best thing for themselves, their family, their friends and their community.

Most Americans quietly live without much discussion; and we don’t try to interfere in the liberty or happiness of others; but we notice stuff.  That deep and inherent expectation of fairness holds the key to understanding “Cold Anger.”

We notice the things that are put in front of us that are not fair, even if they are not happening to us. The expectation of fairness is actually very important to Americans. Construct unfair systems, and we notice. Often we don’t say anything, but we notice.

Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise. We know exactly who Donald Trump is, and we also know what he is not.

Donald Trump is exactly what we need at this moment.

He is a necessary, defiant and glorious fighter.

He is our weapon.

This man has faced opposition that would overwhelm any other President. Our chosen President is constantly attacked by those holding a corrupt, conniving and Godless leftist ideology.

It is our job now to stand with him, firm on his behalf.

Police officer shot and 'one person dead' in exchanges of gunfire at Vienna synagogue


A police officer has been shot and seriously injured and one person has reportedly been killed in exchanges of gunfire at a synagogue in Vienna.

Police confirmed the gunfire and injuries and said a large-scale operation is underway. 



Finish Strong…

Never doubt nor underestimate the resolve of American patriots… Because when it matters most, no words are needed; each person understands the mission at hand.  In every state, county, village, hamlet, city and street the MAGA community is independently rallying to the exact same standard. “Meet at the old mill, we ride at midnight“.

A diverse and patriotic MAGA movement has broken through the lines of media and big tech control.  The American people have overwhelmed the mechanisms of narrative control; and we are doing it the old fashioned way, by making ourselves visible.  A combination old school and modern-era-tech workarounds have collapsed the false premise presented within media polling.  It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.

Everything we are witnessing in the media right now is about psychological control to create the false illusion of non-existent reality within your own mind. Essentially, professional media gaslighting with an agenda and purpose. This is not a conspiracy theory, those who are coordinating the effort have admitted exactly what they are doing

A week before the 2016 election CTH broke away from spending energy on deconstructing polls; the reason was simple – the data was nothing more than manipulation intended to sway the American electorate. The difference between Pravda and the U.S. Media is that former citizens of the Soviet-era knew they were being lied to, many Americans do not.

This time in 2020 the media effort intensified.  A clear example of that was showcased when national post-convention polling was hidden completely because it did not support the psychological message of the control agents. It takes longer to generate manipulated polls; that’s why there was a delay.  The results they eventually did broadcast followed a very predictable pattern.

…If ABC (G. Stephanopoulos), CBS (L. Stahl), NBC (S. Guthrie/L. Holt), CNN (writ large), and FOX (C. Wallace/M. Kelly) are willing to stage audience plants (demonstrably done) during town-hall and broadcast television events,…

….then what do you think those same media outlets are doing with their election polling?


As we noted in early-September the media construction was also weak.  President Trump was and is well positioned to win in 2020. The overall sense of the electorate, based on defined data patterns, is in our favor. If it were not, CTH is brutally honest enough to call the baby ugly. The same patterns visible in 2016 are even better at this moment.  Things are solid, but we need to finish strong.

We must ask for every vote. We must engage with every voter. We must reach out to our friends and neighbors and, importantly, we must break out of our comfort zone and engage everywhere.  YOU must be the force multiplier.

Our opposition message is weak, filled with negative energy and shallow. However, they are also well organized and their allies control the messaging mechanisms. Those elements are rabid, focused and intense; and they must not be downplayed, because despite their tribal deficit they are willing to fight, scheme, lie and cheat to achieve their objective.

The difference in this election will be you.

Your engagement will be what makes the difference this time.

If you worked hard in 2016 you are being asked to work even harder, thanklessly, in 2020. If you generated a handful of MAGA voters in 2016, now you need to generate twice that many so that we can offset the fraud. This is why it is important to increase your own personal influence by staying positive and upbeat.

Fellowship is how we generate momentum.  Fellowship is how we win.

No entity has ever won a contest of significance by downplaying the fortitude of our nation. We rally to the standard when we know the importance. So share the message of importance right now; and, if needed, get comfortable about being uncomfortable while doing it. We need everyone in this fight.

If you find yourself worried – take action. Taking action is empowering because it carries a cascading sense of purpose.  Facilitate your own winning.  Pick up voters and take them to the polls.  Carry extra pens and be prepared when the opportunity presents itself to you to share where the voting locations are. Talk to as many people about what they can do and share the actions they can take by showing the actions that your are taking.

Don’t leave anything on the table and carry no regrets. Our united MAGA message and ‘America First’ policies are American; they benefit every group and create abundance. The opposition message is filled with division, fear and scarcity. We have the better message.

The American people are all-in, right now when it matters most; the Monster Vote is also clearly evident. Spontaneous acts of patriotism are now considered representative of the counter-culture; people of all colors, races, creeds and orientations are united under the Red, White and Blue MAGA banner; and all of this was initiated organically by an American President who just transparently loves this country.

Finish strong.  Drive the vote….

Parents, Conservatives Sleep as Left Holds Schools Hostage


Article by Michael Reagan with Michael R. Shannon in NEWSMAX

Parents, Conservatives Sleep as Left Holds Schools Hostage

One of the few positive side effects of the hysterical, anti–science lockdowns of our public schools is parents are now becoming aware of the leftist indoctrination their tax dollars are funding. Even more shocking is how early the propaganda lessons start.

A fourth grade class in Burlington, Wisconsin — that is open and not online — provides an eye-opening example for parents. NBC "News" brings us the story.

The NBC approach is obviously "What’s Wrong with These Bigoted Parents?"

The teacher is the hero and the parents are the villains.

After the Kenosa, WI riots, a student asked teacher Melissa Statz what happened? Then NBC explains Burlington "is 89% white" as if that has any bearing on the lesson.

"Statz thought this could be a teachable moment, so that week she used a children’s book, an educational video and a worksheet to lead a discussion on racism and why people were protesting. She considered the materials neutral. The worksheet posed questions like, 'What is the Black Lives Matter Movement trying to do?' and 'How Do We Stop Systemic Racism?'"

Her lesson was only "neutral" in the sense it didn’t call for reparations and putting white parents in camps.

There is no "systemic racism" in the United States.

That charge is made by people who hate this country and the men and women who built it. These "educators" have also taken a holiday from history. Any nation that elects and then re–elects a black man as president is simply not "institutionally racist."

It’s an impossibility. A contradiction in terms.

In fact, the U.S. is the only first world nation to elect a minority as its leader.

Once parents found out about the lesson, the pushback began. Look at how one of the parents was described by NBC, '"I don’t think it’s bad to be talking about racial issues in school, but the whole political slant to it and biased information is what I oppose,' said Adrianne Melby, a white Burlington mother active in local Facebook groups, who also organized protests against pandemic–related restrictions this year."


Organized lockdown protests?

Why, we bet she sews Klan robes in her spare time.

Statz is naturally aggrieved and the target of NBC sympathy, "People have just decided if you support Black Lives Matter, you must be a liberal. Somehow people have associated those words with a political party. I don’t know why. I think it’s a human rights issue."

Is Statz ignorant? Or, an idiot? Take your pick.

BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist organization that wants to destroy the traditional family. Calling its supporters "liberals" isn’t even accurate.

Supporters are hard-Left radicals.

The fact that one of them is teaching our children is a testament to the leftist indoctrination and control of government schools.

One grievance-monger lamented that more schools aren’t teaching BLM propaganda.

She said it’s because, "Administrators are afraid people are going to come for them, and they're not wrong."

Would that it were true.

Parents and conservative leaders have been asleep while the Left captured education.

It’s one of the reasons our kids only learn feelings instead of facts.

If parents did start coming for Leftist administrators and school board members it would be the first positive development in government schools in the last three decades. 

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