Monday, November 2, 2020

Parents, Conservatives Sleep as Left Holds Schools Hostage


Article by Michael Reagan with Michael R. Shannon in NEWSMAX

Parents, Conservatives Sleep as Left Holds Schools Hostage

One of the few positive side effects of the hysterical, anti–science lockdowns of our public schools is parents are now becoming aware of the leftist indoctrination their tax dollars are funding. Even more shocking is how early the propaganda lessons start.

A fourth grade class in Burlington, Wisconsin — that is open and not online — provides an eye-opening example for parents. NBC "News" brings us the story.

The NBC approach is obviously "What’s Wrong with These Bigoted Parents?"

The teacher is the hero and the parents are the villains.

After the Kenosa, WI riots, a student asked teacher Melissa Statz what happened? Then NBC explains Burlington "is 89% white" as if that has any bearing on the lesson.

"Statz thought this could be a teachable moment, so that week she used a children’s book, an educational video and a worksheet to lead a discussion on racism and why people were protesting. She considered the materials neutral. The worksheet posed questions like, 'What is the Black Lives Matter Movement trying to do?' and 'How Do We Stop Systemic Racism?'"

Her lesson was only "neutral" in the sense it didn’t call for reparations and putting white parents in camps.

There is no "systemic racism" in the United States.

That charge is made by people who hate this country and the men and women who built it. These "educators" have also taken a holiday from history. Any nation that elects and then re–elects a black man as president is simply not "institutionally racist."

It’s an impossibility. A contradiction in terms.

In fact, the U.S. is the only first world nation to elect a minority as its leader.

Once parents found out about the lesson, the pushback began. Look at how one of the parents was described by NBC, '"I don’t think it’s bad to be talking about racial issues in school, but the whole political slant to it and biased information is what I oppose,' said Adrianne Melby, a white Burlington mother active in local Facebook groups, who also organized protests against pandemic–related restrictions this year."


Organized lockdown protests?

Why, we bet she sews Klan robes in her spare time.

Statz is naturally aggrieved and the target of NBC sympathy, "People have just decided if you support Black Lives Matter, you must be a liberal. Somehow people have associated those words with a political party. I don’t know why. I think it’s a human rights issue."

Is Statz ignorant? Or, an idiot? Take your pick.

BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist organization that wants to destroy the traditional family. Calling its supporters "liberals" isn’t even accurate.

Supporters are hard-Left radicals.

The fact that one of them is teaching our children is a testament to the leftist indoctrination and control of government schools.

One grievance-monger lamented that more schools aren’t teaching BLM propaganda.

She said it’s because, "Administrators are afraid people are going to come for them, and they're not wrong."

Would that it were true.

Parents and conservative leaders have been asleep while the Left captured education.

It’s one of the reasons our kids only learn feelings instead of facts.

If parents did start coming for Leftist administrators and school board members it would be the first positive development in government schools in the last three decades. 

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