Sunday, November 1, 2020

Gretchen's Gestapo Just Got Some New and Unwilling Members


Shitmer is mandating that businesses get names and phone numbers of customers before servicing them, or else go to prison for up to half a year and/or pay fines up to $1,200. Takes effect Nov 2nd.

Believe it! here.

So I was reading WND and came across this headline about Furor Whitler defying her state's supreme court yet again by invoking emergency powers they said she didn't have past the 28 days of initial declaration unless the legislature extends it.

This time it involves compelling businesses to limit their service capacity even more AND get the names and numbers of customers before serving them. Which means, the business either pisses off what few customers they allow in, or else they face prison time and fines that will likely end their business.

This doesn't just apply to restaurants, though they are likely to be the ones most affected, but this also includes places that host weddings, parties, funerals, meetings, etc. Any business that is an indoor venue, supposedly. So perhaps Trump's rally in Traverse City on Monday is safe from interference if it's outdoors.

Restaurants will now only have 50 people at a time and can only seat 6 per table. This comes from The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, since Whitler thinks circumventing a supreme court ruling is somehow not contempt of court.

No word from the Ministry of Health on what to do if customers put down bogus info, which has some owners worrying. Are they going to be prosecuted for not getting the right info? Will they be investigated as if they themselves fabricated the info? And what happens if they serve a customer who refuses to give their info?

I ask, what gave the State the authority to conscript business owners into Gretchen's Gestapo?

In fact the U.S. Constitution prohibits this. First off, the 4th Amendment's prohibition against Unreasonable Search and also the right to be Secure in One's Papers prevent such questions from being reasonably asked, and the 5th Amendment's guarantee of Due Process prevents the government from mandating business owners become agents of the state in violating people's privacy rights, especially when there is no Just Compensation for it.

I doubt the ACLU will sue to block this illegal mandate. At their core they support this kind of totalitarianism.

Another problem businesses will have to watch out for is if a customer gets angry about it. How are they going to de-escalate that situation, especially if the customer is there to pick up an order that's been paid for already?

That was a problem with the masks, and really the state governments wanted to use mask mandates to cause friction and resentment between citizens, as well as condition people for government servitude and obedience. Democrats love destabilizing society.

So customers can be refused service for not providing the info, but why would any business want to do that? It makes no sense. And this is all because of a baseless belief that restaurants and bars are to blame for 30 outbreaks of... wait for it... new cases. See, the death rate is falling, so now the democrats have to complain about cases.

I think we also need to ask this question. Let's say one of these lists actually do help discover someone who got sick and traces them back to where they were on whatever dates. Is the Ministry of Health really going to bother calling all the people on the lists they gather? Or are they just going to shrug their shoulders? My bet is, government employees gonna government employee.

Related news:

The Michigan Ministry of Health says the COVID positivity rate is up from 2% to 5.5%, and they blame 12 outbreaks on restaurants and bars.

OH! But I thought masks were going to prevent the spread! What happened to that?

The president and CEO of the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association has thoughts on it. He basically says the Department is wrong in their research. Click the link above if you want to read it. He makes some good points about how hurting these businesses will lead to job loss, which is deadlier than this virus. He also cucks out a little bit, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, $1,000 fine for not complying, and possible $200 more as well as up to 6 months in prison. And of course the Ministry of Health lies about having the authority to do this. They cite emergency orders, which we all know have not been renewed by the legislature as the law requires. And they ignore the Constitution as usual.

Oh, and all the other outbreak cases? Blamed on churches, which are exempt. So that raises the question, if they can't do anything about the churches, which account for more outbreaks, then what's the point of these lists? The point is control. That's all there is to it. Democrats don't care about keeping people safe or healthy. They only care about using the virus to gain political power. Democrats are anti-American fiends!

So yeah, comments down below.

Believe it!

Kamala Harris Promotes Socialism Two Days Ahead of Election: ‘Equitable Treatment Means We All End Up at the Same Place’


Article by Hannah Bleau in Breitbart

Kamala Harris Promotes Socialism Two Days Ahead of Election: ‘Equitable Treatment Means We All End Up at the Same Place’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) made a final pitch for socialist ideology two days before the presidential election, posting a video explaining the difference between “equality” and “equity” and concluding that “equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

“So there’s a big difference between equality and equity,” Harris said in a video posted to her Twitter account on Sunday. The video featured an illustration of two individuals about to climb a mountain. Each was given two ropes, which a white man used to begin climbing. The other man, who appeared to be black, was unable to reach the rope, as he stood several feet lower than the other man.

“Equality suggests ‘Oh everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here — we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” the narration continued.

“It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing,” she continued as the video showed the fruitful ground rising the man up to the original level of the white man, where he then grabbed the rope and climbed up to the peak.

“Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place,” she concluded:


The vice presidential hopeful’s analogy drew backlash from several social media users.

“Equity through government force inevitably puts one group at a disadvantage to another to social engineer outcomes. That’s not fair or equitable,” one remarked.

“The Dems are finally open about their admiration of the most repressive system of organizing society,” another user said.

“Kamala Harris is openly campaigning on communism as late as November 1st,” another added. “They are brazen and open about it now.”
Harris, whom GovTrack rated as the most left-wing senator in 2019, made waves as a lawmaker for her racial views, including her advocacy of the Green New Deal and original support for Medicare for All. While she has softened her views since accepting the position as Joe Biden’s (D) running mate, she continued to carry them out throughout the Democrat primary despite attempting to cast herself as a moderate.

During the 2019 Democrat primary race, Harris said America must “have and adopt a Green New Deal” and pitched radical proposals during CNN’s Climate Change Town Hall, signaling an openness to “changing dietary guidelines — the food pyramid” to reduce red meat consumption.

“I’ve actually worked on this issue in the past, and it’s about consumer awareness,” Harris said at the time.

“I strongly believe the American consumer is left without the information that you need and deserve to have about what it is that you are putting in your body or surrounding yourselves with and the health implications of those things,” she added.

During a virtual discussion with the far-left members of the “Squad” on Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) declared that electing Joe Biden is “not the end-all. It is the beginning” for their progressive vision:

 “We’re not giving up on our agenda,” he said, adding that they will “organize our people to make sure that Biden becomes the most progressive president since FDR.” 


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Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election


Article by World Net Daily Staff

Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election

'It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you it's not'

Dozens of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public Sunday describing plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House."

"It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you it's not," a woman states during one Zoom session.

 The videos and documents, which reportedly have been handed over to law enforcement, were posted on two websites, as well as, both of which promised to be regularly updated with additional content during the next 48 hours as Election Day approaches. 

The information was leaked by a disaffected insider of the "Sunrise Movement," part of a loose but extremely coordinated network of left-leaning activists mobilizing across the U.S. in an effort to ferment chaos in the wake of a potential Trump victory or a contested election.

The videos and documents discuss a well-coordinated plan to shut down federal buildings (including the White House), public transportation portals, and disrupt Congress when it returns post-election. Sunrise is an umbrella movement comprised of 400 "hubs" and hundreds of affinity groups including and Extinction Rebellion.

At one point during a Zoom call that highlighted the role of the militant group "Shut Down DC," a spokesman states:

"We have been in discussion for a couple of months about how to respond to different contested election scenarios. The first step is we think we need to start the post-election phase in the streets, so we invite everyone to come to BLM (Black Lives Matter) Plaza any time after 4:00 on election night. On the 5th, we're going to shut down the White House. On the 6th, we're going to shut down larger parts of D.C., and then the following week, all the mainstream groups are going to come to D.C. and try to have a march on the 7th."

 The network of progressives has enlisted several key players including Lisa Fithian, a long-time organizer and trainer including stints with Occupy Wall Street and various unions. In the video describing tools and tactics to shut down the nation's capital, she states:

"Is there going to be a war? Are people going to get killed? Like, is that on anybody else's mind? I'm guessing it is. We'e gonna see potential fighting all over the county or in some hotspots."

"Whoever's got the guns can win – let's take over the buildings! We are going to be in a crisis but we want it to be one that we are creating. We want to make sure that we are on the offense and not the defense. We want them to be responding to us and not us responding to them." 

For Election Night itself, Sunrise advisers are telling its members:

"Originally we had encouraged hubs to do actions at the polls or counting centers on election night. If you're still planning on doing this, check out this guide for more info. We are discouraging hubs in swing states from election night actions because of the risk of negatively polarizing against us and causing backlash. In other places, it could still make sense to do an election night action, but we encourage you to think carefully about the tone and location of the action to avoid the right wing or media portraying us as interfering with vote counting."

"As Sunrise, our role in this moment is to set the narrative tone early. When we mobilize early, we get the first say in the narrative and tone of the post-election period. We know that Trump, his base, and the rest of the GOP want to disrupt the ballot counting process. We will send a message to the public and the GOP that young people are calling for every vote to be counted and are committed to maintaining our democracy. If the public sees youth standing up for a fair count in a disciplined way, anyone who tries to intervene in the process will be considered a bad actor."

On Friday, journalist Millie Weaver was among the first to sound the alarm about the scheme to shut down the White House and disrupt the government, tweeting excerpts of the videos, and noting:

"Leftist protest groups plot election day coup aided by the Democrat Party, Federal employees & Intelligence contractors. - They plan to shut down & take over Washington D.C. starting Nov. 4th until inauguration day to force Trump out of the White House." 


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FAKE KAMALA GOT LOOMERED! –Laura Loomer Catches Kamala Harris BODY DOUBLE at Palm Beach Polling Place! (VIDEO -PHOTOS)



This Is Peak 2020!

A fake Kamala Harris Body Double Got Loomered today at a Palm Beach polling place!

On Sunday afternoon Laura Loomer was campaigning in Palm Beach, Florida, President Donald Trump’s home district. Laura was greeting voters at the Lantana Branch Library in Palm Beach.

Laura Loomer is currently in a tight race against Democrat Louis Frankel and LAURA IS LEADING IN THE POLLS!

On Sunday a stretch limo pulled up and a Kamala Harris look-alike jumped out to take photos and fool voters at a voting site with a lot of Black and Hispanic voters.
Kamala Harris was in the state on Saturday.  The Biden Campaign said they would be campaigning in Florida on Sunday.

As the Kamala look-alike was taking pictures with voters Laura Loomer outed her as a fake!

Laura Loomer shouted at the fraud, “That’s not Kamala Harris! That’s very deceptive to the voters!”

The fake Kamala fled the scene once she was exposed.
This is very dishonest!

Portland Antifa Rioters Swarm Residential Streets During Anti-Capitalism Demonstration

Article by Jeff Charles in RedState

Portland Antifa Rioters Swarm Residential Streets During Anti-Capitalism Demonstration

On Saturday, far-left agitators in Portland, Oregon held a demonstration that quickly turned into a riot. Participants started by targeting businesses during their march, but then transitioned into a residential area. 

Breitbart News reported that local law enforcement labeled the demonstration as a riot. 

From Breitbart:

“The Portland Police Bureau declared a demonstration that turned violent Saturday night to be a riot. The declaration followed the smashing of windows of multiple businesses in northeast Portland during a ‘Capitalism is Scary’ march.”

The radical leftists moved from a business district in northeast Portland to a residential area after law enforcement made the riot declaration. Black bloc demonstrators affiliated with the Antifa movement marched through the neighborhood, turning over trashcans and screaming at residents. 

Footage of the rioting shows people dressed in black escaping from police and moving into the residential district. Twitter users posted a video of the incident: 


As the Antifa activists marched, police followed, clearing the debris that the rioters dumped into the street. At one point, the operatives tried to form a blockade to slow down the officers following them.  

Police moved in behind them and began clearing debris dumped into the streets by the rioters.



 The officers continued to remove the trash from the street as they pushed the rioters out of the neighborhood. 


Only days before Election Day, the nation has prepared for widespread rioting that is sure to occur should President Trump win re-election. But this particular story shows that even if former Vice President Joe Biden were to become the next president, the rioting is not likely to abate anytime soon. 

Radical leftist extremist groups like Antifa are not concerned with who occupies the Oval Office; these people hate both Republicans and Democrats. Their ideology is a far-left Marxist belief system that wishes to dismantle the American government and rebuild it in their own image. There is no mollifying them or looking for areas of compromise. 

Until law enforcement in cities like Portland and Seattle crack down on these operatives, the rioting will only continue. Even worse, they could result in more fatalities as these people are allowed to engage in violence without fear of punishment.

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And Now, a Moment of Clarity With Bill Maher:

Post-Election Advice; Regardless of Who Wins

On this episode of “Every Once in a While, a Blind Squirrel Finds an Acorn,” the host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” offered up some post-election advice for both sides of the aisle during his opening monologue on Friday — and I’ll be darned if he wasn’t spot on.

Maher’s brief moment of clarity came in the form of an admonition framed around the rioting, looting, vandalism, and worse — AKA: “peaceful protests” — that have plagued the country since George Floyd died during a police action in Minneapolis back in May.

“No matter which side wins on Tuesday, let’s skip the civil war and go right to reconciliation. Thirty-four percent of the voters believe there will be another Civil War within the next five years and I’d like to remind them of one thing: America is a family and the definition of family is people who hate each other without resorting to violence.”

No diatribe from Maher, even if it’s about a serious subject and he’s at least mostly right, comes without a heavy dose of satire and sarcasm, however.

“We have to see each other not as mortal enemies but rather merely as roommates from hell. If we want to simply exist, we’re going to have to find a way to work together. […] So let’s not have a civil war with the Trumpers. We’re no good at war and they’re no good at being civil.”

Okay, the last line was a bit of a cheap shot for a laugh, but the guy was right. Maher’s next admonition borrows from Chicago Jesus Barack Obama’s “There are no red states or blue states; there are only the United States” hallowed oratory.

“Take it from someone who has traveled this country my whole life: There are no red states or blue states. They’re all like Mitch McConnell’s hands — some shade of purple. (Yeah, hahaha) We can’t have a second Civil War because the two sides aren’t neatly separated anymore! The Mason-Dixon line would cut through states, cities, streets, even bedrooms.”

See? The acerbic dude can actually make sense when he wants to. Then again, a bit more consistency and a lot more “practice what you preach” wouldn’t hurt anything.

“We’re amongst each other now, all swirled together and marbled in. There are 3.8 million Hillary voters in Texas and 4.5 million Trump voters in California. We can’t go to war. My dry cleaner is behind enemy lines! I don’t want to fight the battle of Trader Joe’s! We have got to figure out ways to start working with each other again and the way we’ve always done that in the past is with a Grand Bargain.”

Call me crazy, Mr. Maher, but how ’bout you kick off the civility campaign by refraining from calling Donald Trump a “whiny little b*tch” (while rooting for a recession), Donald Trump Jr., “Donny Douchebag,” Eric Trump, “Short Bus,” and Amy Coney Barrett a “f***ing nut” who “speaks in tongues”? Do you think that might not be a bad place to start? Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite, aren’t you?

Maher criticized the rioting and looting, as well — but again by covering his butt with a few shots at Trump and Jared Kushner in the process.

“Have we lost our minds?!? Stealing? BAD! No looting the mall and also no Gucci-loafered Republican looters ransacking our government because I know what you’re thinking, Don. You lose the election and ‘Everything must go! We lost our lease, going out of business!’ Oh yes, you’ll be selling pardons on Craig’s List. Jared will turn the Smithsonian into condos. You’re going to try to strip this government like it’s an abandoned Range Rover in a bad neighborhood.”

Before we throw Maher completely under the bus for shots, remember; he also has to placate his equally-acerbic audience during brief moments of clarity. Heaven forbid he’d ever come across as completely rational.

“Stop stealing! Is this really such a hard thing to agree on?!? Can we agree on something?!? Anything! Because it’s getting a little chippy out there. So please, whatever happens, Tuesday, let’s find a way to live together. We have to — because no other country will take us.”

He even came up with a clever name for the monologue: “Truce or Consequences.” True, that. Not that the rabid Left will heed his advice, in the event that their hopes and schemes are again, as was the case in 2016, dashed against the rocks of truth and real justice.

So here’s the thing. We can blow Maher off here — God knows we’ve done it in the past, more times than we can count — and rightly so. Or we can just read his words — if that helps — and dismiss who said them. And that “thing” is, he’s right as rain. Again, I know; every once in a while, a blind squirrel finds an acorn.

But in Bill Maher’s case, this time, that acorn is more important and makes more sense than anything he’s said in a long time. While the messenger will no doubt revert to form, his “words of wisdom,” at least, will remain true.

Biden Gets Skewered by a Cartoon That Sums Up His Campaign

We’ve seen a lot of good videos of Joe over the time he has been campaigning.

Who can ever forget this instant classic about Biden’s hairy legs comments?

He describes little kids rubbing his legs and how he loved them jumping in his lap.

Then there was this moment that my colleague Bonchie wrote about earlier with an appropriate Jim Carrey add-on.

But there’s a new one out that really captures the essence of where Biden is at in these last days before the election. Most candidates at the end of a campaign like this are trying to get in all the events they can, racing everywhere to campaign to as many people as possible.

But not so much Joe Biden. As my colleague Sister Toldjah explained, Joe Biden pretty much spent a lot of time in the basement before the final debate, then still more time not going places. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has been having three or four big events in a day and sometimes going to three different states in the same day.

People made fun of Biden for it. Part of it might be hiding out so he doesn’t have to expose himself more by answering questions. But it was also that he was trying to avoid questions about the scandal concerning his son’s laptop which has exploded the accusations of influence peddling involving Joe Biden.

So here’s a ‘lid-dle’ fun take on it all from Something Wicked.

But while the cartoon has a little fun with how Biden is always calling a lid, it’s a simple but accurate way of assessing him. Unfortunately, we can’t have a president who calls an end to his day at 9:30 a.m. or who hides out to avoid questions because of scandal or decline.

Here’s Why Judge Sullivan Must Disqualify Himself From Flynn’s Case

Sullivan’s apparent animus toward Flynn's attorney and his fixation on Flynn being punished demonstrate bias in this case — sufficient to require his disqualification.

In the latest development in the seemingly never-ending Michael Flynn case, his attorney has filed a motion for the trial judge, Emmet Sullivan, to disqualify himself for bias or the appearance of it. Flynn’s counsel, Sidney Powell, had raised the bias issue during the Sept. 29 hearing on the Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss the case against Flynn. Sullivan is likely to move on this case immediately after the election, so the question of his bias is an important one as Nov. 3 looms.

Powell’s motion arguing for disqualification includes a mountain of support. Many of the issues she cites are not adequate, in my view, to warrant disqualification, and I will not discuss them here. (You can read my analysis of them on Twitter.) Two issues have merit, however, and require that Sullivan disqualify himself. They demonstrate he is no longer acting as an impartial jurist in this case, or, at a minimum, they create an appearance of bias such that a reasonable member of the public would not believe he is acting impartially. 

First, Sullivan displayed inappropriate and unwarranted rancor toward Flynn’s counsel, Powell, particularly during the Sept. 29 hearing. Second, a number of Sullivan’s actions and statements evince an apparent intent to see that Flynn is punished somehow, even if he must dismiss this case.

The statute governing recusal of federal judges, found at 28 U.S.C. § 455, and the canons of judicial ethics, require that a judge disqualify himself from further participation in a case if his “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Judges are to recuse themselves when they have actual bias against a party or the appearance of such bias.

Bias in this context essentially means the dislike of a party for reasons other than the facts of the legal case at hand. A judge is entitled to form an opinion about the person based on those facts. Dislike of a party for other reasons, however, is a basis for disqualification, as is deep-seated antagonism that would make fair judgment, or the appearance of it, impossible.

The rules require that a motion to recuse (disqualify) be made first to the judge himself. Judges are supposed to be “big enough” people to dispassionately evaluate the merits of such a motion. Powell’s motion is incendiary (accusing him of outright political bias) and radical (demanding that he produce documents to Flynn, although there’s no legal authority cited for this demand). 

All of that is irrelevant, however, to the question of whether Sullivan’s conduct falls below the standard of impartiality required of a federal judge. If Sullivan denies the motion, Flynn can seek a writ of mandamus from the court of appeals to order the disqualification.

The Judge Was Clearly Hostile Toward Powell

Antagonism toward a party’s lawyer is a classic example of bias that warrants disqualification. It is improper for a judge to be influenced in his handling of a case or rulings on it because he dislikes a party’s attorney. A judge must set such irrelevant, personal considerations aside. If he cannot, he must disqualify himself.

During the Sept. 29 hearing, Sullivan obviously treated Powell in a more peremptory and dismissive fashion than he did either government counsel or amicus counsel (former Judge John Gleeson). Sullivan cut off her arguments and explanations but didn’t do so to the other counsel.

Powell attached to her motion eight pages of tweets in which ordinary people who listened to the proceedings commented on what they perceived as the judge’s bias against her or Flynn. Although not dispositive, these real-time observations of the perceived fairness of the proceeding by the public are probative.

Sullivan Accused Flynn’s Attorney of Unethical Conduct 

Moreover, during the hearing, Sullivan improperly accused Powell of unethical conduct. He said she acted unethically in writing a letter to Attorney General William Barr asking for a review of Flynn’s case before she had entered her appearance in court as Flynn’s attorney. Sullivan not only confronted Powell about this, but he asked government counsel to comment on whether it was ethical and threatened to file a complaint with attorney disciplinary authorities about it.

First, nothing about Powell’s conduct was wrong. It is not unethical for a defense counsel to ask a senior official to review a case; lawyers do this all the time. It is entirely proper to seek review on the merits by officials empowered to overrule or alter the decisions of subordinate personnel. Powell’s letter is 100 percent ethical behavior.

Second, nor was it unethical for Powell to write the letter before entering her appearance as Flynn’s attorney in the pending court case. There is no requirement that an attorney must enter an appearance in court before acting as counsel for a defendant outside of court, even if the attorney’s actions relate to the court proceeding. Clients are entitled to engage as many lawyers as they please — some for court, others for outside-of-court assistance, others perhaps to negotiate a plea or settlement. This is routine and completely ethical.

Third, Sullivan’s fixation at the hearing on whether Powell’s letter was ethical clearly demonstrates bias against her because that issue had absolutely nothing to do with the DOJ motion to dismiss. The court could have inquired into whether DOJ’s motion was the product of bribery or corruption, but the letter was already in the record and its contents were entirely proper. 

Any inquiry by the court about Powell’s letter should have related to the issue of favoritism for Flynn, not her ethics. That Sullivan nevertheless aggressively attacked Powell about her ethics in open court, in front of her client, and invited her opposing counsel to opine on her ethics, is a blatant display of impermissible antagonism.

Sullivan Wants Flynn Punished No Matter What

The other reason Sullivan must recuse himself is that he has displayed an apparent desire to see that Flynn will still be punished even if the case must now be dismissed. This, too, is inappropriate and demonstrates that Sullivan is not acting impartially.

When Sullivan appointed an amicus to advise him about whether to grant the DOJ’s motion to dismiss, he also directed the amicus to give advice as to whether he should issue a show-cause order to hold Flynn in criminal contempt for perjury because Flynn had disavowed his guilty plea.

This second request was extraordinary. First, it displayed ignorance of the law; the Supreme Court decided 100 years ago that perjury does not constitute contempt of court. Second, and significantly for disqualification purposes, trial judges never seek to punish a defendant for filing a motion to withdraw a guilty plea.

It is a safe bet that during the 26 years that Sullivan has been on the federal bench, he has never contemplated such a step before, nor have any of his colleagues on the D.C. District Court bench. Sullivan contemplating this step with respect to Flynn is a neon sign that he has lost his objectivity and impartiality in this case.

He’s Disqualified

Sullivan again displayed an apparent desire to see Flynn punished during the Sept. 29 hearing. Although DOJ has moved to dismiss the case against Flynn “with prejudice,” meaning Flynn could not be prosecuted again, Sullivan asked whether he can instead dismiss without prejudice, noting that a new administration at DOJ might decide to pursue the case. Similarly, Sullivan inquired into whether Flynn could still be charged for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act — to which Flynn did not plead but which was included as additional “relevant conduct” for purposes of his plea — if he dismisses the current case.

It might be argued that Sullivan was “just asking” these questions and that posing questions does not necessarily demonstrate bias. The clear import of these lines of questions, however, was not an academic inquiry but to determine if there is still a path for punishing Flynn even if the current case has to be dismissed.

Moreover, judges simply do not pose these questions when the government moves to dismiss a criminal case because it is none of their concern under the separation-of-powers principles. The only reasonable conclusion to draw from Sullivan’s “inquiries” is that he is far too interested in determining if there’s “some way, any way” that Flynn can still be punished for something.

Sullivan’s apparent animus toward Powell and fixation on Flynn being punished are each sufficient to support the conclusion that he suffers from actual bias in this case or, at a minimum, has shown the appearance of it — which are sufficient to require his disqualification.

As the government pointed out in its response to Powell’s motion for disqualification, however, Sullivan need not rule on disqualification if he simply grants the DOJ’s pending motion to dismiss the case with prejudice. While normally a motion to disqualify should be resolved before any other substantive matter, clearly an order to dismiss the case with prejudice would be entirely in Flynn’s favor and thus not realistically subject to a claim of improper bias. That is not the outcome we will probably see.

If Sullivan denies the motion to disqualify, Powell will likely file a second request for a writ of mandamus and ask the court of appeals to disqualify him. The saga is probably far from finished.

Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming


Article by Wayne Allyn Root in Townhall

Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming

It's all there. All the cards fell into place. Liberals and the biased and bribed mainstream media are just too blind to see it.

It's Donald Trump's win over Hillary Clinton all over again. It's George H.W. Bush overcoming a 17-point deficit to beat Michael Dukakis all over again. It's the final days of Ronald Reagan versus Jimmy Carter, when all of America broke for Reagan at the same time.

At this moment, if you're not blind, deaf or very dumb, it's clear that in these final days up to the election, a majority of American voters, certainly crucial voters in battleground states, are breaking to reelect President Trump.

It's all adding up to a Trump electoral landslide.

And I'm not just talking about tightening polls, the few polls that show Trump actually in the lead or battleground states where Trump is outperforming his numbers from his race against Clinton four years ago.

Much more importantly, I'm talking early-voting numbers. Trump is doing extraordinarily well in early voting in Florida, Nevada, Iowa, North Carolina and Arizona. Trump and Republicans are outkicking the coverage. In other words, they're kicking the Democrats' butts -- with the physical votes on Election Day still to come. And we all know Republicans rule on Election Day.

If Florida is representative of battleground states all over the country, Trump is about to win both the Florida popular vote and an electoral landslide. Democrats are panicking in Florida and all over the country.

Trafalgar Group, which ran the most accurate state-by-state poll of 2016 by factoring in the "shy Trump voters" (people afraid to tell a stranger on the phone they support Trump), shows Trump taking the lead this week in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

Rasmussen shows Trump's approval rating at 52%, five points better than former President Barack Obama's at this same time in 2012 when he was heading for reelection victory.

On Friday, Poll Watch came out with its electoral map, which shows a Trump landslide of 312 electoral votes to 226.

In the end, this is all you need to know ...

Trump is leading in Miami-Dade County and Palm Beach County (Democratic strongholds) in early voting. That's like winning the lottery. That's like two lightning strikes in the same spot. That's an election miracle.

Joe Biden added a Friday campaign event in Minnesota -- another ominous sign for Democrats. A Republican hasn't won Minnesota since 1972. Democrats clearly don't have Minnesota locked down. If Trump wins Minnesota, then a Ronald Reagan-Walter Mondale landslide is forming. All bets are off. Trump could run the table.

I'm not a pollster. I'm a gut-instinct guy. I'm a Las Vegas oddsmaker-turned-conservative talk-show host. And I just happen to be the media personality who predicted 2016 exactly right and has been predicting a 2020 Trump electoral landslide for months -- in the face of poll after poll showing double-digit leads for Joe Biden.

Here's what I know. Here's what my gut instinct says:

-- Nothing else matters like the poll question "Are you better off than four years ago?" Fifty-six percent of voters in one survey answered yes! That's the highest in modern history. Reagan scored 44%, and he won a 49-state landslide. Trump scored 56%.

Even more importantly, who exactly are they better off than? Common sense says they're not voting for the guy who made them feel worse (Biden) over the guy who made the feel better (Trump).

-- I know Florida is the key. If Trump wins Florida, he's in the driver's seat. And based on early-voting numbers, Florida appears to be a smashing Trump win.

-- Next in importance comes Pennsylvania. What's been happening in Pennsylvania lately? If you haven't noticed, deep-blue, Democrat-controlled Philadelphia is on fire -- rioting, looting, burning and injured cops. I guarantee the rest of Pennsylvania voters have noticed. This will push Trump over the edge in Pennsylvania. Democrats have clearly destroyed Philadelphia. Why would any sane Pennsylvanian voter want them to do the same thing to the entire country?

-- Then there's Hunter Biden's poisonous laptop. The media and social media conspired to black out any news. It didn't matter. The story got out. Did it change millions of votes? Nope. It merely changed a few key swing-state votes. That's all Trump needed.

-- Finally, I come to the infamous kill shot, the coup de grace. Just as I predicted weeks ago, the third-quarter gross domestic product was released on Friday. It showed 33.1% economic growth, the highest in America's history. It was double the highest GDP in history before this.

This is proof of the Trump economic miracle. And proof Trump has handled COVID-19 in an extraordinary way. He kept us alive and, more importantly, employed. He kept our economy alive to fight another day. He kept our businesses open. We have hope; we have opportunity; we have a future. BRAVO, President Trump.

Who'd be dumb enough to vote against that record? Thirty-three percent economic growth? Who'd be dumb enough to vote against the greatest economic growth in history? My answer is no one (except a few dumb Democrats).

Game. Set. Match. Checkmate. Trump will win a smashing electoral landslide on Tuesday. 

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Discuss China and Their Leverage Over Joe Biden

As most W3P readers are aware Peter Navarro is one person in a small group of of five close advisors on all things related to trade and President Trump’s America First economic policy. [Ross, Lighthizer, Mnuchin, Navarro and Kudlow]

In this episode of American Thought Leaders Jan Jekielek sits down with Peter Navarro, Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. The primary topic is the U.S-China conflict and by extension the ramification of Joe Biden being compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

Because Peter Navarro deals with the White House strategy against the Chinese dragon, the national security threat within the Biden compromise is particularly unnerving.

Voting Fraud Plot Uncovered in Florida to Register Dead Voters for Dems

This type of thing NEVER happens, yet again.

It has long been a running joke in certain areas that the amount of dead people voting can swing an election. Florida in general, and South Florida in particular, are places where this long standing gag has a measure of merit and now we are being delivered news that ensures it will remain a topic of conversation.

In Broward County, this place of legendary election foibles and corruption for generations, a new revelation has arisen that proves out that the regular voting anxiety here is justified. The local paper, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel broke the news, following their investigation into the fraud taking place in Broward. Over fifty new voter applications had been requested by an out of state operative, with nearly two-thirds of the names belonging to deceased individuals. 

The revelation came about when a local resident had been mailed three voter ID cards. The paper inquired to the Broward Elections office who then confirmed that this was part of a larger scam that had been undertaken this summer. The authorities say that no mail-in ballots had been sent out yet. The county State Attorney’s Office was alerted to the scheme and have been monitoring the situation since August. 

Broward Elections Supervisor Pete Antonocci described it as ‘’a scheme to either undermine the Florida registration system with fake voters, or intended to vote 50 times.” This spells out both the susceptibility of the voting system to fraud of this nature, but also could illustrate the desperation the Democrats are experiencing in the state.

It reveals much that this plot was taking place in Broward County, a deeply blue area. For there to be a need felt to execute this type of voter fraud in a county that should be regarded as a lock for Democrats means there is either a sense of desperation or the feeling that as entrenched as their vote is here it was likely to have been overlooked. 

Considering the steps taken to defraud the voting rolls it also exposes the vulnerability of the system. There is clearly a lag between notification of a deceased voter and having that name flagged as such in the network. “It would have been another layer of fraudulent activity in order for them to vote,” said one Broward elections supervisor. 

The individual who received the ID cards is a registered Republican, and upon their delivery he undertook his own research, discovering in fact that all three names belonged to deceased individuals. He contacted one person who acknowledged that one name was that of his recently passed mother, who formerly resided in Naples, on Florida’s Gulf coast. One of the other names was of a person who recently died in Connecticut. 

Antonocci acknowledges that there is in fact a notable time differential when it comes to having these names correctly vetted in the voting rolls. The person who was behind this scam was certainly aware of this detail and tried to take advantage. “With determination, you can muscle your way in,” said the supervisor.

So as it always goes there are the usual games being played in this county, with the usual players from the Democratic Party involved. And of course it will lead to the usual response that these things never happen, they are the pure creation of Republican hysterics.