Sunday, November 1, 2020

Gretchen's Gestapo Just Got Some New and Unwilling Members


Shitmer is mandating that businesses get names and phone numbers of customers before servicing them, or else go to prison for up to half a year and/or pay fines up to $1,200. Takes effect Nov 2nd.

Believe it! here.

So I was reading WND and came across this headline about Furor Whitler defying her state's supreme court yet again by invoking emergency powers they said she didn't have past the 28 days of initial declaration unless the legislature extends it.

This time it involves compelling businesses to limit their service capacity even more AND get the names and numbers of customers before serving them. Which means, the business either pisses off what few customers they allow in, or else they face prison time and fines that will likely end their business.

This doesn't just apply to restaurants, though they are likely to be the ones most affected, but this also includes places that host weddings, parties, funerals, meetings, etc. Any business that is an indoor venue, supposedly. So perhaps Trump's rally in Traverse City on Monday is safe from interference if it's outdoors.

Restaurants will now only have 50 people at a time and can only seat 6 per table. This comes from The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, since Whitler thinks circumventing a supreme court ruling is somehow not contempt of court.

No word from the Ministry of Health on what to do if customers put down bogus info, which has some owners worrying. Are they going to be prosecuted for not getting the right info? Will they be investigated as if they themselves fabricated the info? And what happens if they serve a customer who refuses to give their info?

I ask, what gave the State the authority to conscript business owners into Gretchen's Gestapo?

In fact the U.S. Constitution prohibits this. First off, the 4th Amendment's prohibition against Unreasonable Search and also the right to be Secure in One's Papers prevent such questions from being reasonably asked, and the 5th Amendment's guarantee of Due Process prevents the government from mandating business owners become agents of the state in violating people's privacy rights, especially when there is no Just Compensation for it.

I doubt the ACLU will sue to block this illegal mandate. At their core they support this kind of totalitarianism.

Another problem businesses will have to watch out for is if a customer gets angry about it. How are they going to de-escalate that situation, especially if the customer is there to pick up an order that's been paid for already?

That was a problem with the masks, and really the state governments wanted to use mask mandates to cause friction and resentment between citizens, as well as condition people for government servitude and obedience. Democrats love destabilizing society.

So customers can be refused service for not providing the info, but why would any business want to do that? It makes no sense. And this is all because of a baseless belief that restaurants and bars are to blame for 30 outbreaks of... wait for it... new cases. See, the death rate is falling, so now the democrats have to complain about cases.

I think we also need to ask this question. Let's say one of these lists actually do help discover someone who got sick and traces them back to where they were on whatever dates. Is the Ministry of Health really going to bother calling all the people on the lists they gather? Or are they just going to shrug their shoulders? My bet is, government employees gonna government employee.

Related news:

The Michigan Ministry of Health says the COVID positivity rate is up from 2% to 5.5%, and they blame 12 outbreaks on restaurants and bars.

OH! But I thought masks were going to prevent the spread! What happened to that?

The president and CEO of the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association has thoughts on it. He basically says the Department is wrong in their research. Click the link above if you want to read it. He makes some good points about how hurting these businesses will lead to job loss, which is deadlier than this virus. He also cucks out a little bit, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, $1,000 fine for not complying, and possible $200 more as well as up to 6 months in prison. And of course the Ministry of Health lies about having the authority to do this. They cite emergency orders, which we all know have not been renewed by the legislature as the law requires. And they ignore the Constitution as usual.

Oh, and all the other outbreak cases? Blamed on churches, which are exempt. So that raises the question, if they can't do anything about the churches, which account for more outbreaks, then what's the point of these lists? The point is control. That's all there is to it. Democrats don't care about keeping people safe or healthy. They only care about using the virus to gain political power. Democrats are anti-American fiends!

So yeah, comments down below.

Believe it!