Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Collusion: Hunter Biden Allegedly Represented Chinese CEO in Deal to Help Russia’s State Oil Company


Article by Joel B. Pollack in Breitbart

Collusion: Hunter Biden Allegedly Represented Chinese CEO in Deal to Help Russia’s State Oil Company

Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, allegedly acted as the “personal attorney” for Ye Jianming, the chair of a major Chinese energy firm, in a deal to buy a 14% stake in a Russian state oil company facing U.S. sanctions.

The stunning accusation was made by Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of the Biden family, during an interview Tuesday evening with Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

Bobulinski explained that he was to have been the CEO of a new firm, Sinohawk, that was to be a joint venture between CEFC — the “capitalistic side of the Chinese government” — and the Biden family. He said he met with Joe Biden in 2017 to discuss the arrangement, contradicting Biden’s denials on the campaign trail.

However, the deal fell through, he explained, partly because CEFC tried to buy a 14% stake in Rosneft, the Russian state oil company. At that time, Russia faced sanctions because of its invasion of Ukraine and seizure of Crimea in 2014. The Financial Times reported that the CEFC deal was to help Rosneft find new markets “as relations deteriorate with the west.”

That deal, too, eventually fell through, as CEFC was investigated for corruption by China and other countries as well.

Bobulinski recalled that in July 2017, Chinese premier Xi Jinping was in Moscow for meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bobulinski recalled that he was shocked to learn of CEFC’s interest in Russia, which placed Sinohawk in a precarious position.

In September 2017, once CEFC had announced the deal to buy a stake in Rosneft, and the $10 million that CEFC was supposed to have invested in Sinohawk had never materialized, Bobulinski grew more concerned.

In October, he said, “I did reach out to Hunter Biden … asking him, ‘Hey, listen, they haven’t funded the $10 million, have you done something that I’m not aware of? Have you gone around us? Have you started a parallel discussion with Chairman Ye that I should be conscious of?”

Bobulinski said that Hunter Biden informed him, via text message, “I’m acting as the personal attorney to Chairman Ye.”

“Hunter Biden is now telling me,” Bobulinksi recalled, “that he’s meeting personally, one-on-one with Chairman Ye in his $50 million penthouse in New York, and if he can’t meet him, he’s picking up the phone and calling him, but they only discuss things in person.

“You can imagine my frustration,” Bobulinski said. “You’re acting as the personal attorney to Chairman Ye while they’re tendering for 14% of the Russian state-owned energy company, a deal valued at $9 billion? What am I missing here?”

Hunter Biden is reportedly licensed to practice law in the state of Connecticut.




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Joe Biden jokes: "I'm Kamala's running mate... Y'all think I'm kiddin', don't ya?"




First Lady Melania Trump delivers remarks in Pennsylvania



 Earlier today First Lady Melania Trump traveled to Alglen Pennsylvania for a campaign speech on behalf of her husband, President Donald Trump.  Our first lady was introduced to the audience by former White House advisor Kellyanne Conway .




Republican Senators Call For Special Counsel Investigation Of Hunter Biden


Article by Jeff Charles in RedState

Republican Senators Call For Special Counsel Investigation Of Hunter Biden

It appears that an increasing number of Republican senators are concerned that the Hunter Biden issue will be squashed if President Trump does not win re-election. GOP lawmakers are calling for a special counsel to investigate the allegations related to Biden’s business dealings with foreign powers.

The Washington Examiner reported that Republicans have become more focused on Hunter, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, as more facts regarding his case have emerged. After the New York Post published the story detailing the content of the younger Biden’s hard drive, GOP officials and the president called for an FBI investigation into the matter. 

The issue became even more urgent after Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, held a press conference in which he alleged that the former vice president was lying when he claimed that he never discussed Hunter’s business dealings with his son. He also announced that he would be turning over three cell phones containing pertinent information to the Bureau. 

Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn told the Washington Examiner that he supports the appointment of a special counsel to look into the affair. “Well, I think I’m not a big fan of special counsels, but I’m worried if Trump loses the election, then that will all be just swept under the rug,” he said. 

Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, explained that the panel concurred with Cornyn. “I’m not a fan of special counsels. In this case. It might be the only solution to make sure that we finally get to the bottom of this,” Johnson said. “Again, it all depends on the election result, but that might be appropriate in this situation.”

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley also agreed, telling the Examiner that a special counsel might be necessary to ensure that the investigation continues regardless of whether Trump wins re-election or not. “I certainly think it should be investigated, and I think a special counsel may well be warranted,” he insisted. “My bottom line is I think the investigation needs to continue uninterrupted. So if it takes a special counsel to do that, then I’d be for it.”

According to the Examiner, some Republicans doubt that a special counsel is needed. Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said, “I think we’ve got enough proof of everything that’s bad that they’ve done, and I think what we need is the FBI and the Department of Justice to do their job.” He continued, “I’ve studied this thing long enough. You don’t need a special counsel. Just go with the normal process.”

Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio told the Examiner that “It’s still premature to reach any conclusions on any of that. Obviously, authorities are looking at that material, and it depends on what they find.” 

It seems clear that a special counsel would be warranted in this situation for one apparent reason: If Biden wins the election, he will squash any investigation into his son’s business dealings. Some already suspect that he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor investigating the energy firm with whom his son had business dealings. There is no doubt that he would move to protect his son if he had the power to do so. 

Of course, a president can still fire a special counsel. However, if one is appointed, it could cost Biden politically if he were to make such a move. It is one of the reasons why Trump did not fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who conducted the Russia election interference investigation. Either way, at this point, an outside investigator seems to make sense in this case.


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CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths


OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:40 AM PT – Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The latest numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more, as the CDC counts over 51-thousand patients who actually died from heart attacks, as opposed to the coronavirus.



Biden's America Isn't What I Fought For


 Article by RedState Staff

Biden's America Isn't What I Fought For

I never thought I would see this level of corruption in the United States, or that American voters could come this close to embracing it. To think that in 10 days, we may elect a treasonous man to the office of the Presidency breaks my heart.  He is someone who has literally sold this country to the highest bidder for his own personal gain – and he could be at the helm. He has betrayed America, the American people, and the Oath of Office. To be clear, I am talking about former Vice-President Joe Biden — he and his entire corrupt family. Biden is the most corrupt public “servant” I have ever seen, and a most contemptible man.

My name is Adam Hardage and I am a service-disabled veteran with six deployments in four war zones in a post-9/11 world.  I had the distinct honor of fighting almost every flavor of Al Qaeda there is and I did not sacrifice 20 years of my life just so an amoral bureaucrat could enrich himself and his family. 

I served honorably under both Democrats and Republicans alike and I have always taken my Oath to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” very seriously.  I still do.  Those of us who have served understand that the Oath does not end when we take off the uniform.  We also understand that America still needs us, and she always will.  

The media often accuses President Trump of corruption, but where is the proof?  He has not taken a dime from the office (donating his full paycheck) and he has always put American interests and people first.  Here’s a common sense test: Are you more concerned about the billionaire who gave up his life to serve in public office or the career public servant who became a multi-millionaire on a government employee’s salary?  Follow the money and the answer is clear. To Joe Biden, I say, if the almighty dollar is the master you serve, it will never be enough.  He may deny his sins against our country, but the American people know this shame, as does God above.

All enemies Joe, foreign and domestic.  That should be a wakeup call and a warning. 

President Trump has accomplished a lot in a short period of time for this country, but there is still much work to be done. He needs our help to bring this country back from the brink of Socialism, which is where Biden and his friends are heading. And so, I’m in. I am ready to shoulder my ruck sack once again, entering into this ideological battle as a mouthpiece for freedom. My time in serving this country is not finished yet.

Patriots, this is your call to stand up and stand with me.  America needs us.  The President needs us.  And our beloved Constitution absolutely needs us.  So, say it with me today: Lord, here am I, send me. Vote for President Trump this Election Day and Keep America Great.


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President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

The March of  The Deplorables

In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event.

It happened again… and then again… And then by mid October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative.

The downstream impact on the messaging of the Biden-Harris campaign, their surrogates and the DNC club writ large, is devastating.  That’s almost certainly the real reason Joe Biden has abandoned his in-person campaigning.

Earlier today President Trump referenced an article by Byron York:

…”It was the biggest political rally no one saw. And gatherings like it have been happening for months in some of the places President Trump needs most to win if he is to be reelected. And, remarkably, the rallies are not the work of the Trump campaign.”…

[Read It Here]

Keep pushing.  Be of good cheer and rally to the standard.  We are making with our voice such a sound – that all who oppose our patriotic movement are increasingly desperate.

Keeping Pennsylvania in mind, if this report on Philadelphia from the New York Times is accurate then President Trump is well positioned:

…”Troubling for Mr. Biden in a different way is the fact that he has not yet matched Mrs. Clinton’s share of support in Philadelphia proper. Averaging the results of the two recent polls, he has the backing of 73 percent of Philadelphia voters, down from 83 percent for Mrs. Clinton in 2016. According to the Times/Siena poll, Mr. Trump was supported by 24 percent of Philadelphians, nine points ahead of his exit poll numbers in 2016.”  [link]

Kamala's Cackle To Be Played Over Hell's Loudspeakers

HELL—In a bid to increase torture in the afterlife, managers of Hell confirmed today that Kamala Harris's grating cackle will be played over the loudspeakers in the place of perpetual torment for all eternity. 

"Effective immediately, we are no longer playing Limp Bizkit 24/7," said one spokesperson. "We are switching to the Kamala cackle. Studies have shown this is the most effective way to punish people for their sins."

People in hell quickly filed a lawsuit claiming this form of torture is "cruel and unusual," even for people who offended a holy God. The only judge who hears such cases, though, is God, so their appeal was denied.

"NOOOO!!!" they screamed in unison as Harris's cackle began to play. "PLEASE! WE'LL DO ANYTHING! MAKE IT STOP! BRING BACK THE SCORPION BADGERS!"

Millions still living on Earth immediately converted to Christ in a desperate attempt to avoid the torture, including Joe Biden.

France warns citizens to be cautious as anger seethes in Muslim world over cartoons


October 27, 2020

PARIS (Reuters) – France warned its citizens living or travelling in several Muslim-majority countries to take extra security precautions on Tuesday as anger surged over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.



In a sign that some countries want to limit the fallout, Saudi Arabia condemned the cartoons but held back from echoing calls by other Muslim states for a boycott of French products or other actions.

The row has its roots in a knife attack outside a French school on Oct. 16 in which a man of Chechen origin beheaded Samuel Paty, a teacher who had shown pupils cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in a civics lesson on freedom of speech. The caricatures are considered blasphemous by Muslims.

France’s foreign ministry on Tuesday issued safety advice to French citizens in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Iraq and Mauritania, advising them to exercise caution. They should stay away from any protests over the cartoons and avoid any public gatherings.

“It is recommended to exercise the greatest vigilance, especially while travelling, and in places that are frequented by tourists or expatriate communities,” it said.

The French embassy in Turkey issued similar advice to its citizens there.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has been one of the most vociferous critics of the French government, leading calls for a boycott of French goods.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin retorted on Tuesday that Turkey, and Pakistan, should not meddle in France’s domestic affairs.

Paris has recalled its ambassador in Ankara, and Pakistan’s parliament on Monday passed a resolution urging the government to recall its envoy from Paris.

The images of the Prophet were first published years ago by a French satirical magazine, whose editorial offices were attacked in 2015 by gunmen who killed 12 people.




Saudi Arabia appeared to be taking a moderate response to the controversy, steering clear of boycott calls. A Saudi foreign ministry official said on Tuesday the Gulf state condemns all acts of terrorism, an apparent reference to Paty’s killing.

“Freedom of expression and culture should be a beacon of respect, tolerance and peace that rejects practices and acts which generate hatred, violence and extremism and are contrary to coexistence,” the official said in a statement.

The daily Arab News on Tuesday cited the head of the Saudi-based Muslim World League, Mohammed al-Issa, as cautioning that an over-reaction “that is negative and goes beyond what is acceptable” would only benefit “haters”.

However, calls for a boycott of French supermarket chain Carrefour were trending on social media in Saudi Arabia. In Kuwait, some supermarkets have pulled French products.

Turkey’s Erdogan on Monday asked his compatriots to stop buying French goods and accused France of pursuing an anti-Islam agenda.



France is a major exporter of grain to mainly-Muslim NorthAfrica, and French companies in the autos and retail sectors also have significant exposure to majority-Muslim countries.

French Trade Minister Franck Riester said it was too earlyto put a figure on the impact of a boycott campaign but so farit was limited and mainly affected French agricultural exports.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned the French charge d’affaires over the cartoons, state media reported on Tuesday.

A ministry official told the diplomat during their meeting on Monday that Iran strongly rejected “any insult and disrespect to the Prophet of Islam”.

In Bangladesh on Monday, protesters held placards with the image of the French President and the words: “Macron is the enemy of peace”.






Tens of thousands of people have marched through the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, demanding a boycott of French goods amid a row over France's tougher stance on radical Islam.

They burned an effigy of President Emmanuel Macron, who has defended cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.



Open letter to Christians who don't plan to vote for Trump


Article by David Kupelian in World Net Daily

Open letter to Christians who don't plan to vote for Trump


On Nov. 3, evangelicals will determine whether America embraces life and freedom or death and tyranny


Americans are in the midst of what is undoubtedly the most consequential election since the Civil War.

It’s hard to imagine a greater contrast between the two choices. As evangelist Franklin Graham puts it, these “two vastly different directions for the future of this country” will affect not just today’s Americans, “but our children and our grandchildren” as well.

 Ironically, though one of these possible “futures” is clearly pro-life and pro-freedom, and the other is clearly anti-life and anti-freedom, large numbers of professing Christians intend either to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, or even more inexplicably, not to vote at all.

Last week, popular evangelical pastor John Piper made his case for Christians not voting for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Piper makes clear from the get-go that Biden’s far-left policies are abhorrent to Christians, acknowledging that they’re geared toward what Piper describes as “baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting and socialistic overreach.”

But what about Trump, whose policies for the past four years have proven to be overwhelmingly consistent with, and supportive of, evangelical Christian sensibilities and concerns? Donald Trump is, in fact, widely regarded as the most pro-life president of our lifetime. Likewise, as president he has been the best friend of Israel in a generation, courageously recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the U.S. Embassy there – something many previous presidents of both parties promised but failed to do. And Trump has consistently championed religious freedom and freedom of speech, both under brutal attack by the radical left, which – truth be told – is essentially hostile to Christianity.

So what’s the problem? Piper is concerned that Trump’s personal failings, specifically four things – his “unrepentant boastfulness,” his “vulgarity,” his “factiousness” and his past “sexual immorality” – are also, like abortion and socialism, “deadly,” even potentially “nation-corrupting.” Therefore, he said, he will not vote for either candidate.

Putting aside Piper’s odd moral equivalence between rampant abortion and boastfulness, does the good pastor not realize that when you vote for a president, you are not choosing only one leader and his policy agenda, but a multitude of leaders and policies in every area of life, and therefore a whole “future” for the country, as Franklin Graham put it? Most prominently, you are choosing a vice president who may well become president (as has happened 14 times in U.S. history). You are also choosing Cabinet and department heads. And you are choosing federal judges, including Supreme Court justices with lifetime tenure who will decide issues of stupendous importance that affect every American. And you are choosing thousands of other people – about 4,000 federal government appointees in all – who will profoundly shape the nation in which your children and grandchildren will live for a long, long time – whether for good or for ill.

Contrast Vice President Mike Pence with his vice-presidential rival Kamala Harris. Pence has proven, on the field of battle for the last four years, that he is indeed a true Christian in word, deed and manner – exactly the kind of Christian, with a spotless personal life, that one would suppose John Piper could support. However, Kamala Harris is precisely the opposite sort of person. Aside from being gratingly unlikable, condescending and shockingly dishonest, the far-left Harris has a long history – first as California’s attorney general and later as a U.S. senator – of open religious bigotry.

Since both Trump and Biden are in their 70s and could easily turn the presidency over to their vice presidents, what then? Would John Piper prefer Mike Pence to Kamala Harris?

If so, there is an opportunity for him to make that choice known at the ballot box on Nov. 3. And even more important, since he is an evangelical Christian figure with considerable influence, to make it known to his many listeners. Pastor, if you don’t want to see the viscerally anti-Christian Harris, whose policies are so extreme that the nonpartisan GovTrack.us found her to be the most leftwing member of the U.S. Senate – even more radical than socialist Bernie Sanders – then your other option is to vote for Donald Trump, even if he’s boastful and egotistical. Because Biden, who is obviously frail and rapidly failing both mentally and physically, would very likely turn the country over to Kamala Harris sometime during his first and only term as president.

Although many evangelical leaders openly support Trump and Pence, like mega-pastor John MacArthur who says, “Any real, true believer” will vote for Trump over Biden, John Piper is not alone, as there are other prominent Christians who refuse to support Trump because of his perceived character flaws.

But it actually gets worse than that.

Last week, a new coalition calling itself Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden urged pro-life Christians across America to support the most radically pro-abortion presidential and vice presidential candidates and party platform in American history.

You see, argues the group, whose online petition has garnered thousands of signatures, "poverty kills millions every year. So does lack of healthcare and smoking. Racism kills. Unless we quickly make major changes, devastating climate change will kill tens of millions. Poverty, lack of accessible health care services, smoking, racism and climate change are all pro-life issues."

This largely liberal-left coalition – which includes Christianity Today’s former board chairman John Huffman and Billy Graham’s granddaughter Jerushah Dufore – claims "the most common reason women give for abortion is the financial difficulty of another child." Thus, they praise “a number of Democratic proposals that would significantly alleviate that financial burden: accessible health services for all citizens, affordable childcare, a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty" and so on.

According to this group’s thinking, even though Biden and Harris openly support de facto infanticide for any reason or no reason, the Democratic candidates’ “policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump."

How can any Christian think this way?

Friends, because of the urgency of the hour, let’s just dispense with comforting euphemisms and other reality-avoidance. Abortion – which Biden, Harris and the 2020 Democratic Party Platform unreservedly endorse in all circumstances and demand that you and I as taxpayers pay for – amounts to executing babies right up to the actual moment of birth and sometimes beyond. That’s the dictionary definition of “infanticide.”

As pro-life group Live Action’s founder Lila Rose has publicized, the testimony of many abortion-clinic workers as well as abortionists themselves reveals the fate of thousands of late-term abortions, including viable human babies “mistakenly” born alive after attempted abortions. Methods of execution at that point – again, we are talking about living, breathing, already born, viable babies – range from “putting a baby who survives an abortion into a jar with toxic solution to drown,” said Rose, to cutting off oxygen and effectively strangling the child, and even to gruesome methods such has twisting off their heads. One abortionist boasted to Live Action investigators of having performed “‘20-some thousand’ abortions after 24 weeks, and nonchalantly detailed his chilling procedure for administering a fatal injection to the baby in the womb (to make the child ‘mushy’ and easier to remove) and extracting body parts in pieces.”

That – every bit of it – is what “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” are actually supporting and facilitating, whether they realize it or not, and whether they like it or not.

That is also what Christian voters who refuse to vote for either candidate “out of principle” are supporting, whether they realize it or not, and whether they like it or not.



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All Signs Point To One Thing: We’re Reliving The 2016 Election

A Democrat National Committee-engineered nomination.

A press that dismisses serious questions as conspiracies and Republicans as racists. 

A campaign that scorns personal interaction and relies on technology.

A candidate who is isolated, and in some areas completely absent.

A smattering of lackluster rallies with dozens of participants.

A highly compromising laptop in the hands of U.S. intelligence.

A final-stretch Barack Obama appearance in deep-blue Philadelphia.

A Republican opponent who is packing stadiums while inspiring arts, crafts, music, and dance moves, but is behind in all major polling.

And “Saturday Night Live” skits that fail to trigger so much as a chuckle.

Does all this sound familiar? It should, because it describes Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president. For a few sweet weeks after she lost, these were the topics of dozens upon dozens of public media chest-beating and garment-rending sessions.

How could they have missed such obvious signs of a rotten Democratic campaign, they asked the heavens, and not seen such clear signals of Republican enthusiasm? Today, just four years later, we’re living it all over again. So what happened to the soul searching, and how did the pundit class end up back in the exact place, trying desperately to undo history by repeating it to a tee?

After November 2016, Democrats wondered what they’d done wrong — what Her had done wrong. Had they forgotten white working voters? (Yep.) Had they sacrificed the concerns of the ordinary Americans for the luxury problems of the elites? (Yes.) Had they taken victory for granted, confident that voters would not support Donald Trump? (Mmhm.) Had they skipped Wisconsin? (Yeah, they did that).

Reporters wondered what they’d done wrong, too. The Huffington Post did a whole “Listen to America” tour of 25 cities, 19 of which were blue, and there was a general call to listen to the country and dispense with the contempt.

Where’d all that go? The short of it is more important things came up. The new president’s attorney general was a Klansman, for one. Or was he a Kremlin agent? Russia took center stage before it was traded in for Ukraine before going back to Russia again.

Somehow, four short years after the Democratic Party and their media allies publicly went through what recovering alcoholics call “a moment of clarity,” they relapsed. They are doing it all again, bit for bit, and play for play. They even brought back Black Lives Matter, that national organizer of violent racial hatred that last led to the 2016 murder of five Dallas policemen. The whole gang is back.

Few Democrats are truly excited for Joe, a candidate foisted on the faithful by a party leadership terrified of the hyper-popular radicals in their midst.

News outlets are asking the former vice president what his favorite ice cream is while issuing press releases assuring their audience they won’t cover his family’s corruption. Only Thursday night, in a strong final debate, were the nwtworks forced to carry the allegations for more than a few dismissive moments.

Committed to pandemic street theater, Democrats have largely discarded field offices and door-knocks, relying instead on digital campaigning.

The candidate is so isolated from Americans that his own campaign staff must look away while drinking water, and he dared not even shake hands with his running mate. With few public appearances and even fewer questions, neither he nor Kamala Harris are present in the states they need to win.

When they do hold rallies, viewers are sometimes confined to their cars. Others look like bizarre music videos, with small numbers of spaced humans wearing masks in parking lots.

A highly compromising laptop once owned by Hunter Biden is in the hands of U.S. intelligence, with more and more damaging evidence of corruption emerging daily, amplified by a brazen Big Tech campaign to censor the news.

Obama, who struggles to hide his disinterest in his former vice president, made an eventual appearance, opting to hold a rally in deep-blue Philadelphia. He hopes to recreate the black support that helped him win Pennsylvania twice but failed to materialize when he stumped for Her.

Although behind in all major polling, Donald Trump is packing stadiums. Trump flags, tambourines, and switchblades are sold on the side of the road, homemade mailboxes bear his likeness, skydivers and boaters wave his banner across the horizon, and teenagers try to learn his dance moves.

And once again, “Saturday Night Live” skits fail to trigger so much as a chuckle.

This Election Day could go either way, and nothing is for certain. Nothing, except for one thing: We haven’t learned a thing.

7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America...

Political Terror Is Coming To America 
Whether Trump Wins Or Not

Many leftists have directed some deeply disturbing rhetoric at conservatives and Trump supporters in recent months, claiming President Trump’s bombast is responsible for the political polarization of today’s America. This is pure nonsense.

Sure, Trump talks about MS-13 as “animals,” Antifa as “thugs,” and Hillary Clinton as crooked enough to “be in jail.” His supporters know his presentation to be a bombastic and theatrical schtick, but he never threatens any group of voters.

By contrast, some ominous tones, even homicidal and terrorist tones, are coming from the mainstream left. Increasingly, through mainstream media and Big Tech, high-profile leftists are speaking openly about violence to be inflicted on Trump and all his supporters.

I’m not talking specifically about the Antifa and Black Lives Matter street violence we’ve seen in places like Denver and Portland, which includes outright murders of Trump supporters. I’m referring here to voices that normalize and promote open terror against any freedom-respecting person who has different views from those blessed by left-wing leaders, media, and Big Tech. Seven examples are included below.

1. A Think Tank Guy Should Meet…A Firing Squad

First, in a chilling Twitter incident, agitator Nils Gilman called for the execution of journalist and former Trump adviser Michael Anton. Gilman publicly stated, “Michael Anton is the Robert Brasillach of our times and deserves the same fate.” Brasillach was a Nazi collaborator in France whose fate was execution by firing squad. Neither Gilman nor Twitter took down the tweet, despite many protests, including a public letter of grave concern from the Claremont Institute, where Anton is a senior fellow.

Gilman is head of the George Soros-funded Berggruen Institute and a co-founder of the “Transition Integrity Project,” which war-gamed the ouster of Trump from office regardless of whether he wins re-election. Anton’s crime, in Gilman’s mind, was publishing an article about Gilman’s project in the American Mind, titled “The Coming Coup.”

Why is Gilman’s Sept. 21 death threat against Anton still up on Twitter an entire month later? Will it remain up after the election?

2. Shoot This CEO For Not being Woke Enough

Second, former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo objected to the company Coinbase’s decision to ease up on forcing employees to engage in social justice agendas such as critical race theory. Costolo accused Coinbase’s CEO Brian Armstrong of being among the “me-first capitalists” who would be the first lined up and “shot in the revolution.”

Costolo, who has 1.5 million Twitter followers, added that he would “happily provide video commentary” of the executions. The tweet has disappeared, although there is no mention of it being deleted. One response comes with a screenshot though:

3. If Trump Loses, His Supporters Remain ‘An Existential Threat’

Third, if the Democrats take over the reins of power — in an election, a coup, or a bought-and-paid-for “color revolution” — what happens to those who have supported Trump?

Take a look at this Aug. 1 Salon article, which argues that even if Biden wins, Trumpism “will survive the election and continue to be an existential threat.” Author Paul Rosenberg examines the arguments in writings by John Feffer and other anti-Trump pundits who believe there is a lot of work to be done to force the “de-trumpification” of America. They compare Trump supporters to Nazis or the Baathists of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and describe America under Trump as a “pathocracy.”

Rosenberg cites Feffer, who says the solution is “to drain the swamp Trump created, bring criminal charges against the former president and his key followers, and launch a serious campaign to change the hearts and minds of Americans who have been drawn to this president’s agenda.” He even brings up the Nuremberg trials as instructive, trials that resulted in death sentences for 37 Nazis. 

That isn’t good enough, however, according to Feffer. It’s important to go after “low-level participants” to root out Trumpism. It recommends enforcing this changing of “hearts and minds” so that there is “an attitudinal shift that could lead to lasting transformation.” This is not a far cry from re-education camps and coercive thought reform.

The formula appears to be threefold and on a large scale, “the scale on which we need to be thinking,” according to the Salon article. First, divide the so-called redeemable Trump supporters from those intent on keeping America great. Second, send those who are problematic to virtual education camps. Third, stomp out all the ideas the power elites don’t like.

In the same vein, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who has 1 million Twitter followers, recommended that a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” be established to rid the nation of Trumpism.

4. Prosecute Everyone Who Supported Trump

Fourth, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann recently ranted that everyone associated with Trump, including his enablers and supporters, must be “prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society.” To many, Olbermann might seem to be a has-been, but he has nearly 1 million Twitter followers. He represents the viewpoint of many in the propaganda media that control more than 90 percent of the megaphones. Olbermann referred to Trump supporters as “maggots” who needed to be chased from the stage.

5. Trump Supporters ‘Must Be Eradicated From Society’

Fifth, on Aug. 4, 2019, a supposed religious scholar and CNN contributor Reza Aslan announced on Twitter — a tweet still up as of Oct. 22 — that all Trump supporters “must be eradicated from society” along with Trump, and that there is “no longer any room for nuance.” Aslan has nearly 300,000 followers.

His extremely defamatory and threatening tweet reads verbatim: “The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters — ALL OF THEM — are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And his evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”

6. Openly Attacking Members of Congress

Sixth, the organized violence against guests at the Republican National Convention as they left the White House in August showed new levels of open hostility against the right. Most notably, the mob swarmed Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and his wife, who were convinced they would have been severely injured or killed if there were no police presence.

This represents a ramping up of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter attempt to normalize extreme violence against any perceived political opponent. Agitators even set up a mock guillotine on the spot with an effigy of Trump in it.

7. Plots to Dox Political Opponents

Seventh, the left is now using doxing tools to invite widespread targeting of Trump voters. A recently unveiled database called “The Media Manipulation Casebook” is described as a means of gathering personal information that exposes anonymous Trump supporters. NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny appears to use it to find “addresses, property records … even Amazon wish lists” that can be a “goldmine for learning about what a person reads, buys, and wants.”

At the same time, open-source materials, such as donations tracked by the Federal Election Commission, are being used to invite the targeting of Trump donors, either by name or address on a hostile site. The information can be used much like the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate map,” which triggered the attempted murders at the Family Research Council and the GOP baseball practice.

Terror Is Predictably Increasing

Examples of hostilities toward Trump supporters abound. Many are connected to the potential for violence should Trump win re-election. As the examples above show, however, the threat of terror is even greater should he lose. If Democrats gain control of the White House and other branches, the left has spoken openly of their intent to punish a huge swath of Americans with a program that threatens to cancel them, impose thought-reform programs on them, and worse.

How far will this go? Members of the domestic terror organization Weather Underground, headed up by 1960s radical Bill Ayers, explained some 50 years ago that when “the revolution” came, a lot of Americans would have to be located to education camps. This sounds eerily like what Reich and others are now proposing after they oust Trump. Weather Underground members said that those who didn’t comply despite re-education, which they estimated would include about 25 million Americans, would have to be eradicated, as in killed.

Of course, that could never happen here, right? Just remember that history is littered with societies filled with decent, normal people who descended into chaos and murder, often incited by propaganda from a heavily controlled media. However unlikely this seems, we must pay close attention to these patterns so we don’t repeat some of the darkest days of history.