Tuesday, October 27, 2020

President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

The March of  The Deplorables

In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event.

It happened again… and then again… And then by mid October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative.

The downstream impact on the messaging of the Biden-Harris campaign, their surrogates and the DNC club writ large, is devastating.  That’s almost certainly the real reason Joe Biden has abandoned his in-person campaigning.

Earlier today President Trump referenced an article by Byron York:

…”It was the biggest political rally no one saw. And gatherings like it have been happening for months in some of the places President Trump needs most to win if he is to be reelected. And, remarkably, the rallies are not the work of the Trump campaign.”…

[Read It Here]

Keep pushing.  Be of good cheer and rally to the standard.  We are making with our voice such a sound – that all who oppose our patriotic movement are increasingly desperate.

Keeping Pennsylvania in mind, if this report on Philadelphia from the New York Times is accurate then President Trump is well positioned:

…”Troubling for Mr. Biden in a different way is the fact that he has not yet matched Mrs. Clinton’s share of support in Philadelphia proper. Averaging the results of the two recent polls, he has the backing of 73 percent of Philadelphia voters, down from 83 percent for Mrs. Clinton in 2016. According to the Times/Siena poll, Mr. Trump was supported by 24 percent of Philadelphians, nine points ahead of his exit poll numbers in 2016.”  [link]