Friday, September 4, 2020

Trump-Hater John Bolton Debunks Anonymous Atlantic Hit Piece On Trump’s Veterans Record



 Article by Tristan Justice in The Federalist

Trump-Hater John Bolton Debunks Anonymous Atlantic Hit Piece On Trump’s Veterans Record


Fired former National Security Advisor John Bolton, who released an anti-Trump book earlier this year that sought to offer one last breath into the Democrats’ February impeachment hopes, debunked The Atlantic hit piece published Thursday. The magazine’s story relied entirely on anonymous sources to charge the president with making disparaging remarks on WWI veterans.

Thursday night, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg offered new allegations on why the president didn’t visit the graves of fallen WWI soldiers on a 2018 trip to France, which the White House has continued to claim was due to inclement weather.

“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ‘the helicopter couldn’t fly’ and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true,” Jeffrey Goldberg wrote without a single source on record. “Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.”

“Why should I go to that cemetery?” Trump reportedly said. “It’s filled with losers.”

The president also allegedly issued more derogatory comments related to long-time rival McCain, telling White House staff in 2018 following the Arizona senator’s death “we’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,” three years after telling an auditorium audience on the campaign trail in 2015 that McCain was “not a war hero.”

Bolton’s book however, offered a different narrative of events falling in line with the official White House claims for the last-minute cancellation in France.

“The weather was bad, and Kelly and I spoke about whether to travel as planned to the Chateau-Thierry Belleau Wood monuments and nearby American Cemeteries, where many US World War I dead were buried,” Bolton wrote.

Marine One’s crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery. The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade was necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit but very hard for a Marine like Kelly to recommend, having originally been the one to suggest Belleau Wood… Trump agreed, and it was decided that others would drive to the cemetery instead.


The ousted Trump White House national security adviser also addressed The Atlantic’s anonymously sourced claims in an interview with Bloomberg, denying that he ever heard the any of the alleged remarks attributed to the president and said those quoted by the magazine ought to publicly go on record.

“I didn’t hear him say those things,” Bolton told Bloomberg, though he added, “it’s certainly possible.”

If Bolton however, who was a central figure on the president’s foreign trips overseas as the national security adviser before executing a personal vendetta following his turbulent White House exit, has called The Atlantic’s story false, perhaps it’s time the editor in chief re-evaluate its standards before publishing what could be entirely made up.

After all, The Atlantic did just that in July when one writer was discovered by Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford fabricating a St. Louis shooting to offer evidence in support of defunding the police. The left-wing paper, owned by a Joe Biden megadonor that still employs Jemele Hill and all of the woke people who ousted Kevin Williamson for the crime of being pro-life, refused to correct the record for days even after it got caught. 


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US unemployment rate falls below 10% as firms rehire staff

The US unemployment rate fell sharply in August, as some firms began to hire new staff again and temporary hiring for the US census boosted job numbers.
Firms added 1.4 million new jobs and unemployment fell below 10% for the first time since the pandemic began.
It is the fourth month in a row that America's jobs picture has improved, as the economy begins to rebound from the depths of the coronavirus recession.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. job growth slowed further in August as financial assistance from the government ran out, threatening the economy’s recovery from the COVID-19 recession.
Government hiring for the 2020 Census accounted for nearly a fifth of the employment gains reported by the Labor Department on Friday. Companies from transportation to manufacturing industries are announcing layoffs or furloughs. The moderation in hiring could pressure the White House and Congress to restart stalled negotiations for another fiscal package, and will likely become political ammunition for both Democrats and Republicans with just two months to go until the presidential election.
Programs to help businesses pay wages have either lapsed or are on the verge of ending. A $600 weekly unemployment supplement expired in July. Economists credited government largesse for the sharp rebound in economic activity after it nearly ground to a halt following the shuttering of businesses in mid-March to control the spread of the coronavirus.
Nonfarm payrolls increased by 1.371 million jobs last month after advancing 1.734 million in July. Government employment rose 344,000, with 238,000 temporary workers hired for the population count. Job growth peaked at 4.781 million in June.
The unemployment rate fell to 8.4% last month from 10.2% in July, even as more people entered the labor force. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 1.4 million jobs added in August and the unemployment rate sliding to 9.8%.

The Democrats Hold the Nation Hostage

The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

As America’s cities literally burn to ashes and violent crime spikes to its highest level in decades, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party and their media apologists have coalesced around their talking point. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they bellow in unison from the command posts of high society.

Let’s be blunt: This is an offensively stupid talking point. The rubes and yokels in flyover America — the river valley dwellers that the bicoastal elites love to hate — may lack the hoity-toity social norms befitting SoHo or Haight-Ashbury, but they have their own pair of eyes intact. And they can see just as well as anyone else that the current scourge of anarchic savagery tearing asunder urban and suburban America seems to be the exclusive phenomena of leftist, Democratic Party-controlled jurisdictions.

They can see just as well as anyone else that the feckless leaders in charge of these jurisdictions often ruinously defy federal assistance, opting for the sort of banal “Orange Man Bad!” taunting better suited for echo-chamber Twitter plaudits than the type of selfless statesmanship required by a proper politics. And they can see just as well as anyone else that nary a single prominent elected Democratic official has unequivocally and forcefully condemned the insurrectionist antifa-Black Lives Matter coalition seeking to burn down the republic in one great act of civilizational arson.

They can see that these are, as Matthew Peterson of the Claremont Institute recently put, the Democratic Party’s riots.

But Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris and the Democrats are not content with merely gaslighting the American people into questioning whether they can believe their own lying eyes. They are not content with merely abetting — sometimes tacitly and sometimes actively — the calamitous, murderous ruination of large swaths of America’s urban corridors.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

This is extraordinarily immoral behavior completely unbecoming of a major political party. Alas, it is hardly the first time that leading Democrats have taken the nation hostage and threatened bloodshed if they do not get their way. Fort Sumter comes to mind.

The Democrats may think they can fool the American people, hoodwinking them into believing that those woebegone denizens mugging bystanders and vandalizing storefronts are MAGA hat-clad neofascists. But the Democrats are wrong. The American people are simply not that gullible, not that easily misled and not that easily duped. They know that the violence is happening in decades-long progressive bastions such as Portland, Oregon, and Seattle. They know that leading national Democrats, such as Biden and Harris, have utterly failed to condemn the antifa-BLM wellspring of the present barbarism. They know that these same Democrats could call off their street-thug jackals if they wanted to do so — and that their failure to call them off belies their desire to see the mayhem continue.

The stakes this November are very, very high. The election is a referendum on many things. It is a referendum on whether America is a systemically racist and irredeemably flawed nation. It is a referendum on the goodness and justness of the American idea. And now we can add one more to the mix: It is a referendum on whether American voters are as offensively stupid as Democrats seem to believe they are.

Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud FBI Interview Notes Released

Wednesday night the FBI interview notes (known as a “302 report”) with Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud were released. The story of Mr. Mifsud and his discussions with former Trump campaign aid George Papadopoulos was said to be the originating seed for the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign contacts with Russia known as “Crossfire Hurricane”.

A narrative, pushed through a series of FBI leaks in 2017 outlining Mifsud as a Russian entity, was at the center of how the media justified the FBI targeting the Trump campaign for colluding with Russia. Later the special counsel used FBI conversations with Papadopoulos to claim he was less than honest about his contacts with Mifsud.

However, the actual FBI interview notes with Mifsud on February 10, 2017, show a remarkably different story.

As noted above the FBI interview of Mifsud was not very probing; and interestingly the agents did not ask may questions -or followups- about statements made by Mifsud.  This is particularly interesting when you recognize the claimed conversation between Mifsud and Papadopoulos about Russia hacking DNC/Clinton emails was said to be the epicenter of the entire FBI operation. “Russians having dirt on Clinton” etc.

New York Times – “In late April, at a London hotel, Mr. Mifsud told Mr. Papadopoulos that he had just learned from high-level Russian officials in Moscow that the Russians had “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails,” according to court documents.”

Joseph Mifsud directly refutes any conversation about that important DNC/Clinton email factor, and in February 2017 the FBI agents did not ask a single clarifying question in that regard.  Note: this interview is happening seven months after the July 31, 2016, origination of the investigation.

The follow-up email from Mifsud (noted in the FBI interview notes) was previously provided to House Oversight and Government Reform committee, and is below:

The release of the Mifsud interview notes highlights the casual lack of importance the FBI seemed to be placing on the Russian “hacking” of the DNC or Clinton emails. 

Additionally, there is absolutely no evidence the FBI considered Mifsud a “Russian asset” as outlined by former FBI Director James Comey.  Indeed the entire thing just gets more sketchy.

This FBI interview with Mifsud appears to be more of an approach at justifying a pre-existing investigation.  Perhaps best viewed as a ‘going-through-the-paces’ approach to defend the thin gruel pretense for the Trump surveillance of the prior year.

The FBI based the legality and justification of their Trump campaign investigation on a rumor of a conversation shared by Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer as he recalled George Papadopoulos referencing this contact with Mifsud.  The information from Downer came through unofficial channels connected to the State Department and was passed along to the FBI.

From the casual lack of inquiry it appears s the FBI interviewers knew the origination story was very thin and did not want to add aspects that would undermine the original justification.  Instead, they eventually handed the entire mess over to the special counsel where Andrew Weissmann and crew used these thin threads to piece together a fabrication that would advance the political opposition to President Trump.

Our own research has noted the Weissmann special counsel operation was actually far more corrupt than the original FBI and DOJ effort that preceded it.  Overall the Trump-Russia investigation was one long fraudulent investigative continuum, with multiple attack angles; however, it was the special counsel that took it to new levels of fraud, manipulation and purposeful narrative assembly.

An insurance policy against President Trump.

Has America Peaked? Addressing The Craziness On The Left And On The Right Is Our Top Priority

Shuttered factory in Connecticut

 Editorial by Neil Patel in The Daily Caller

Has America Peaked? Addressing The Craziness On The Left And On The Right Is Our Top Priority

Every good thing comes to an end. Since our founding — based on ideas and principles rather than race or nationality — America grew to become the world’s most dominant power by the end of World War II. By the 1990s, once we won the Cold War, there was nobody else even close. Now we are completely falling apart. Our situation is so bad that it could be time to start debating whether we have, in fact, peaked as a country and as a world power. I sure hope not.

Some aspects of our decline can be measured in numbers. Our economy is still the world’s biggest, but others are catching up fast. Our economic growth rates — even prepandemic — are way down over the past decade than they were in earlier periods. Our debt is now bigger than our entire economy. But the numbers, as horrible as they are, aren’t the biggest problem. The bigger problem is huge swaths of our country seem to have gone absolutely nuts. This is true on the left and on the right. The questions of what’s causing this and how we fix it are tough to answer. But they are also the single most important questions, and they are questions you almost never hear debated.

On the right, huge numbers of people now buy into the QAnon conspiracy theory. QAnon is actually many conspiracy theories all joined together. Though the movement began in 2017, it includes conspiracies dating back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the 9/11 “truther” movement. Those were the people who believed that 9/11 was an inside job cooked up by the government to get us into a war. It’s a pretty evil allegation and one with no factual support, but it caught on a little. Amazingly, QAnon believers think that our government and the top levels of our society are run by pedophiles and child sex traffickers. President Donald Trump is bravely fighting against these people, according to the conspiracy. QAnon is led by a user (or multiple users) named Q who posts anonymously online. 

Nobody knows how many QAnon supporters there are, but estimates go up to the millions, and their numbers now include Republican Congressional candidates. The Republican party leadership has largely stayed silent in the wake of this rise. Trump was asked about it, but instead of calling it out for the insanity that it is, he largely dodged the question. The good news is, crazy as it is to think our entire country’s leadership is motivated by pedophilia, it has not led to any widespread violence to date. We don’t really know just how dangerous QAnon actually is, if at all, but the FBI has identified the conspiracy as having the potential to grow into a domestic terror threat. 

Left-wing insanity, on the other hand, has grown way past the “potential threat” point. In numerous cities around our country, there is serious violence and looting with some regularity. This violence and looting grew out of legitimate protests over racial injustice and law enforcement. In many cities, the peaceful protestors are regularly losing control to radicals hoping to hurt the police, burn down buildings and cause other chaos and violence.

In recent months, as numerous American cities burned, most of the corporate media and the Biden campaign were desperate to pretend it wasn’t happening. The protests were “mostly peaceful,” we were told. They even showed peaceful images as proof — as if the fact that the violence hadn’t hit every single block of a given city made it all OK.

Joe Biden has finally denounced the violence in clear terms. He should be commended for that, but it's also fair to ask what took him so long. This has been happening for months. In that time, we have allowed lawlessness to grow so out of control that the murder rate has skyrocketed in numerous cities. This isn’t some sort of political game. Real people are being killed on our streets, and they are disproportionally Black. If Biden is sincere in his denunciation of the rioting and violence, he also needs to answer for his numerous staffers and his chosen vice presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris, paying legal fees and bail to get rioters out of jail and back on the streets to continue their attacks. It’s hard to take Biden’s denunciations seriously after his team has subsidized the destruction. 

The irony in all this is it may end up saving Trump. The numbers indicate that Trump was likely headed for defeat — and he may still be — but things are starting to tighten up. Here’s a shocker: Americans don’t like chaos and violence. They don’t like watching old people attacked and knocked to the ground. They don’t want people attacked for attending a political convention. They don’t like watching police attacked by kids with bricks and lasers and even guns. They don’t like people losing businesses they have spent their entire lives building, and they don’t like anarchy and murder. The corporate media can try to hide it or downplay what’s happening with the “mostly peaceful canard, but the internet has made that impossible. The word is getting out. The left may have just given Trump new life through the callous disregard for the innocent Americans being hurt every day. 

Whether it’s Trump or Biden, though, the first order of national business is to ask why so many Americans are cracking up. How can potentially millions of Americans believe, with no evidence, that our entire country is dominated by a pedophilia ring? And if it’s possible to be worse than that, how can so many left-wing kids think it’s OK to attack innocent people? It really doesn’t matter who is president if we don’t start addressing these questions. 

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DOJ Begins Indicting Portland (and National) Rioters With Federal “Civil Disorder” Charges

18 U.S. Code § 231. “Civil Disorders” is a charge defined under federal law as a “public disturbance involving acts of violence which causes an immediate danger of or results in injury to people or their property.” [LINK]  Apparently this federal statute is now being used by U.S. attorney’s across the country.
OREGON – Two men and a woman appeared before a federal judge Wednesday in Portland, becoming the first in Oregon to face the rare federal charge of civil disorder for alleged violence during this summer’s turbulent protests.
A Seattle man is accused of launching a ball bearing with a slingshot during a downtown demonstration in July and striking a Portland Fire Bureau medic.
A Portland woman is accused of throwing a helmet that struck a police sergeant in the head last week outside the Police Bureau’s North Precinct.
Another man is accused of repeatedly using a hammer to strike the glass above the front door of the Police Bureau’s East Precinct and elbowing an officer in the face in early August and then throwing frozen eggs and other objects at police three days later outside the Penumbra Kelly Building on East Burnside Street.
The felony cases against Jesse Herman Bates, 38, Michelle Peterson O’Connor, 31, and Krystopher Michael Donnelly, 27, mark a significant detour from past practice in Oregon — federal prosecutors here haven’t used the charge in recent memory. (read more)
Good to see some accountability finally being leveled….

Save Washington, D.C.

 Article by J. Robert Smith in The American Thinker

Save Washington, D.C.

D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser must think she’s clever.  Maybe she’s just desperate.  After weeks of lawlessness in D.C., she’s “pleading” with Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin to lower the boom on not-so-peaceful protesters.  In typical Democrat fashion, the violence and destruction plaguing a city -- in this case, a very special city -- isn’t the mayor’s fault. 

Voters aren’t buying this pap.  By Election Day, they really won’t be buying it.          

Ask conservatives why mobs are running D.C.’s streets, and the typical answer is that Bowser isn’t doing her job.  They’re right about that.  Say conservatives, if D.C. can’t handle the mobs, Bowser should request help from the president.  Trump is ready to intercede.  Law and order could be restored in hours. 

But President Trump doesn’t have to wait for Bowser to make a request.  What’s holding back the president now is mostly politics.  Yet the time soon approaches when Trump will need to secure D.C. 

Washington, D.C. isn’t Portland or Seattle or Minneapolis or Chicago or New York or Kenosha.  It’s the federal city, the country’s seat of government.  The District of Columbia isn’t a state.  It’s a unique jurisdiction; constitutionally mandated, no less. 

What Bowser does or doesn’t want is, finally, irrelevant under federal law.    

Per the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17), D.C. falls under the express authority of Congress and the executive.  It’s the obligation of both to attend to law and order in the district.  Washington city government operates within a scope according to congressional legislative mandate.  In other words, limited home rule is a privilege, not a right.     

James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 43, offered this rationale for a federal jurisdiction, in part:

''The indispensable necessity of complete authority at the seat of government, carries its own evidence with it. It is a power exercised by every legislature of the Union, I might say of the world, by virtue of its general supremacy. Without it, not only the public authority might be insulted and its proceedings interrupted with impunity; but a dependence of the members of the general government on the State comprehending the seat of the government, for protection in the exercise of their duty, might bring on the national councils an imputation of awe or influence, equally dishonorable to the government and dissatisfactory to the other members of the Confederacy.

The District of Columbia exists to guarantee the integrity of the national government.  In matters of security -- keeping the federal city safe and unhindered from prowling mobs -- Bowser and the D.C. city council have no vote.    

Since the Constitution was written and adopted, Washington’s meaning has grown past its utility.  The nation’s capital is woven into the fabric of American life, civic, and cultural.  Mob violence there is an assault on America.  Patriots everywhere should be outraged. 

Portland’s destruction is awful, but it’s not home to our national government’s institutions -- the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court.  It’s not the repository of much of the nation’s storied history.  Think of the Smithsonian and many other museums.  How about all the revered monuments, now loathed by Democrats and the left, but visited annually by millions of families and schoolkids?  Consider the famous July 4th celebrations on the Mall.  Washington, D.C. is America’s city.

Right.  The Swamp must be drained.  Obama and the Deep State conspired to destroy Donald Trump.  Congress is never short of scoundrels.  Nancy Pelosi is a vindictive shrew.  Who needs “progressive” Supreme Court justices making up the law as they go?  Wags may be tempted to say, “Who cares about D.C.?  Good riddance.”      

Politicians and appointees come and go (yes, the bureaucrats remain), but here we aren’t primarily focused on persons.  We’re focused on the Constitution, and the system of government and the institutions it created for the purpose of republican rule.  As patriots, we’re focused on a reverence for what D.C. stands for.      

Last Thursday evening, after President Trump’s nominating speech at the White House, Americans saw mobs gather outside White House barriers.  That’s okay, because protesters have 1st Amendment rights, we’re told ad nauseum.  That rote invocation is testament to the deceit and moral muddle dominating our times.   

Despite the gaslighting by the AP and other MSM, we watched the video of Senator Rand Paul, his wife Kelley, and party being menaced.  But they weren’t the only onesDan Bongino and his wife were targeted, too, as they walked to their hotel.  We’ve seen statues defaced and toppled.  In a sign from Heaven, Andrew Jackson’s statue refused to go down

This past Saturday night and into Sunday morning, mobs were at it again.  Reported WUSA9 (the D.C. CBS affiliate):

Police said five individuals were arrested after 'a group of individuals, who were intent on damaging property and injuring Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers, began engaging in riotous behavior at Black Lives Matter Plaza and throughout the city.'

Then on Sunday, in Joseph Goebbels fashion, Democrats fanned out on news shows.  With straight faces, they spun the same line: President Trump is responsible for the violence roiling blue cities across the country.  That includes D.C.           

Democrats are trying to bait the president.  Get Trump to order federal law enforcement and National Guard into blue cities.  Then brand him a tyrant for doing so without agreement from governors and mayors.  Then stage incidents.  You know, “peaceful protesters” brutalized by merciless feds.  And always cry racism, particularly in D.C.  How dare the president override Bowser and the majority black city council?         

Pre-election politics favor restraint by the president.  Why give Democrats excuses to distract from the critical choice voters must make on November 3?  But come Election Night, that calculus must change.

The chatter is that the left plans new rounds of unrest on Election Night and thereafter.  Blue cities will erupt.  D.C. is likely to be front and center.  A re-elected President Trump (confidence in this outcome grows daily) must then act decisively to quell mobs and riots, beginning in the nation’s capital. 

There’s a lot not to recommend about Washington, D.C.  It has a horrific homicide rate.  Crime has plagued the city for decades.  Many of its streets are unsafe in the best of times.  A governing class, influencers, and fixers -- affluent thanks to tax dollars -- make D.C. metro their permanent home.  Big government is a curse. 

But Washington, D.C. belongs to us.  Not to mobs, haters, and leftist agitators.  The monuments, the White House, Congress, the repositories of our magnificent history… our epic successes and great beliefs and traditions are bound up in that city.  Our capital city.  The time fast approaches to take it back for the people. 


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Amazing Ad: ‘Say No to the Mob’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says in the next clip, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings in the country. Maybe there will be.” This came from a June 14, 2018, weekly press conference, when she was the House minority leader. Pelosi said she did not know why people were not “uprising” against the Trump administration over the conditions on the southern border with Mexico.
The voice-over in the ad continues, “Democrats encouraged it.”
Former Attorney General Eric Holder is seen in the next clip at an October 2018 campaign event in Georgia saying, “When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, a Democrat, is seen saying, “Get up in the face of some congresspeople,” a remark he made in July 2018 just weeks after California Rep. Maxine Waters, also a Democrat, encouraged her supporters to confront President Trump’s Cabinet officials. Waters is also included in the ad.

They show Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Ca), the Democratic vice presidential nominee, encouraging the “protests” and Joe Biden, the presidential nominee, terming them “peaceful.”

It also nails Democrats but good for being involved in helping to bail out people during the riots. Harris and 13 Biden staffers contributed to a bail fund to help get people out and Harris promoted the fund as well on social media, helping them get to $35 million. The Fund helped to get out people arrested for crimes during the riots, including people who were charges with violent crimes. At least one person bailed out then was allegedly involved in another assault, leaving the victim with a traumatic brain injury. 

Ads like this need to run over and over again on a loop until Election Day.

Trump Accused Of Fomenting Violence By Hovering Over Cities In A Hot Air Balloon Chanting 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'

U.S.—Riots, arson, and shootings continue in major cities, and while many blame the left for being too tolerant of such actions in Democrat-run cities, others blame President Donald Trump for the violence. They particularly blame how he now spends much of his time floating over cities in a hot air balloon, chanting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

“He’s encouraging this violence,” presidential candidate Joe Biden said in a taped message from a secret location far underground. “People are protesting peacefully, but then they look up, and there’s the president yelling at them to fight. That feels a bit like incitement.”

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany dismissed these accusations. “The fact is, the president is a hot air balloon enthusiast. And while maybe he could choose his words -- or in this instance, word -- more carefully, he has a First Amendment right like anyone else.”

She then continued to dismiss any connection between the president floating above riots and laughing and yelling and any of the unrest seen in major cities. “What we have are a bunch of cities run by Democrats and completely falling apart,” McEnany said. “And while they’d love to point fingers at some outside source -- such as the president floating above them and chanting, ‘Fight!’ -- the real reason is in their policies.”

So far, the president has not commented on his actions himself, as he was last seen floating far too high over Portland after he tried to drop all his sandbags on a rioter.

The Assassin Who Helped Create the Deep State



 Article by Robert Spencer in The American Thinker

The Assassin Who Helped Create the Deep State

By now it is abundantly clear that President Trump faces furious opposition not just from the Democrats, the establishment Republicans, and the mainstream media, but from a shadowy, determined cabal of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are deeply embedded in the government: the “deep state.” Paradoxically, the ability of such a cabal to grow and operate freely can be traced back in American history to well-meaning efforts to end government corruption -- as well as to the evil act of one deranged assassin.

Today’s deep state is a result of efforts to reform what was known as the “spoils system.” In 1828, Andrew Jackson was elected president on promises to end the hegemony of a privileged aristocracy, and to drain that swamp, he would need his own men in key positions. He removed a large number of civil service employees and replaced them with men of his own faction, which came to be known as the Democracy, or Democratic Party. This came to be known as the spoils system, after the old adage “To the victor belong the spoils.” This practice led to numerous incompetent people being placed in positions of responsibility; after the Civil War, a movement grew to remedy that problem by making civil service jobs based on merit rather than party affiliation.

In 1880, a champion of civil service reform, James A. Garfield, was nominated for president by the Republicans; to mollify the Stalwarts, or Republicans who favored the spoils system, the vice-presidential nod went to Chester Alan Arthur, a man who had been fired from his job as Collector of the Port of New York by President Rutherford B. Hayes for ignoring Hayes’s civil service reform executive order forbidding forcing federal officers to make campaign contributions.

The Garfield/Arthur ticket won, and immediately as president, Garfield pushed for measures that would end it. When a scheme to steal the public revenues was discovered in the Post Office Department, he moved swiftly, firing those implicated and calling for the prosecution of anyone involved, no matter how high a position he occupied. Accompanying this was his insistence on adopting a merit-based system that would, he hoped, reduce corruption by removing federal offices from the realm of partisan politics. He did not live to see this come to fruition.

Garfield had only been president for four months when, on July 2, 1881, he and Secretary of State James G. Blaine were walking through the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, on their way to board a train to spend part of the summer in New Jersey, away from the heat of the capital. Just then, a man stepped up behind Garfield and fired his gun twice at the president, hitting him in the back and arm, and crying, “I am a Stalwart and now Arthur is President!”

That man was Charles Guiteau, who has been described in so many history books as a “disappointed office seeker” that the label has practically become a Homeric epithet. A disappointed office seeker Guiteau undeniably was, but he was much more than that. After repeatedly pressing Chester Arthur for a chance to campaign for the Garfield/Arthur ticket during the 1880 campaign, Arthur relented, likely just to end his harassment, and Guiteau delivered his speech, “Garfield against Hancock,” a single time. Guiteau thought he was owed a federal office as a result and had pestered White House officials repeatedly for a chance to see Garfield, who did meet with him at least once, and then Blaine in order to make his case for an appointment as consul to France.

Guiteau was, however, not an ordinary office seeker. He wanted a position in France but did not speak French. His sister recounted that in 1875, six years before the assassination, he had raised an axe to her with a look on his face “like a wild animal.” She explained: “I had no doubt then of his insanity. He was losing his mind.” In 1881, before the assassination, he also pressured Senator John Logan of Illinois for a federal job; Logan recounted: “I must say I thought there was some derangement of his mental organization.”

There was. As he bought a pistol and hatched his plan to murder Garfield, Guiteau wrote: “The Lord inspired me to attempt to remove the President in preference to someone else, because I had the brains and the nerve to do the work. The Lord always employs the best material to do His work.”

On September 19, 1881, Garfield died. At his murder trial, Guiteau stated that he was pleading “insanity, in that it was God’s act and not mine. The Divine pressure on me to remove the president was so enormous that it destroyed my free agency, and therefore I am not responsible for my act.”

Guiteau was not a “disappointed office seeker” first and foremost; he was a madman. That he has gone down in history as the former rather than the latter can be attributed to attempts to discredit the spoils system and advance the merits of civil service reform. Although Guiteau thought that by elevating Arthur to the presidency he was protecting the spoils system, his crime had the opposite effect: national revulsion over the killing of Garfield made civil service reform the most pressing issue of the day. The time for that reform had come at last, even as the Stalwart Arthur took the oath of office.

Rating America’s Presidents details how, when he became president, Arthur proceeded to shock the entire nation, and especially his Stalwart friends, by supporting civil service reform. His determination that he had a responsibility to do what Garfield would have done outweighed his commitment to the Stalwarts. He declared his support for civil service legislation, explaining that not he, but Garfield, had been elected president, and that he consequently had a responsibility to carry out his policies. On January 16, 1883, Arthur signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, which mandated that some employees of the government would be hired on the basis of written tests, not political affiliation, and forbade the firing of government employees for political purposes.

Arthur demonstrated immense personal courage and honor in choosing to carry out the wishes of his slain predecessor rather than implement his own contrary agenda. His decision to do this effectively ended his political career, as he almost certainly knew it would, and yet he stood firm.

Whether his stance was entirely wise in the long run is a separate question. Historians take for granted that civil service reform was good for the country, and there has been no significant indication that it wasn’t until quite recently, when a president has been thwarted in numerous endeavors by an army of unelected bureaucrats within the various departments and agencies of the government, who are determined to impede his agenda in every way possible.

The proponents of civil service reform never envisioned a situation in which deeply entrenched opponents of a sitting president in the FBI, the Justice Department, and elsewhere would be determined to destroy the president -- or at very least make it impossible for him to carry out his policies -- and could not be removed from their jobs because of civil service regulations.

Would not government work more smoothly, and the executive branch be able to operate more effectively in the way the Founding Fathers envisioned it would, if the president were able to clear out the employees of these agencies who opposed him and replace them with people more in line with his vision?

Charles Guiteau’s madness helped pave the way for the deep state. The spoils system has no defenders today and has had none for over a century. It should have more.

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Bitch claims she was set up

That salon owner didn’t plot a set up. If anything, she just got fed up. Fed up with one set of rules for us and another for the odious Pelosi.

In all the years Nancy Pelosi has been flapping her gums, very little of what she says shocks me anymore. So imagine my surprise when Nancy managed to say something so egregiously awful that I sat speechless and stunned for nearly a minute.  The Salon Scofflaw is actually going with the “Bitch set me up” defense for her illegal hair appointment.

Or, in Nancy’s case, she’s the bitch who got set up.

I was actually dumbfounded when I heard it.  And it’s bad enough Nancy is accusing the salon of a set up, but she actually had the gall to demand an apology from the salon owner.

I was going to write about this yesterday evening, but was so furious I knew every third word I typed would have been the F-word.  So I decided to hold off until I wasn’t burning with fury.

Sadly, I’m still burning with fury, which explains the title of this post.

Now, if I’m to follow whatever passes for “logic” from this booze-soaked bitch, this salon owner, clearly with superhuman powers, enticed MSNBC to book Nancy Pelosi on Monday which, naturally would result in Pelosi wanting a hair appointment.

She is the “Face of the Resistance” after all. And the Face of the Resistance must look good when she appears on MSNBC to accuse President Trump of “slapping science in the face.”

How this superhuman and devious salon owner managed to set up this MSNBC booking, we will never know. But clearly she has powers of mind control.

Because then, this salon owner, using her mind control powers, got Pelosi’s staffer to contact the salon and schedule an appointment to prepare Nancy for her MSNBC hit.

In other words, the set up was diabolical!

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

It must have been the salon owner’s massive mind-control powers that erased from both Pelosi and her assistant’s memories the fact that salons in San Francisco – like virtually every other business – were shut down because of the Wuhan Panic.

Hey, the set up won’t work if Pelosi remembers that going to a salon violates lockdown orders, right?  I mean, she would never, of her own accord, instruct her assistant to schedule her an appointment at a locked down business.  So it must have been the mind control powers of the salon owner that compelled Nancy to do it.

The networks that ignored the story when it first broke are now covering it like a mask on Biden, but not to skewer Nancy’s hypocrisy. No. They’re parroting the claim that the salon owner set the bitch up.

And guess what’s happening as a result. 

Why, color me shocked.

I’m going to venture into a little conjecture here. But I think it is supported by the facts.

This is not the first time Nancy Pelosi has dismissed the lockdown orders she demands we follow.

And while that’s conjecture on my part, I feel pretty confident I’m right.


Well, I think Pelosi is used to getting her way. She expects to be treated like royalty. And, sadly, in San Francisco that’s exactly how she gets treated.

I suspect the general rule both in San Francisco and DC is this: “If it’s Pelosi calling, you do what she wants. And you keep your mouth shut about it.”

Queen Bitch
All during the lockdown – that alleged “15 days to stop the spread that now is 172 days” – Nancy has been on TV a LOT. Do you really believe that Monday, August 31, 2020 was the first time Nancy demanded a hair appointment before a cable news hit?

Not on the likely.
I’m thinking for the last 172 days, Nancy has been exempting herself from the dictates we rags and tatters are required by governmental order to obey.
I don’t think the salon owner plotted a set up.
I think the salon owner got fed up.
Fed up with going along with the understanding that the rules don’t apply to Nancy.  Fed up because for the last five months, she’s watched her business collapse over onerous dictates Pelosi is exempted from.
If you push people to the brink, they will push back.
That’s Newton’s Third Law.  For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
You’d think Nancy, lover of science that she is, would understand that.
For 172 days the Speaker of the House has lectured us little people about obeying these business-killing orders while conveniently exempting herself.

Oh, I have no doubt that Julie is right.
Is it any wonder the salon owner had enough?
That’s not a set-up.  That was the straw the broke the camel’s back.
Even Nancy knows she wasn’t set up.
But you never go against San Francisco’s queen. Never.
So out of spite, rather than give a heartfelt mea culpa like any good Catholic would, that bitch Pelosi is out for revenge.
And lucky for her, the unhinged ResistanceLOL that treats her like a sacred cow is more than happy to carry out that vengeance on her behalf.