Friday, September 4, 2020

Bitch claims she was set up

That salon owner didn’t plot a set up. If anything, she just got fed up. Fed up with one set of rules for us and another for the odious Pelosi.

In all the years Nancy Pelosi has been flapping her gums, very little of what she says shocks me anymore. So imagine my surprise when Nancy managed to say something so egregiously awful that I sat speechless and stunned for nearly a minute.  The Salon Scofflaw is actually going with the “Bitch set me up” defense for her illegal hair appointment.

Or, in Nancy’s case, she’s the bitch who got set up.

I was actually dumbfounded when I heard it.  And it’s bad enough Nancy is accusing the salon of a set up, but she actually had the gall to demand an apology from the salon owner.

I was going to write about this yesterday evening, but was so furious I knew every third word I typed would have been the F-word.  So I decided to hold off until I wasn’t burning with fury.

Sadly, I’m still burning with fury, which explains the title of this post.

Now, if I’m to follow whatever passes for “logic” from this booze-soaked bitch, this salon owner, clearly with superhuman powers, enticed MSNBC to book Nancy Pelosi on Monday which, naturally would result in Pelosi wanting a hair appointment.

She is the “Face of the Resistance” after all. And the Face of the Resistance must look good when she appears on MSNBC to accuse President Trump of “slapping science in the face.”

How this superhuman and devious salon owner managed to set up this MSNBC booking, we will never know. But clearly she has powers of mind control.

Because then, this salon owner, using her mind control powers, got Pelosi’s staffer to contact the salon and schedule an appointment to prepare Nancy for her MSNBC hit.

In other words, the set up was diabolical!

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

It must have been the salon owner’s massive mind-control powers that erased from both Pelosi and her assistant’s memories the fact that salons in San Francisco – like virtually every other business – were shut down because of the Wuhan Panic.

Hey, the set up won’t work if Pelosi remembers that going to a salon violates lockdown orders, right?  I mean, she would never, of her own accord, instruct her assistant to schedule her an appointment at a locked down business.  So it must have been the mind control powers of the salon owner that compelled Nancy to do it.

The networks that ignored the story when it first broke are now covering it like a mask on Biden, but not to skewer Nancy’s hypocrisy. No. They’re parroting the claim that the salon owner set the bitch up.

And guess what’s happening as a result. 

Why, color me shocked.

I’m going to venture into a little conjecture here. But I think it is supported by the facts.

This is not the first time Nancy Pelosi has dismissed the lockdown orders she demands we follow.

And while that’s conjecture on my part, I feel pretty confident I’m right.


Well, I think Pelosi is used to getting her way. She expects to be treated like royalty. And, sadly, in San Francisco that’s exactly how she gets treated.

I suspect the general rule both in San Francisco and DC is this: “If it’s Pelosi calling, you do what she wants. And you keep your mouth shut about it.”

Queen Bitch
All during the lockdown – that alleged “15 days to stop the spread that now is 172 days” – Nancy has been on TV a LOT. Do you really believe that Monday, August 31, 2020 was the first time Nancy demanded a hair appointment before a cable news hit?

Not on the likely.
I’m thinking for the last 172 days, Nancy has been exempting herself from the dictates we rags and tatters are required by governmental order to obey.
I don’t think the salon owner plotted a set up.
I think the salon owner got fed up.
Fed up with going along with the understanding that the rules don’t apply to Nancy.  Fed up because for the last five months, she’s watched her business collapse over onerous dictates Pelosi is exempted from.
If you push people to the brink, they will push back.
That’s Newton’s Third Law.  For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
You’d think Nancy, lover of science that she is, would understand that.
For 172 days the Speaker of the House has lectured us little people about obeying these business-killing orders while conveniently exempting herself.

Oh, I have no doubt that Julie is right.
Is it any wonder the salon owner had enough?
That’s not a set-up.  That was the straw the broke the camel’s back.
Even Nancy knows she wasn’t set up.
But you never go against San Francisco’s queen. Never.
So out of spite, rather than give a heartfelt mea culpa like any good Catholic would, that bitch Pelosi is out for revenge.
And lucky for her, the unhinged ResistanceLOL that treats her like a sacred cow is more than happy to carry out that vengeance on her behalf.