Saturday, June 27, 2020

Defund America-Hating Universities

Article by Arnold Ahlert in "The Patriot Post": 
 "They are the root of the virulent anti-Americanism" that is causing mayhem nationwide.

Amidst the current climate of violence, looting, arson, and the destruction of historical artifacts, cries of “defund the police!” have reached fever pitch. Columnist Peter Wood has a far better idea. “Now is the moment to defund the colleges,” he writes. “We should defund them because they are the root of the virulent anti-Americanism that feeds the riots, the looting and the learned helplessness that afflict the country.”

Spot on. Colleges have spent the last half-century teaching millions of young Americans that their nation is a fundamentally flawed entity where systemic racism abounds, white “privilege” is endemic, and that merit should be superseded by identity politics. These are institutions where students are coddled like infants and provided with trigger warnings for classical literature or safe spaces replete with coloring books and Play-doh. Students have their rank intolerance wholly indulged to the point where they are allowed to destroy anyone who would challenge any iota of the progressive orthodoxy, even when it involves something as puerile as “culturally insensitive” Halloween costumes.

This odious dichotomy is enabled by intellectually and morally bankrupt faculty members and administrators. “Wonder where today’s ‘cancel culture’ comes from?” asks columnist Liz Peek. “It comes from college campuses, fueled by young people and abetted by an older generation that has not had the courage to say no.”

Thus at UCLA, accounting professor Gordon Klein was put on leave for three weeks after insisting that minority students, who were attempting to use George Floyd’s death as an excuse, not be allowed to delay their final exams. And despite receiving police protection due to threats of violence, the school’s dean, Antonio Bernardo, promised to investigate Klein’s “troubling behavior” and apologized to students for the “added stress” Klein ostensibly precipitated. And despite University of Chicago President Robert J. Zimmer’s stated commitment to free speech, dozens of faculty members have demanded senior faculty member Harald Uhlig’s ouster for failing to support Black Lives Matter.

By contrast, University of Georgia teaching assistant Irami Osei-Frampong apparently remains employed despite an online post stating, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”

This dynamic is hardly isolated. As columnist John Daniel Davidson explains, you either support the Marxist, race-baiting, anti-cop, violence-abetting organization that is BLM, or “you will be harassed, shunned, and shamed out of mainstream America. If you dare to speak a word against BLM, you will be targeted, mobbed, and probably fired.”

California Associate of Scholars Chairman John Ellis explains why, noting that the ratio of progressive versus conservative faculty members has increased exponentially toward the progressive side of the equation, from three to two in 1969 to more than eight to one currently. Moreover, at the more recently appointed assistant and associate professor level, that ratio explodes to 48 to one. “Everyone can see that it’s wrong. It’s unhealthy,” Ellis states. “And no one does a thing to stop it.”

How did we get here? Former Ivy league professor Robert Weissberg reveals that once-prestigious universities began shifting in the ‘70s when student deferments from the Vietnam War and affirmative action precipitated lower college-entry standards. More telling, formerly tough professors who demanded educational excellence were cowed into lowering those standards by anonymous student evaluations.“No savvy instructor would now challenge a student who 'explained’ that socialism could end homelessness by eliminating all rent,” Weissberg writes. “If he did, the humiliated student would anonymously write how she felt ashamed, cried herself to sleep and felt diminished self-esteem.”

Enrollment-based budgets and soaring tuition costs fed this effort. Filling seats became a priority that led to “grade inflation, shortened reading lists, painless exams and no-brainer writing assignments,” Weissberg adds, while the increasing popularity of political correctness narrowed the field of “acceptable” information.

Yet perhaps above all else, the doubling of non-academic administrative and professional employees — including so-called “diversity specialists” — has far outpaced the growth of students and faculty. Such expansion has given rise to quota-mongering epitomized by Harvard, where black, Native American, and Hispanic students are invited to attend with SAT scores of 1,100, while Asian males and females requires scores of 1,350-plus and 1,380-plus, respectively, to get the same invitation.

Bloated bureaucracies are paid for by staggering tuition increases that have precipitated more than $1.5 trillion in student debt nationwide. All loan defaults on that debt are underwritten by the taxpayer, giving colleges no incentive whatsoever to control costs. And despite this increasingly untenable dynamic, colleges remain wholly unaccountable regarding whether or not what they are teaching can secure decent paying jobs for graduates — even as they have convinced America that a college degree is an absolute necessity.

Enough. Wood proposes several commonsense measures for reining in these America-hating entities. They include refusing to cut checks to alumni donation campaigns, enrolling students in educational programs beyond the reach of the indoctrinators, and “rolling back the massive subsidies that state and federal government put into higher education” that are nothing more than “a thick-shelled nut of special interests.”

Make that special interests whose contempt for this nation is blatantly evinced by their silent acquiescence — at best — of the cultural armageddon currently being perpetrated across the nation. At worst? “In recent years these young people have moved out into the world, carrying their intolerance with them,” Peek writes. “They now occupy newsrooms and social media firms.”

They also occupy positions of importance in “woke” virtue-signaling corporations that actively cheerlead this societal degradation. “You know, if I was a member of a political movement that stood up for working people and found myself every single time on the side of Amazon, on the side of Apple, on the side of Google, I might ask myself if I’ve actually chosen the right allies and what it says about me,” states author J.D. Vance. “But unfortunately, too many folks on the Left just aren’t doing that.”

Fortunately, there’s hope. The same China Virus devastating our economy and precipitating extended shutdowns has given the nation a golden opportunity to reassess the contemptible status quo. “The coronavirus pandemic threatens to remake U.S. higher education, speeding the closure of small, financially weak colleges and forcing others to make tough decisions about what they can afford,” Bloomberg News reports.

All well and good, but there’s nothing unaffordable about reinstituting ideologically balanced faculties and tolerance for dissenting ideas, or paring bloated bureaucracies that cultivate intolerance and call it diversity.

Yet if colleges choose to remain as they are, let them fund themselves.

“We are where we are today because of education,” former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University Everett Piper asserts. “The fault for the nightly news lies with our colleges, universities and our public schools. But the blame also lies with us. All parents and other citizens who support these broken schools, with their tuition and tax dollars, need to wake up and face reality. Until we stop sending our kids off to intellectually bankrupt schools, we can expect nothing other than an intellectually bankrupt culture.”

It’s time America raised its expectations — and lowered the boom on these citadels of rank indoctrination.

Parler app hits 500K users amid conservative censorship

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:40 PM PT — Saturday, June 27, 2020
Amid rising censorship of conservative voices on Twitter and other social media platforms, the new app Parler has seen a large influx of users. According to reports, more than 500,000 new people created accounts on the site after Twitter recently banned two conservative accounts.
Parler’s user base skyrocketed by 50% this week alone, bringing the total number of users to 1.5 million.

Conservatives like Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Ted Cruz announced they joined site after experiencing what they called “unfair banning of right-wing accounts.”
“They use that power to silence conservatives and to promote their radical left-wing agenda,” stated Cruz. “Big tech has shown the ability to shadow ban what you say or post without anyone ever knowing about it.”

 A number of popular politicians and online personalities have also signed on to Parler, including Dan Bongino.

Wall Street Quietly Begins Warning About A Biden Presidency Rich Uncle Pennybags Monopoly Man Enamel Hat Pin Lapel ...
Article by Sergei Klebnikov in "Forbes":


 With Joe Biden surging in the polls, Wall Street executives are preparing for a potential scenario where he becomes president—with some firms warning clients the stock market could take a hit.

The former vice president has a 10-point advantage over the president, according to a RealClearPolitics’ average of national polls and opened up commanding leads in swing states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan.

Biden even topped Trump in fundraising last month, while Trump’s approval ratings—amid the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic—have plunged to 39%, near the lowest levels of his presidency, according to Gallup.

The main concern for Wall Street if Trump doesn’t win reelection is the likelihood of higher corporate taxes: In December 2019, Biden pledged to roll back Trump’s signature tax cut legislation, which massively boosted corporate profits.

While often expressing more moderate views in public, many wealthy executives and investors privately supported Trump for his tax cuts and deregulation efforts; As some now prepare for a Biden presidency, it’s a noticeable change of tone for Wall Street.
Much of the election’s impact on the stock market will depend on whether the Republicans retain control of the Senate—as Democrats would then be less likely to enact major economic changes.

Some finance executives and analysts are warning that if the Democrats sweep the White House and the Senate in November, increased regulation and higher taxes would be bad for businesses and could negatively impact the stock market.

“If it looks like the Senate stays Republican than there’s less to worry about in terms of policy changes,” Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist for Charles Schwab, told CNBC.

Chief critic

The poll numbers for Trump are “bleak no matter how one looks at them,” says Adam Crisafulli, founder of Vital Knowledge. But markets “aren’t focused too much on this issue at the moment,” he argues: “Part of this is a function of 2016, where polls also signaled a Trump defeat for most of the year (although Biden’s lead now is far ahead of where Clinton was at this point in 2016).” The stock market is also assuming the economic landscape could be much different by the time of the election, Crisafulli says, with “an improved COVID backdrop, a possible vaccine, more stimulus, better growth (and lower unemployment)” are all likely to translate into higher poll numbers for Trump.

Crucial quote

“A Republican sweep would be viewed as more likely to continue on current tax policy and deficit spending trends,” Morgan Stanley analysts said in a recent note. Major firms like Goldman Sachs have similarly cautioned that a Democratic sweep poses risks to profitability and dividends, which would lead to decline in the S&P 500’s earnings per share for 2021. Others, like Credit Suisse, believe that though a higher tax rate would be a headwind for the market, other Democratic policies would likely “remain supportive for the economy.”

Surprising facts

The stock market typically performs better when an incumbent is reelected, while it usually underperforms when the White House flips from Republican to Democrat, according to data from Bank of America. According to a recent RBC Capital Markets survey, the majority of the firm’s clients still believe that Trump’s reelection is a positive for the market, with 60% saying that a Biden presidency would negatively impact stocks.

Key background

Although Biden was a heavy favorite over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries, Trump was still viewed as the general election favorite going into 2020. But since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs and many businesses remain shut down. Facing criticism over his administration’s response to the virus outbreak, Trump’s support amongst voters has begun to whither in recent months. Wall Street had considered the possibility of a Biden presidency before, but it wasn’t until his recent surge in the polls that the outcome began to look more likely. 

“Respect our police” – wives of French officers berate government

June 27, 2020
PARIS (Reuters) – Several dozen women protested in support of French police in central Paris on Saturday, as discontent within the country’s law enforcement agencies swells over what they feel is the government’s unfair treatment of officers over racism.
Police have been holding wildcat protests everyday in towns and cities across France at government attempts to change their practices and punish officers suspected of racism.
Police unions accuse the government of scapegoating them for deep-rooted social ills in an attempt to quell public anger after the killing of George Floyd unleashed protests in France as anger at police violence and racism swept the world.
Many among the women protesting outside the Paris police headquarters were wives and partners of officers. One carried a message for Interior Minister Christophe Castaner: “Respect our police.”
Castaner infuriated police this month when he acknowledged there were cases of racism in the force and proposed punishing any officer guilty of “proven suspicions of racism”.
Hundreds of police protested on Friday night outside Paris’ Bataclan concert hall, where 90 people were killed in an attack by Islamist militants in 2015.

Bill Barr: DOJ Has Over 500 Investigations Into Violent Rioters

Bill Barr: DOJ Has Over 500 Investigations Into Violent Rioters
United States Attorney General William Barr announced that the Department of Justice is leading over 500 investigations into the destruction caused by riots across the country. Barr explained the reason for the investigations on Sen. Ted Cruz’s podcast “The Verdict.” 

“We’ve had scores of indictments so far for such things as arson, destruction of federal property,” Barr said. “We have right now about 500 investigations underway, so it’s picking up pace. We are committed to holding accountable the people who engaged in this.”

Barr explained the reason for the increase in investigations is heavily associated with the lack of response by other levels of government. 

“That’s where the burden is right now, on state and local, and in many places, they’re not stepping up to the plate, they’re not doing their job,” said Barr. 

Barr also suggested that many of these riots were protests that were infiltrated by “provocateurs and agitators” with some even having associations to Antifa.

“We are seeing strong evidence of coordination in many of these violent episodes,” he explained.

According to Barr, many of the investigations will begin with prosecutions based on the videos of rioters defacing and attempting to tear down the President Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C. Barr, however, also clarified that prevention is a big focus in the DOJ’s handling of these investigations. 

“We have to do a better job of trying to stop these groups before they are able to do damage to these monuments and statues,” he said. 

Protests have erupted around the nation since the death of George Floyd at the end of May. May of these protests, however, quickly escalated into riots by people who defaced, attacked, and even burned different establishments, businesses, and statues all around the country. 

In a statement released in May, Barr expressed his concern with the riots and vowed to address them. 

“It is time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it,” he said. “The continued violence and destruction of property endangers the lives and livelihoods of others, and interferes with the rights of peaceful protesters, as well as all other citizens.”

BLM/Antifa Violence Is...

BLM/Antifa Violence Is Prelude for November

The left is going to riot in November no matter who wins the presidency.  Leftists have established by precedent the premise that "mostly peaceful" rioting, arson, assault, and rampant property destruction are not only acceptable, but necessary in order to purge our nation of imagined original sin.

George Floyd was merely a stroke of luck for the left; if it were not for his murder, they would have needed to conjure up another excuse for the studied and deliberate anarchy we are experiencing today.

Having failed at winning the election and then again with their efforts to depose President Trump through investigation and impeachment, Democrats have concluded that revolution is necessary, and one cannot prosecute a revolution without practice.

What we are seeing today is Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, and BLM, the propaganda arm (in conjunction with mainstream media) of the party, practicing for the "big show."  They understand that their coup failed because their nefarious plot against President Trump was strangled in its crib by a constitution that works when followed.  And they cannot allow that again.

Revolution is the way...

This has been coming for some time, certainly before Trump ever descended that escalator to announce his candidacy.  It is what "cancel culture" is about: stealing agency from anyone who does not toe the line.

The movement to make people apologize to black people for their privilege and for the slavery and bigotry that no country has done more to address and eliminate is a means to create an acceptance culture among people who otherwise might object to the coming revolution.

Forbidding particular statues, wrong words, cultural appropriation, and borrowed slang, are all about establishing boundaries that shall not be crossed to create limits to potential dissent from their incipient rebellion.

People think that the Obama administration's debasing of the constitutional protections afforded to the accused with respect to sexual assault accusations in the nation's colleges was about pursuing justice for the women who should "always be believed."

It was not.  It was a means of getting people to understand that going forward, the left will not allow the presumption of innocence.  And if they can cancel that, they can cancel anything.

It was also a starting point.

It was initially Confederate statues that were overturned, but now it is any statue, because they want us to know that they are in control and we should, as we are doing now, stand down when they try to overthrow the government in November.

It is all a test to see if America will accept the negation of the values inherent in our constitution.  With the slogan "black lives matter," they mean to force us to accept that the aphorism "all men are created equal" is outdated, because black lives are more equal and matter more than any others.

Yet it is not that they care one whit for black lives who perish in unimaginable numbers at the hands of other black lives; what they want is to establish a regime where the people of the United States accept that what they say matters.

Having established the policy, it is a small step to abrogating all of anyone's rights at any time.  All that will be needed to destroy one's constitutional protections is for the left's allies in media to sell it to an uninformed populace as righteous and justified.

After all, who is not anti-rape, anti-racism, and pro-fairness?

The canceling, forced apologies, the looting, and the arson are all part of getting America ready to accept the rebellion the Democrats are planning for post-election.

And the destruction will not be "rebellion" or "revolution"; it will be peaceful protest.

The left acts under the premise that only leftists are right and just.  This false assumption gives them both license and good reason to commit whatever despicable deed they must to eradicate opposing ideas.  And if we have seen anything these last weeks, it is that Democrats have no aversion to using violence to get what they want, because when you believe that you are riding "the arc of history," breaking a few bones and burning down a city bend toward justice — as Barry would say.

The riots, the arson, the defund police movement, assaults of public figures, the canceling of people who drift astray of the left's orthodoxy — all are designed to inure people to the violence that will befall the nation immediately before and after 11/03/20.

We can expect the left to show little mercy, for cancel-culture leftists lack grace when the smell of blood inflames their nostrils.  After all, they are mere victims striking out against oppressors, which we have allowed ourselves to be categorized as by our silence.

Knocked off their feet with the destruction of Chairman Hillary Mao in 2016, they reached into the mire within which they were ensconced to grab whatever excrement they could to throw at the president, and it did not work.

Their "Plan B" is to overthrow the system, and the widespread anarchy and destruction we have seen in recent days is merely prologue as preview.

Should Trump win, there will be widespread calls for negating the election because...this, that, or the other thing was used by the president to steal the election.  That will be the justification for them to unleash the Kraken.

If Biden wins, they will riot to consolidate their gains and push their agenda.  This will include gun confiscation and destruction of the 1st Amendment — just to start.

Yes, we all know what will happen in November.  We have been witness to the arrogant display of slow-motion revolution for weeks now.

The more frightening question is, how can it be prevented?

If You’re White, You’re Racist. Period

If You’re White, You’re Racist. Period.

So says Robin DiAngelo, who proves that whites can be race hustlers, too.

At a time when violent radicals are attacking America and its institutions as fundamentally and irredeemably racist, Robin DiAngelo may well be the woman of the hour. A 63-year-old professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, she’s a big name in multicultural education and in the burgeoning field of Whiteness Studies, which, unlike other identity-group “studies,” exists not to exalt the group in question but to demonize it. In the words of National Post columnist Barbara Kay, Whiteness Studies teaches that to be white is to be “branded, literally in the flesh, with evidence of a kind of original sin. You can try to mitigate your evilness, but you can’t eradicate it. The to entrench permanent race consciousness in everyone – eternal victimhood for non-whites, eternal guilt for whites.”

DiAngelo, just so you know, is white.

In addition to being a professor, DiAngelo is a “workplace diversity trainer.” And she’s not just any “workplace diversity trainer.” As Kelefa Sanneh put it last year in the New Yorker, she’s “perhaps the country's most visible expert in anti-bias training, a practice that is also an industry, and from all appearances a prospering one.” In these days when everything is suddenly about race and when pusillanimous corporate leaders are falling all over themselves pandering to Black Lives Matter, DiAngelo’s services as a “workplace diversity trainer” are surely more in demand than ever.

But DiAngelo isn’t just an academic and an anti-bias trainer. She’s also an author. Two years ago she published a bookWhite Fragility: Why It's So Hard For White People To Talk About Racismthat has been on the bestseller list ever since, making her an eagerly sought-after speaker. Just a few days ago, in the thick of the current race war, she was interviewed by an inanely fawning Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. Her message: all whites are indeed eternally guilty, for they’re all racists, and all “people of color” are their eternal victims. Don’t think you can escape the racist label by saying “I judge people by what they do, not who they are” or “I don’t see color; I see people.” DiAngelo doesn’t buy into the idea of colorblindness. Nor does she have any patience for Martin Luther King’s sentiments about the content of one’s character. “Individual whites,” DiAngelo explains, “may be ‘against’ racism, but they still benefit from a system that privileges whites as a group,” and are consequently racists.  

The flip side of this tenet is that blacks can’t ever be racists. “While a white person may have been picked on – even mercilessly – by being in the numerical minority in a specific context,” DiAngelo contends, “the individual was experiencing race prejudice and discrimination, not racism.” Hence, even though Barack Obama was president of the United States for two terms, he’s still structurally subordinate to some white guy in a shack in the Appalachians.  

Don’t dare tell DiAngelo that “focusing on race is what divides us.” According to her, race in America is a constant existential crisis that we can only fairly address by focusing on it constantlyDiAngelo admits that race is continuously on her mind and that it’s ever been thus. “In virtually every situation or context deemed normal, neutral or prestigious in society, I belong racially,” she writes. “This belonging is a deep and ever-present feeling that has always been with me. Belonging has settled deep into my consciousness; it shapes my daily thoughts and concerns, what I reach for in life, and what I expect to find.” As far as DiAngelo is concerned, her obsession with racial identity isn’t weird but admirable, and her goal is to make her white readers, students, and diversity trainees as obsessed as she is with their place in “a system of racial inequality that benefits whites at the expense of people of color.”

But what, you ask, if you can’t think of circumstances under which you’ve actually benefited from your whiteness? When I was in high school in Queens, N.Y., the student body of about 5000 was roughly 20% white gentile, 20% black, 20% Asian, 20% Hispanic, and 20% Jewish. I don’t remember those labels mattering in the slightest; kids weren’t picked on because of their ethnic identities but because they were fat or short, nerds or sissies. Later, being black would’ve been a boon to me; as somebody who attended a state university for financial reasons, I know that if I’d been black, my SAT scores would’ve given me a free ride through the Ivy League college and grad school of my choice and swept me into any one of a number of lucrative career paths. No, I’m not saying I’ve been seriously stung by affirmative action; on the contrary, I’m glad to know I never got special treatment, and I wouldn’t have wanted to go to Harvard or Yale anyway. But there are plenty of whites – and Asians too – who’ve been royally screwed over by racial preferences.

Some would argue that currently recognized “victim groups” aren’t even those most affected by bigotry. The elderly can be made to feel invisible; ditto people with psychiatric disorders, chronic illnesses, or physical deformities. “You can never truly understand discrimination unless you’ve been ugly,” says stand-up comic Doug Stanhope in one brilliant routine. “Ugly people face discrimination more than any other minority group.” Then there’s comedian Adam Carolla, who in House testimony three years ago spoke sarcastically of his own “white privilege.” Decades earlier, fresh out of high school and living with his welfare-recipient mother, he’d applied for a job as a firefighter only to be told that because he wasn’t black, Latino, or female he’d be put on a waiting list. After seven years of “digging ditches and picking up garbage” for a living, he was summoned to take the fire department exam, and when he asked the woman of color in line behind him when she’d applied, she said, “Wednesday.”

DiAngelo knows that such things happen. Indeed, at the beginning of her book, she recalls her own encounter with a man who, like Carolla, refused to acknowledge his racial privilege:

I am a white woman. I am standing beside a black woman. We are facing a group of white people seated in front of us. We are in their workplace and have been hired by their employer to lead them in a dialogue about race. The room is filled with tension and charged with hostility. I have just presented a definition of racism that includes the acknowledgment that whites hold social and institutional power over people of color. A white man is pounding his fist on the table. As he pounds, he yells, “A white person can’t get a job anymore!” I look around the room and see forty employees, thirty-eight of whom are white. Why is this white man so angry? Why is he being so careless about the impact of his anger? Why doesn’t he notice the effect this outburst is having on the few people of color in the room? Why are all the other white people either sitting in silent agreement with him or tuning out? I have, after all, only articulated a definition of racism.  

I’ve quoted this passage at length because I think it sheds a remarkable light into DiAngelo’s mind. Presumably she encounters people like that white man all the time. She knows – she has to know – that there’s truth in what he says. Affirmative action does put a lot of white people at an unfair disadvantage. That’s the experience of tens of millions of Americans. But when facts come up against ideology, a radical leftist will grasp onto ideology all the more fiercely.
Why, DiAngelo asks, is this man angry? My answer: he’s angry because, even though she knows nothing at all about him other than his sex and skin color, she’s presumed to tell him that he’s a racist. He’s angry because she’s insulted his intelligence by acting as if he doesn’t live in the real world and never noticed anything about it until she came along to instruct him. He’s angry because she’s shown no interest in learning from his or anyone else’s experiences: whatever she may claim, her goal isn’t to engage in a genuine dialogue but to indoctrinate. He’s angry because even though she’s accusing him and the other white people in her audience of possessing white power, she’s doing so in a context – a workplace seminar – in which she’s actually the one with the power.

Needless to say, DiAngelo doesn’t see things this way. In her view, that white man’s anger is a manifestation of an attribute that, she maintains, all white people exhibit when confronted with their racism. DiAngelo has called this attribute “white fragility,” a term that’s caught on widely in academia and elsewhere. In his foreword to DiAngelo’s book, Michael Eric Dyson has this to say about the concept: “White fragility is an idea whose time has come. It is an idea that registers the hurt feelings, shattered egos, fraught spirits, vexed bodies, and taxed emotions of white folk. In truth, their suffering comes from recognizing that they are white – that their whiteness has given them a big leg up in life while crushing others’ dreams….”

Let’s put aside the hysterical rhetoric (shattered, fraught, vexed, taxed, suffering, crushing), which is common in efforts to sell ludicrous leftist claptrap, and ask: do whites really experience psychological torture because they know they’ve crushed black dreams? Does this claim ring true for anybody? Is life this simple – this black and white – for anyone? For heaven’s sake, we’re all individuals with different histories and different sets of problems. Yes, many of us, not just blacks, have suffered because we belong to some group. I’ve experienced personal and professional reversals because I’m gay. But that was along ago, in what now feels like another world. I have no interest in nursing ancient grudges, let alone in constructing a grotesquely simplistic ideology that, ignoring the complexities of real life, divides humanity into gay victims and straight oppressors.  

“Race,” Dyson avers, “is a condition. A disease. A card. A plague. Original sin.” One thing’s for sure: for Dyson, race is a meal ticket, a racket, a hustle, and a big, ugly, cynical lie. And for DiAngelo? I’m not sure. If her own testimony is to be believed, she’s a woman who’s monetized her own pathological obsession with race. Instead of seeking help for this sickness, she plays healer to the healthy. She might celebrate the fact that America is the world’s least racist country, that e pluribus unum is a remarkable, unprecedented reality; instead, the effect of her mischief is to help preserve and deepen whatever racial divisions do exist. Her grim ideology of race is crude, dehumanizing, insulting to black and white; it places us all, without regard to individual qualities or actions or accomplishments, into fixed categories of oppressor and oppressed; it condemns every last one of us to life sentences, alongside DiAngelo herself, in an exceedingly dreary prison of the mind. By all means, let DiAngelo keep to her cell, since, like some masochistic religious martyr, she seems to enjoy it so much; but for our colleges, corporations, and publishers to inflict her disorder upon the rest of us and to seek to make us fellow sufferers is sheer cruelty, damaging to our society and to our souls.

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Democrats Attempt DC Statehood – House Passes Bill 232-180 Vote

Washington DC was not established as a state for the exact reason why Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats are trying to gain statehood for Washington DC; absolute corruption and power, it’s a self-fulfilling proposition. Pelosi is now trying to cloud the latest effort under the false pretense of civil rights; but civil rights has nothing to do with it.

Washington DC was established to be a geographic centralized zone to house the offices of very limited federal government.  DC is now a zone of political corruption intentionally isolated from the rest of the nation; and built into a system of internal benefit, scheme, graft and power. The exact opposite of its purpose.

WASHINGTON DC – The House on Friday approved landmark legislation granting statehood to Washington, D.C., in a 232-180 vote.
The vote was historic, marking the first time either chamber has passed legislation to elevate the District to the 51st state — and empower its residents with long-sought voting representation within the halls of Congress.
Calls for Washington, D.C., to gain statehood have gained steam amid the national calls for racial justice that have followed the police killing of George Floyd last month.
…[J]ust months before November’s elections, Democrats are hoping to highlight their legislative priorities for voters to see. And Floyd’s death in the custody of Minneapolis police on May 25 — which unloosed a flood of pressure on Congress to tackle racism across broad facets of American culture — has given new life to a host of years-old proposals designed, at least in part, to empower African Americans and other minorities. (more)

We Can’t Let the Outrage Mob Win

We Can’t Let the Outrage Mob Win
Protestors attempt to pull down the statue of President Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park, June 22, 2020. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

In the face of far-left radicalism, we must hold the line.

‘Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”

I’ve been thinking a lot about George Orwell’s chilling premonition over the past several weeks, as an ever-growing number of statues, books, movies, television shows, and even food brands have been canceled by the left-wing mob.

Though there is a legitimate debate to be had about Confederate symbols and statues, the mob never intended to stop there. Not even the most heroic of American figures are safe now. Not the father of our nation, George Washington. Not Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant, who delivered the death stroke to General Lee’s Confederate rebellion. Not Abraham Lincoln, whom Frederick Douglass called a “friend and liberator.” And not Teddy Roosevelt, who in 1905 spoke of the need to “secure to each man, whatever his color, equality of opportunity, equality of treatment before the law.”

As Americans watch this unfold, many might ask: “Am I a bad person for not joining the mob? Have I failed to see the racism and oppression within these long-admired totems of our history? The mob seems so angry, and its anger must be proportionate to its righteousness, right?”

To Americans asking these questions: You are not the problem. The outrage mob is. Its breathless moralizing and anger do not portend reason or good faith, but instead mask deep ignorance and malicious intent.

You see, this isn’t about taking down offensive messages or symbols. These mobs didn’t suddenly stumble upon some forgotten and offensive historical anecdote, or reach their wits’ end after seeing Aunt Jemima on the grocery-store shelf just one too many times. No, this was a deliberate hijacking of a tragedy. The touchy sympathies of “political correctness” were always just a base from which to launch a cultural revolution, a purge of traditional American narratives and icons.

It’s about time we all woke up to it.

Liberals, naively tolerant of the mob, are always the first victims. Eager to appear as progressive allies, they give inch after inch until they’ve completely compromised the values they claim to stand for. Conservatives tried to warn our liberal friends. We tried to tell them that decades of identity politics and increasing flirtation with far-left ideology would end up here. Now, they have been trampled over completely by radical progressives, purged from the New York Times opinion section, from academia, and from Congress.

The good news is that it’s not too late. It’s never too late, not so long as good and decent people remain standing and willing to do something. There are a lot of us who love this great country, believe in the promise of its Founding, and aren’t keen on letting a mob rip it apart. All we have to do is speak out. We must hold the line and demand that our elected leaders stop allowing their cities to burn, that corporate America stop caving to Twitter hordes and becoming complicit in the cultural destruction, and that our educators stop teaching our kids that America is evil.

America is good. In fact, it’s great. The Fourth of July is right around the corner, marking the day in 1776 that our Founders signed their death warrant and became hunted traitors of the Crown so that we could live freer and more prosperous than any other group of people in human history.

The mob wants to erase the American dream. We can’t let that happen.

COVID-19 Hype is Needed In Order to Justify “Virtual Debates” Between Biden and Trump – (Among Other Motives)

Novel Controlavirus

In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests.  COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth.  All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme.  With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.

Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.

[Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue]

All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective.  There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.

It is not coincidental that all corporate media are all-in to facilitate the demanded fear that Democrats need in order to achieve their objectives.  Thus there is an alignment of all big government institutions and multinationals to support the same.

Nothing is coincidental. Everything is political.

Washington’s Prophetic Warning

George Washington and I Go Way Back—Or So Goes the Tale of My ...

Article by Scott S. Powell in "The American Thinker":

President Trump paid tribute to George Washington when he recently delivered the 2020 convocation speech at West Point.  While congratulating the cadet graduates and reminding the world of the success of his defense modernization program that gives the U.S. unchallenged superiority, Trump missed an opportunity to mention that Washington’s “Farewell Address” was a warning to the nation that America’s greatest threat would be internal, rather than external military incursions. 
Prophetic in nature, the Farewell Address so gripped the American people at the time that it was read and reprinted more than the Declaration of Independence. It was a penetrating articulation of three sources of peril to freedom and the republican form of American democracy that citizens needed to guard against:

  • the failure of institutions to keep people informed and enlightened
  • the problems of party factions and hyper-partisanship
  • the decline of religious obligation and national morality
The recent urban chaos and violence reminds us how dangerous mobs can be and how critically important it is to have crowd control through appropriate and effective National Guard, police, and law enforcement action.  But what people really need to realize is that the devastation to cities and property in urban areas across the country is not a bad dream, but rather a glimpse of what America’s internal enemies want for the whole country.

It should be remembered that Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) both have their ideological origins in Marxism, although they were both ostensibly formed under the banner of being anti-police.  BLM was established in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, and we all remember BLM’s street march refrain of “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.” Recently, Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Cullors said, during a media interview, “We are trained Marxists.”

Antifa’s roots go back further with some members coming out of the Weather Underground and others having been involved with the May 19th Communist Organization.  The ideology of both BLM and Antifa revolves around a core view of cultural Marxism that America was founded on white supremacy, and therefore needs to be destroyed.

By the language applied by the FBI to define terrorist organizations (such as ISIS, Hizb’allah and Al-Qaeda), as those that “employ the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,” both Antifa and BLM should be deemed terrorist organizations; their activism employs violence and intimidation in pursuit of political objectives.  Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Executive Director Nihad Awad who openly supports Hamas -- a designated terrorist organization -- has publicly said, “Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”

In addition, to Antifa, BLM, and the “swarms” of lesser-known leftist and anarchist militants, many of the crazies in the streets are ignorant opportunistic hoodlums. The elected officials who have enabled the chaos created by the aforementioned in a growing number of municipalities are the product of higher education institutions that have failed to inculcate a basic appreciation of the American system and an understanding of the responsibilities required to protect freedom and rights in ways that maintain order, protect property and keep things working. Their views are reinforced and sustained by most of the media -- in both traditional channels and the social media outlets -- in ways that perpetuate false PC narratives being subliminally planted and taking root in a large portion of the population. 

The scope of our internal problem in need of a solution is succinctly stated by Kyle Shideler,  the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy:  “With the successful promulgation of the radical message [the narrative] of America as bastion of white supremacy by presidential candidates, cable news anchors, and generations of tenured professors, Antifa is unlikely to lack for recruits and support -- rhetorical or otherwise -- any time in the near future.”

Make no mistake -- the goal of these narratives promoted by the left in America is to reinforce and drive white guilt and self-doubt for the specific purpose of increasing demoralization and paralysis in American society. The harmful consequences of this is now on panoramic display in a number of large American  city jurisdictions with mayors, commissioners, and city councilmen failing to support the police in the face of hostile confrontation, which demoralizes the police and undermines their willingness to perform their job and enforce the law.  Little wonder that resignations and early retirements are on the rise.  But this is also part of the left’s plan to diminish public safety, increase lawlessness, and facilitate the end game. 

Compounding the problem of bringing about a corrective and restoring balance is the fact that competing views and alternative narratives are being increasingly marginalized, censured, and blocked. And we are now at a point when Americans who exercise their first amendment rights to express views that go against the dominant politically correct narratives are not just silenced through shaming and bullying and censored and defunded by social media giants, but increasingly they are being fired from corporate jobs, professional sports teams, and other employers and venues.  The First Amendment that is at the heart of our Constitutional freedom and differentiates America from almost every other county is under severe attack.  And when that freedom is gone, surely others will soon follow, and the transformation of America will be all but complete.

Is it all coincidence that the failed coup, the Trump-Russia Mueller investigation and Ukraine-impeachment hoaxes, the COVID-19 shutdown and attendant nullification of Americans’ Constitutional rights were followed immediately by an outbreak of urban warfare and assault on police and authority?  We may never know definitively, but it’s clear that the leaders of Antifa and BLM didn’t miss a beat in organizing immediately after the death of George Floyd, and in subsequent days, continued to work in a well-funded and highly coordinated fashion. They targeted cities, with their affiliates carrying out the logistics of transporting people, arranging for the delivery of pallets of bricks, bats and gasoline to break windows, facilitate looting, and ignite fires, knowing that the energy levels of non-affiliated urban hoodlums and opportunists after nearly three months of pent-up frustration from cooped-up sheltering would likely result in extreme violence, destruction and looting.  It succeeded.

What this period of urban chaos and destruction has revealed is that the narratives that have turned Americans against America have worked to increase both the number of street revolutionaries and anarchists as well as the numbers who are passive in the face of property destruction, looting and violence against resisters.  And then there are the corporate leaders who apparently think that virtue signaling and buying protection from the left is a wise choice.   Of course, the leaders of Antifa, BLM and other radical groups see all this as weakness and confirmation to move forward with next steps to seed the collapse of America and gain power.

As a result of  leniency -- following the successful neutralization of the police and horrendous destruction of property, ransacking big box retailers and upscale shopping districts, and looting the very stores and brands that symbolize the fruit of what law and order and capitalist success bring -- has only empowered the left to do more and bigger things that advance their long-term goal, which is the total transformation of America.

While they applaud concessions like shifting public spending and defunding the police, the radical left finds its greatest motivation in actions that move the country closer to the end game. A central part of that is to delegitimize American institutions of authority by erasing and deconstructing history, so as to further disorient and disconnect Americans from their heritage.  That’s why desecrating and tearing down national monuments has picked up momentum.

In Wilmington, Delaware city officials removed the statue of Columbus before it was dismembered and destroyed. In St. Paul, Minnesota and Richmond, Virginia activist thugs gleefully toppled statues of Columbus. In Boston, the statue of Columbus was beheaded, jihadi-style.  It matters not that Columbus was a passionate explorer, evangelist, and practitioner of Christian kindness. Neither does it matter that he  never saw nor set foot on the North American continent, and never enslaved or abused any indigenous native Americans.

With the white supremacist colonial narrative having been long and deeply established in the psyche of many Americans, Columbus and Confederate generals are an easy targets.  But we already see that toppling Columbus and Confederate monuments are just steppingstones to desecrating and removal of even more high value targets such as the memorials and statues of founders George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, who were slaveholders.

An important part of cadet training at West Point is the study of battle plans.  What  President Trump needs now are effective short and long-term battle plans.

The short-term battle plan should start with speaking to the nation about the nature of the real threat to the Republic.  Clearly a revolution is underway, and we need to get out of denial, and implement decisive counter-revolutionary actions.  That starts with naming our enemies and rigorously enforcing the law against them.  Reestablishing law and order is a prerequisite to even thinking about implementing the long-term plan to neutralize the three prongs of internal threat that Washington laid out in his Farewell Address.

A few ideas on the starting points to that long-term battle plan, which is absolutely necessary to save the Republic, would include:

  • Accelerated reform of and increased competition to the K-12 government-run school system, strategies that provide incentives to universities and media giants to provide more balance in the conveyance of knowledge and information, with requirements that all the protections associated with the First Amendment are upheld with legal liability and penalties for violations and violators.  
  • Second, the problem of factions and hyperpartisanship would diminish over time through the results of a more balanced media and more choice in better schools and educational curriculum.  The survival of any nation requires inculcating a certain amount of enlightened patriotism, and the United States is no exception.
  • And third, more can be done outside public policy initiatives to elevate the value of religious obligation and practice, which can bring surprisingly fast results by strengthening families, mitigating juvenile delinquency and crime, providing more genuine social connectedness and a higher purpose and meaning in life where bigotry has no place and tolerance is more abundant.
 All of this, implemented over time, would provide a more civilized, broadminded, and enlightened population from which leaders would arise and get elected -- better informed and equipped for bipartisan cooperation around policies that actually solve problems -- all of which would provide a powerful force for American renewal. 

The problem is the barbarians are not only inside the gates but have become the shock troops of the Democrat Party to intimidate and enforce compliance.  So the first step toward that long-term solution is to reestablish law and order, utilizing the powers of the federal government where necessary. The vast majority of citizens would welcome this. To the elected city and state officials who would resist and bow to the left, just remind them that the oath of allegiance of federal officials is to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.