Saturday, June 27, 2020

BLM/Antifa Violence Is...

BLM/Antifa Violence Is Prelude for November

The left is going to riot in November no matter who wins the presidency.  Leftists have established by precedent the premise that "mostly peaceful" rioting, arson, assault, and rampant property destruction are not only acceptable, but necessary in order to purge our nation of imagined original sin.

George Floyd was merely a stroke of luck for the left; if it were not for his murder, they would have needed to conjure up another excuse for the studied and deliberate anarchy we are experiencing today.

Having failed at winning the election and then again with their efforts to depose President Trump through investigation and impeachment, Democrats have concluded that revolution is necessary, and one cannot prosecute a revolution without practice.

What we are seeing today is Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, and BLM, the propaganda arm (in conjunction with mainstream media) of the party, practicing for the "big show."  They understand that their coup failed because their nefarious plot against President Trump was strangled in its crib by a constitution that works when followed.  And they cannot allow that again.

Revolution is the way...

This has been coming for some time, certainly before Trump ever descended that escalator to announce his candidacy.  It is what "cancel culture" is about: stealing agency from anyone who does not toe the line.

The movement to make people apologize to black people for their privilege and for the slavery and bigotry that no country has done more to address and eliminate is a means to create an acceptance culture among people who otherwise might object to the coming revolution.

Forbidding particular statues, wrong words, cultural appropriation, and borrowed slang, are all about establishing boundaries that shall not be crossed to create limits to potential dissent from their incipient rebellion.

People think that the Obama administration's debasing of the constitutional protections afforded to the accused with respect to sexual assault accusations in the nation's colleges was about pursuing justice for the women who should "always be believed."

It was not.  It was a means of getting people to understand that going forward, the left will not allow the presumption of innocence.  And if they can cancel that, they can cancel anything.

It was also a starting point.

It was initially Confederate statues that were overturned, but now it is any statue, because they want us to know that they are in control and we should, as we are doing now, stand down when they try to overthrow the government in November.

It is all a test to see if America will accept the negation of the values inherent in our constitution.  With the slogan "black lives matter," they mean to force us to accept that the aphorism "all men are created equal" is outdated, because black lives are more equal and matter more than any others.

Yet it is not that they care one whit for black lives who perish in unimaginable numbers at the hands of other black lives; what they want is to establish a regime where the people of the United States accept that what they say matters.

Having established the policy, it is a small step to abrogating all of anyone's rights at any time.  All that will be needed to destroy one's constitutional protections is for the left's allies in media to sell it to an uninformed populace as righteous and justified.

After all, who is not anti-rape, anti-racism, and pro-fairness?

The canceling, forced apologies, the looting, and the arson are all part of getting America ready to accept the rebellion the Democrats are planning for post-election.

And the destruction will not be "rebellion" or "revolution"; it will be peaceful protest.

The left acts under the premise that only leftists are right and just.  This false assumption gives them both license and good reason to commit whatever despicable deed they must to eradicate opposing ideas.  And if we have seen anything these last weeks, it is that Democrats have no aversion to using violence to get what they want, because when you believe that you are riding "the arc of history," breaking a few bones and burning down a city bend toward justice — as Barry would say.

The riots, the arson, the defund police movement, assaults of public figures, the canceling of people who drift astray of the left's orthodoxy — all are designed to inure people to the violence that will befall the nation immediately before and after 11/03/20.

We can expect the left to show little mercy, for cancel-culture leftists lack grace when the smell of blood inflames their nostrils.  After all, they are mere victims striking out against oppressors, which we have allowed ourselves to be categorized as by our silence.

Knocked off their feet with the destruction of Chairman Hillary Mao in 2016, they reached into the mire within which they were ensconced to grab whatever excrement they could to throw at the president, and it did not work.

Their "Plan B" is to overthrow the system, and the widespread anarchy and destruction we have seen in recent days is merely prologue as preview.

Should Trump win, there will be widespread calls for negating the election because...this, that, or the other thing was used by the president to steal the election.  That will be the justification for them to unleash the Kraken.

If Biden wins, they will riot to consolidate their gains and push their agenda.  This will include gun confiscation and destruction of the 1st Amendment — just to start.

Yes, we all know what will happen in November.  We have been witness to the arrogant display of slow-motion revolution for weeks now.

The more frightening question is, how can it be prevented?