Thursday, June 11, 2020

'It is Illegal and Unconstitutional’ to Put Down a Rebellion, Dems Say. Tell That to Abraham Lincoln


Article by Tyler O'Neil in "PJMedia":
As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, declaring independence from the United Stats and calling their territory the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill,” President Donald Trump urged Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) to put down this unconstitutional rebellion. Rather than taking the insurrection seriously, both Inslee and Durkan defended the rebels against Trump and condemned the president’s call for law and order as “illegal and unconstitutional.”

“I spoke with [Durkan] and her team about the situation on Capitol Hill. Although unpermitted, and we should remember we are still in a pandemic, the area is largely peaceful. Peaceful protests are fundamentally American, and I am hopeful there will be a peaceful resolution,” Inslee tweeted.

“What we will not allow are threats of military violence against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The U.S. military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president,” the governor declared.

I spoke with @MayorJenny and her team about the situation on Capitol Hill. Although unpermitted, and we should remember we are still in a pandemic, the area is largely peaceful. Peaceful protests are fundamentally American, and I am hopeful there will be a peaceful resolution.
What we will not allow are threats of military violence against Washingtonians coming from the White House.
The U.S. military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president.

Inslee then pivoted to the pandemic, insisting that “the Trump administration knows what Washington needs right now – the resources to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. If the president wants to show leadership, and that he cares about the people in this state, he should send us the PPE we’ve needed for months.”

Durkan proved even more explicit. “Lawfully gathering and expressing first amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society and provide true equity for communities of color is not terrorism – it is patriotism,” the mayor tweeted.

It's clear @realDonaldTrump doesn’t understand what’s happening on five square blocks of our City. Cal Anderson and Capitol Hill has for decades been a place for free speech, community, and self expression.
Lawfully gathering and expressing first amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society and provide true equity for communities of color is not terrorism - it is patriotism.

“The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone [CHAZ] is not a lawless wasteland of anarchist insurrection – it is a peaceful expression of our community’s collective grief and their desire to build a better world,” Durkan argued. She described the rebellion as “the painting of Black Lives Matter along Pine Street, food trucks, spaghetti potlucks, teach-ins, and movies.”

“I also want to be clear as I have stated publicly previously – it is unconstitutional and illegal to send the military to Seattle. We will not allow this to happen,” Durkan declared.

A real leader would see nation-wide protests - borne from hundreds of years of immense grief of our Black community, communities of color, and so many others - and the call to become an anti-racist society, as an opportunity to build a better nation.
I also want to be clear as I have stated publicly previously – it is unconstitutional and illegal to send the military to Seattle. We will not allow this to happen.

Really, Mayor Durkan? It is “illegal and unconstitutional” to put down a rebellion? You might want to tell that to President Abraham Lincoln. I’m sure the supporters of the “Lost Cause” of the Confederacy would love to hear how the Union was wrong to restore order in the face of a rebellion.  Perhaps the slaves who ended up freed might have a different opinion, however.

It appears neither Inslee nor Durkan understands that the antifa rebels have indeed launched an insurrection. CHAZ has created an extortion racket to bully businesses into handing over supplies. An armed warlord presides over the rogue state, and he has illegally required people to hand over ID in order to enter CHAZ.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best stated the obvious: all of this is flagrantly illegal.

We have heard that there are armed people patrolling (she puts her hands into scare quotes) at 12th and Pine. Of course, this is very concerning, especially because we don’t know who these people are.
We’ve also received report that these armed people maybe demanding payment from business owners in payment for protection.
We’ve also heard that they may demanding to see identification from people who live in the area. This is not legal. And we ask anyone who may be experiencing this to come forward and file a police report so that we can investigate these crimes.

When a reporter asked Inslee about the rebellion on Wednesday, the governor responded with laughter. Inslee repeated that he had disbanded the National Guard, supposedly because there was no longer a threat to law and order.

But armed insurrection on the streets of Seattle is no laughing matter. The six-block CHAZ covers the homes of five hundred Americans. Sure, the rebels may watch movies and bring in food trucks, but they also consider themselves an autonomous state outside the purview of the U.S. They are enforcing their will with weapons, and they are requiring ID to enter their rebel encampment.

As Inslee noted, the “U.S. military serves to protect Americans.” These rebels have forsworn America. These rebels have usurped American land and American property in Washington State’s most populous city. They are trampling on Americans’ freedom of movement within the City of Seattle.

In other words, the rebels are acting like the Islamic State did when it seized territory and tried to set up petty rogue states. Sure, these antifa rebels are not pushing sharia as civil law and they are not beheading Christians and Yazidis, but they are seizing public property and creating a new ideological government.

In fact, it seems the CHAZ antifa rebels are trying to set up something like the proto-communist Paris Commune of 1871. The commune arose in the besieged City of Paris after the Prussians had defeated the French in the Franco-Prussian War. Karl Marx called it an example of the “dictatorship of the proletariat.”

Contrary to Inslee and Durkan, the antifa rebellion is exactly the kind of situation where sending in the military would be constitutional and legal. This is arguably a case for the Insurrection Act of 1807, which allows the president to deploy the military and the National Guard to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. President George H.W. Bush last used the act in the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

While Inslee and Durkan were right to mention widespread unrest over the horrific police killing of George Floyd and the many peaceful protests across America over this issue, they are flat-out wrong to suggest the antifa CHAZ rebellion is just another example of peaceful protest. Like the destructive riots that preceded it, CHAZ represents a threat to law and order. It must be crushed.

Grenell on Point – The DC Structure Will Never ‘Willingly’ Accept a People’s President

Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell appears for a discussion with Lou Dobbs about the echo-chamber within Washington DC and the internecine relationship to the intelligence apparatus.

Ric Grenell makes a really good point when he connects how the DC political resistance would not attend the Trump inauguration, and how that same attitude just continued throughout.  President Trump’s outsider status made him a risk to the interests of the administrative state.  The DC system will not accept a ‘people’s president’, they demand approval authority permitting only one of their UniParty tribe.

  • When Democrats won the White House in ’92 Republicans helped the transition.
  • When Democrats lost the White House in ’00 they created chaos. They destroyed the telephones and computers, punched holes in the walls, spray painted and cut the furniture, and the Clinton’s even stole the furnishings down to the dishes.
  • When Democrats won the White House in ’08 Republicans helped the transition.
  • When Democrats lost the White House in ’16 they weaponized the intelligence apparatus to destroy the incoming administration. Leaked intelligence to the media; and unmasked incoming officials to create chaos and fabricate lies.
Notice a pattern?

Doctors perform successful lung transplant on coronavirus patient

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:35 PM PT — Thursday, June 11, 2020
A Chicago woman was given a double lung transplant after her lungs sustained severe damage from the coronavirus. Surgeons from Northwestern University, where the procedure took place last week, have confirmed the operation was a success.
The patient, whose identity has not been released, was a woman in her 20s. She was the first known U.S. resident to receive a lung transplant due to complications from COVID-19.
She’s one of a handful of coronavirus patients around the world to have successfully received the procedure.
According to doctors, she developed severe respiratory failure around eight weeks after contracting the virus. Her heart, kidneys and liver began to fail shortly after, which bumped her to the top of a transplant list.
However, surgeons had to wait until she had completely recovered from the virus before starting the procedure.
The operation lasted around 10 hours. Doctors described the procedure as “challenging,” since the damage from the virus reportedly poked holes in her lungs and caused them to partially fuse to the walls of her chest cavity.
The patient is still reportedly on a respirator until she recovers, but doctors believe her prognosis is good. She’s expected to make a full recovery.
 Dr. Ankit Bharat, chief of thoracic surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, talks Thursday, June 11, 2020, in Chicago, about a double lung transplant he performed on a Chicago woman in her 20s who had major lung damage from the coronavirus.

Defund Public Education, Not Police Departments

Defund Public Education, 
Not Police Departments
While Liberals, Democrats and Progressives are running around calling for the defunding and restructuring of police departments, Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians should be in the streets calling for the defunding and restructuring of public education.

This nation is at the crossroads of Rule of Feelings and the Rule of Law.  Down which road are we going to send the school bus?

Education isn’t a failure in this country.  It’s an extraordinary success – if you’re a Liberal.  To change a society and culture you target the minds of young people.  Who better to target than children trapped in classrooms hour after hour hearing how unjust and racist America and American’s are. 

Stop scratching your heads.  There is no mystery to solve.  Public education has been telling our children for decades males are toxic, whites are privileged, people of color are victims and women are oppressed.  They learn from elementary on our system is oppressive, dangerous and racist.  Capitalism doesn’t lift people out of poverty; oh no, it sucks the life force out of everything it touches.  Everything wrong in your house, neighborhood, state and the world is ALL America’s fault.  We just don’t “care” enough.  We are “systemically” evil, greedy and selfish.

They teach American government is bad but another form of government called socialism will fix everything (but they don’t name it – not yet).  Children and their parents suck it up like organic grape juice.   Learning is now about “feelings.”

THAT is what public education is teaching our children. Liberals have controlled education for decades now.  The fruits of their labor are now burning down our cities, blocking our streets, screaming in the faces of innocent police officers and defacing national treasures.

Instead of children being taught about an America that lifts people out of poverty and frees them from slavery, they have been taught that America oppresses and colonizes foreign countries so we can steal their nation’s resources.

In every class, in every way imaginable our children are being taught to hate America and its culture.  This red flag was raised locally nine years ago.  The public was informed Frederick County Public Schools was teaching education that is “multicultural” using the Social Studies Alive series.  Every book in that series was written to influence young minds how America isn’t all that great.  It teaches America is nothing without the contributions of other cultures.  It does its best to erase American pride and replace it with a global identity.  It doesn’t teach the need for assimilation and common bonds, it seeks to separate.

Children were taught for almost a decade before the red flag was raised. 20 years in, how’s that looking?

We no longer have the buffer of children being raised by parents and grandparents who were classically educated or didn’t attend public schools at all because they had to work for a living.  We used to have more parents countering the school narrative, who still understood why and how America was exceptional and worthy of admiration.  Each successive generation has been liberally educated and is now sending their children off to be taught to hate America.   Soon there will be no classically educated parents at home to counter the anti-America message. 

FCPS, and the nation, have recently added “Social, Emotional Learning” (SEL) to compliment the “hate America” model.  They are going after our children’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

Now that the liberals have successfully convinced enough children America sucks, they have moved on to erasing the “rule of law” and replacing it with “rule of emotion.”   It’s all about how they “feel.”

Wanting to defund police departments isn’t a coincidence.  It goes with teaching young people life is only fair if they feel good.  Feelings-based living never reconciles how what feels good to Sally, doesn’t necessarily feel good to Joan.  (Pssst, it’s reconciled under “law.”)   
Life based on feelings gets you riots and looting night after night with no one being held accountable.   It gets you vilified if you aren’t looking out for “their” health and welfare, while “they” bear no responsibility for looking out for themselves.  Disrespect of law and peace keepers is encouraged. 

THAT is what public education is teaching our young people.  Disagree with them, and the mob will come for you.

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Historic First Under Trump

Historic First:
Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women

Trump has long relied on the leadership and 

counsel of women, the White House says.

For the first time in history, half of the senior leaders of the National Security Council are women. Twelve of the 24 directorates are led by women now, including three of the six regional directorates that cover the world.

While the White House press corps has not yet noticed that fact, and Vanity Fair didn’t have Annie Leibovitz come do a photo shoot, as would have been obligatory in the previous administration, women in the White House noticed and appreciated the historic first.

“President Trump has demonstrated his commitment to empowering women in the U.S. and across the world, implementing a pro-growth, pro-family agenda that lifts up women of all backgrounds. It’s no surprise that women are leading the way across the Trump administration, including more women leaders at the National Security Council than at any other time in history,” adviser to the President Ivanka Trump said.

The National Security Council has both functional and regional directorates. The functional directorates tackle issues such as international organizations, border security, and COVID response, all three of which women now lead. Three of the six regional directorates covering the globe — Africa, Asia, and South Asia — are now led by women.

Last year, national security adviser Robert O’Brien announced his plan to restructure and decrease the size of the council, which advises the president on national security and foreign policy. Policy staff of the council swelled from a dozen during the Cuban missile crisis to well over 200 in the Obama administration. O’Brien said the “right size” for the council was about where it was under the leadership of Brent Scowcroft in the George H.W. Bush administration and Condoleezza Rice in the George W. Bush administration.

Rice was the first female to serve as national security adviser when she was appointed in 2001. She later became the first African American female to serve as secretary of state.

“Under President Trump’s leadership, over the past nine months we have brought the NSC back to its proper size and role as a lean and efficient advisory body, and we were able to make that happen because we have some of the strongest leaders in the history of the NSC, half of whom are women for the first time ever,” O’Brien said.

The streamlined NSC has received plaudits within the national security community. “There are some exceptionally capable people over there focused on getting wins on the board for the country,” said Rebeccah Heinrichs, a national security scholar with the Hudson Institute, citing a “willingness to reconsider approaches to persistent problems and guts to do some things that are long overdue.”

Trump has long relied on the leadership and counsel of women, the White House says. Three of his top advisers and his communications director are women, and the only three mothers ever to be named press secretaries were all installed by Trump. Even in a 2016 article critical of Trump, The New York Times reporters wrote that he promoted several women to the loftiest heights of his company, “a daring move for a major real estate developer at the time.”

The female NSC leaders include arguably the most important. Dr. Deborah Birx is the physician and diplomat serving as head of the coronavirus response. In February, O’Brien named her to the NSC, where she works on detail from the State Department. Here are just a few of the other senior directors currently serving:

Allison Hooker is the senior director in charge of Asia. Prior to coming to the White House, she was a career civil servant at the State Department, serving as a senior intelligence analyst on North Korea since 2001. She staffed the Six-Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear program and has been involved in all negotiations with North Korea since then.

As a young teenager, Hooker became interested in national security and foreign affairs while watching President Ronald Reagan and President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Reykjavik Summit. Tiananmen Square and the fall of the Berlin Wall took place her senior year of high school, and both significantly influenced her career path. Hooker was the director for Korea before becoming a political appointee in the Trump administration.

Elizabeth Erin Walsh has been NSC’s senior director for African affairs since July of last year. Before that, she was senior director for international organizations. Prior to that, she serviced as assistant secretary of commerce for global markets and other positions.

Before joining the Trump administration, Walsh had an extensive career in international affairs in both the public and private sectors. She was the head of corporate engagement for Asia Pacific at Goldman Sachs, during which time she lived in both Hong Kong and Beijing. She spent seven years at Cisco and more than 10 years in federal government, including at the State Department, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, the Department of Energy, and the White House.

Walsh received her undergraduate degree from Georgetown in government and international relations, and her master of science in political science from the London School of Economics. The third female regional director is Lisa Curtis, a former Heritage Foundation scholar. She is the senior director for South Asia.

Sue J. Bai is deputy assistant to the president, principal deputy legal adviser to the NSC, and associate counsel to the president in the White House Counsel’s office. Before joining the White House, she served as a federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice. Bai was an assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Columbia. Bai received her J.D. from Georgetown Law and her bachelor of science in foreign service from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

Julia Nesheiwat is the senior director for homeland security affairs and one of the women most recently named to a senior leadership role on the NSC. A combat veteran with multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, she deployed immediately after 9/11 and is the recipient of a Bronze Star. She served on President George W. Bush’s commission on weapons of mass destruction, and as an envoy for hostage affairs, helping to release dozens of Americans held hostage or wrongfully detained by rogue nations and terror groups.

Nesheiwat helped to stand up the first ever Cabinet-level agency, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and served as the chief of staff for policy and planning there. She was also the first female deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of Energy Resources.

She has served as a visiting professor and lecturer at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Stanford University, and the University of California-San Diego. Nesheiwat has a Ph.D. in science and engineering and speaks Arabic and Japanese.

Mollie Hemingway contributed to this report.
Madeline Osburn is a staff editor at the Federalist and the producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Follow her on Twitter

You can't make this stuff up. Local Rapper takes over Antifa Autonomous Zone

Seattle’s Autonomous Zone
Has Its First Warlord;
Local Rapper Raz Simone Takes Over

Photo by CHAZ City 206, WikiCommons,

By Brock Simmons
Published June 10, 2020

The nation of CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in what used to be Seattle was set up by antifa earlier this week.

CHAZ has its first self declared dictator/warlord. Seattle based rapper Raz Simone evidently deputized himself and his crew, and they are patrolling the streets, regulating any unauthorized activity in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

They’ve already started assaulting people who are engaging in unauthorized activity:.

Note that they even announce themselves as “the police of the community now”

The comments are on fire:

Evidently Simone was involved with the planning of CHAZ:

Here’s Simone directing the armed revolutionaries to guard the borders:

And we’re already seeing the party degenerate into absolute chaos, as apparently Simone is a misogynist:

So basically they’ve declared themselves to be the authority, and they operate with impunity, as they go around assaulting whomever they deem to be breaking laws that don’t exist.

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U.S. Main Street Economic Indicators Remain Strong – Mortgage Demand Up 13% From Prior Year

The COVID shutdown was an exceptional event. The consequences from the shutdown do have ripple effects; however, the strength of the underlying economic foundation is now coming back into focus as the rebound starts taking shape.

Last week most economic analysts were stunned by the 2.5 million jobs added to the economy in May. As we shared earlier, the result wasn’t so surprising when you consider the framework of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) worked exactly like President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuching planned. The incentives within the PPP program did what they were intended to do; small and mid-sized businesses retained or rehired their employees.

Inside the foundation of the Trump Main Street economy, the cement that binds the America-First policy, are a series of pre-established economic policies that specifically targets middle-class workers. The foundation is made strong by net wage gains and earnings amid mid-tier workers; those wage gains are made more important by policies that keep inflation in check.

Blue-collar workers, on average, were fortunately positioned to ride-out the COVID shutdown. With the shutdown over; Main Street now quickly fires back into action.

The demand for mortgage applications rose five percent last week, resulting in year-over-year growth over 13 percent. Again, this result stuns the experts. Demand for home purchases remains high and people are confident in their income security to make big decisions on home financing. The visible strength of Main Street cuts against the naysayers and doomsayers who thought the COVID shutdown would collapse the economy. It didn’t.

It did not, because (a) the shutdown was an exceptional event; and (b) the underlying foundation is stronger than the blow it took from the COVID sledgehammer.

(Via CNBC) “The recovery in the purchase market continues to gain steam, with the seasonally adjusted index rising to its highest level since January,” said Joel Kan, an MBA economist. “Purchase activity increased for the eighth straight week.”
Pent-up demand from the spring market, along with low interest rates are fueling a surprisingly quick recovery in home buying. As local economies open up, so do open houses, but there is still a severe shortage of homes for sale. (read more)

President Trump’s Main Street policies are directly responsible for the strength in the middle-class. The media apoplexy over stunningly positive economic news is directly related to how much damage a positive economy does to the Antifa/BLM strategy to divide our nation through class warfare. A thriving Main Street economy is antithetical to the objective.

A thriving Main Street means an expanding U.S. middle-class. As the middle-class expands it becomes more difficult to organize outrage based on division.

The ruling elites deny this fundamental truth, but the rust-belt did not create itself.

The erosion of the U.S. manufacturing base -and Main Street- was an outcome of policy. Both Republicans and Democrats participated in this process.  Democrats claim, falsely, to be champions of the middle-class; but their narrative is refuted by the actual results of their policy.  Both parties are deep in the pockets of Wall St multinationals.

Many people call for a third party in politics without realizing President Trump represents the first second party DC has seen in decades.  That’s why he is opposed by both wings of the same legislative bird.

Through dependency the political elites begin their role to decide who gets what part of their limited and controlled economic pie.  Economic intervention, supported by both wings, in the spending process is what has allowed political interests to retain control.

Main Street and the freedom within the free market is a problem for command and control economic systems.  Wall St global financial systems, controlled by a limited number of large institutional multinationals, are much easier to control.

Remember the catch phrase “too big to fail” in the banking system?  The DC ruling class said a small group of banks controlled too much wealth.  So they instituted ‘banking reform’.  The result was even fewer banks that were even bigger.  The outcome was the exact opposite of what they said was the purpose.  Their policy made the problem worse.

President Trump’s America First agenda is specifically a benefit to Main Street and the middle class.  In the banking sector treasury policy and targeted deregulation focused on creating more community banks and credit unions to benefit Main Street.  That’s exactly what happened. By focusing on Main Street, Trump and Mnuchin fixed what the uniparty congress did not. [Arguably, congress purposefully and willfully did not.]  Smaller, more nimble, banks are now positioned to assist small and medium Main Street businesses.

President Trump’s domestic and global political opposition recognize that his trade and economic policies have reversed much of their control.  There are trillions at stake, that’s the financial motive for the opposition.  However, a lack of control over the economic outcome; meaning President Trump creating more pies; means not only do they lose control over the money, they also lose control through diminished political power.

America-First is a program focused on Main Street and it expands the middle class.  That is why during President Trump’s first term the wealth gap actually started to narrow for the first time in decades.   The wage growth for line-level or blue collar workers was/is rising faster than the supervisory wages.  This is a uniquely trumpian effect from a return to economic policies that benefit Main Street USA workers.

More jobs means the value of labor to do those jobs increases.  This economic path is against the interests of coastal elites and the politicians they pay to retain the wealth gap.

When the economy was shut-down by the COVID virus, it was an unnatural economic event.  Everything inside the U.S. economy including: the number of workers; the growth in wage rates; the availability of jobs; the lack of inflation; the expansion of investment, was the strongest in our history.  However, when everything was stalled all of that positive architecture, the policy that created the outcome, did not go away.

U.S. economic conditions were being driven by internal economic activity that was no longer as dependent on global drivers.  When the underlying economic strength is domestic, it makes sense the economy can restart much faster because the activity is not dependent on outside global stimulus.  In essence, the USA can rebound much faster because we are NOT dependent on the restart of other global economies.  Again, another uniquely positive attribute that is enhanced by ‘America-First’ policies.

China, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer can, and did, attempt to throw a COVID wrench in the expanding U.S. economy.  However, they cannot undo the foundation President Trump had already established.  Those America-First policies will again work in our favor; and yes, when President Trump says he “can do it again” his confidence is based on that underlying foundation.

Trump may not articulate it, but he knows the U.S. economic independence he has already achieved through three years of advanced policy to benefit Main Street.  He knows the trade agreements, the cutting of regulation, the unleashing of energy development and the weight of tariffs on imports all mean the best place for investment is inside the U.S.A.

That fundamental structure did not change, and is not going to change.

A recent example – Remember the previously mentioned policy focus on deregulated community banks and credit unions to assist Main Street?  Perhaps a sidebar is important:

SIDEBAR: Trump and Mnuchin viewed the entire U.S. banking system as too monolithic and generally positioned to the benefit of Wall Street and not Main Street.  As such their approach toward regulation was to split the regulatory financial system into two segments according to the size of the bank (or financial entity).

Big institutional banks (more than $10 billion) retained comprehensive regulation over their practices; however, smaller banks do not have the same level of regulatory and compliance mandates. This approach is the modern era financial outlook that, like MAGAnomics, is entirely new and bold.
“we do not support a separation of banks from investment banks, we think that would have a very significant problem on the financial markets, on the economy, on liquidity; and we think that there is proper things that potentially we could look at around regulation, but we do not support a separation of banks and investment banks.”
~ Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifying to the Senate Banking Committee, May 18th 2017

At first blush that statement from Secretary Mnuchin might seem to run counter to the Trump administration’s prior policy statements outlining a preference for a reinstatement of some form of “Glass-Steagall” regulatory separation between commercial banking and investment banking.  However, it doesn’t.

When combined with the totality of Mnuchin’s testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, Mnuchin was saying the “too big to fail” (‘too big to succeed’) issue has created a problem for lending liquidity.  Specifically, if divisional separation is required – the banks’ best interests would naturally put the investment division ahead of commercial lending and the liquid capital within the overall U.S. economy would shrink.

Back in July 2010 when Dodd-Frank banking regulation was passed into law, there were approximately 12 to 17 banks who fell under the definition of “too big to fail”.

Meaning 12 to 17 financial institutions could individually negatively impact the economy, and were going to force another TARP-type bailout if they failed in the future.  Dodd-Frank regulations were supposed to ensure financial security, and the elimination of risk via taxpayer bailouts, by placing mandatory minimums on how much secure capital was required to be held in order to operate “a bank”.

One large downside to Dodd-Frank was that in order to hold the required capital, all banks decreased lending to shore-up their liquid holdings and meet the regulatory minimums.

Without the ability to borrow funds, small businesses had a hard time raising money to modernize or create new business.  In the big picture, growth in the larger economy is hampered by the absence of capital.

Another downstream effect of banks needing to increase their liquid holdings was exponentially worse.  Less liquid large banks needed to purchase and absorb the financial assets of more liquid large banks in order to meet the regulatory requirements.  Indeed this is exactly what happened.

In 2010 there were approximately twelve “too big to fail banks”, and that was seen as a risk within the economy, and more broad-based banking competition was needed to be more secure.

Unfortunately, because of Dodd-Frank, by 2016 those twelve banks had merged into only four even bigger banks that were now even bigger risks; albeit supposedly more financially secure in their liquid holdings.   This ‘less banks’ reality was opposite of the desired effect.

The four to six big banks (JP Morgan-Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, US BanCorp and Mellon) now control $9+ trillion (that’s “TRILLION).  Their size is so enormous that small number of banks now control most of the U.S. financial market.

Because they control so much of the financial market, instituting a Glass-Steagall firewall between commercial and investment divisions (in addition to the Dodd-Frank liquid holding requirements), would mean the capability of small and mid-size businesses to get the loans needed to expand or even keep their operations running would stop.

2010’s “Too few, too big to fail” became 2016’s “EVEN FEWER, EVEN BIGGER to fail”.

That’s the underlying problem for a Glass-Steagall type of regulation now. 
The Democrats created Dodd-Frank which:

•#1 generated constraints on the economy (less lending),
•#2 made fewer banking options available (banks merged),
•#3 made top banks even bigger.

This problem is why President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin created a parallel banking system of smaller community and credit union banks that are external to Dodd Frank regulations and can act as the primary commercial banks for small to mid-sized businesses, ie. “Main Street”.

This intended banking design of smaller, more connected to Main Street lending, is why President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin did not support the CFPB banking rule that allowed lawsuits against all financial entities.

The goal of “Glass Steagall”, ie. Commercial division -vs- Investment division, is actually being achieved by generating an entirely new system of banks under different regulation.  The currently remaining ten U.S. “big banks” operate as “investment division banks” per se’, and are subject to larger regulatory requirements.  However, the lesser regulated community banks/credit unions operate as the “Commercial Side” benefiting Main Street.

Instead of fire-walling an individual bank internally within its organization, the Trump/Mnuchin plan actually created a fire-wall the banking ‘system’ within the U.S. internally.  Hope that makes sense.  SIDEBAR ENDS 

The success and efficiency of the Paycheck Protection Program for small and medium business was a direct result of that earlier banking regulation and policy change.  Brilliantly, Mnuchin used the architecture of the FDIC system to guarantee the loans so the small nimble banks could move quickly. The FDIC was used an an underwriter of sorts for the affiliated lenders; and removed any risk.

PPP borrowers who use small to mid-sized banks or local credit unions were able to get fast access to the funds and retain or re-employ their workforce.  Those businesses who operate through the big banks, did not get the same responsiveness.  [Again, a good lesson for small business owners…. keep your banking as local as possible.]

The rapid response rate for PPP loans by smaller banks is specifically and directly responsible for the May jobs result of 2.5 million gains.  Even in crisis the America-First foresight pays dividends.

The far left is hoping to curtail the strength of the economy; that’s why the blue state governors are fighting against reopening.  However, the organized protests of thousands of people gathering together have made their best COVID shutdown arguments moot.

We must not allow the media and politicians to demand keeping restrictions on the economy when we know the underling control mechanism, the social distancing effort, was entirely based on politics.  Their support for the protest crowds proves that point.