Thursday, June 11, 2020

Grenell on Point – The DC Structure Will Never ‘Willingly’ Accept a People’s President

Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell appears for a discussion with Lou Dobbs about the echo-chamber within Washington DC and the internecine relationship to the intelligence apparatus.

Ric Grenell makes a really good point when he connects how the DC political resistance would not attend the Trump inauguration, and how that same attitude just continued throughout.  President Trump’s outsider status made him a risk to the interests of the administrative state.  The DC system will not accept a ‘people’s president’, they demand approval authority permitting only one of their UniParty tribe.

  • When Democrats won the White House in ’92 Republicans helped the transition.
  • When Democrats lost the White House in ’00 they created chaos. They destroyed the telephones and computers, punched holes in the walls, spray painted and cut the furniture, and the Clinton’s even stole the furnishings down to the dishes.
  • When Democrats won the White House in ’08 Republicans helped the transition.
  • When Democrats lost the White House in ’16 they weaponized the intelligence apparatus to destroy the incoming administration. Leaked intelligence to the media; and unmasked incoming officials to create chaos and fabricate lies.
Notice a pattern?