Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Thousands of brave progressives drink bleach in order to prove Trump wrong on something he didn’t say

The most reliable source of fake news on the planet.

Thousands of brave progressives drink bleach
in order to prove Trump wrong
on something he didn’t say

GENESIUS TIMES: Exavier Saskagoochie

Thousands of brave progressives across the country have been hospitalized after drinking bleach to prove President Donald Trump wrong on something he didn’t say.

In his daily coronavirus press conference, President Trump addressed a potential treatment using disinfectant to kill the disease.

He said, “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Many brilliant progressives took that to mean Trump was suggesting that people should down a gallon of their nearest bleach or eat Clorox wipes. Several of the really brave ones decided to prove that imaginary theory wrong by doing just that.

They were all hospitalized and died shortly thereafter. Their deaths will be coded as COVID-19 deaths.

“So that you’re going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds interesting to me,” Trump added.

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Robert Mueller’s Case Against Michael Flynn Is About To Implode

New facts in the Michael Flynn case call into question the voluntariness of Flynn’s plea. Judge Sullivan should dismiss the charges to send a clear message: Outrageous prosecutorial coercion will not be tolerated.

The criminal case against Michael Flynn imploded Friday. First, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia provided Flynn’s legal team with documents discovered by an outside review of the Flynn prosecution — documents withheld for years. Then, Sidney Powell, the attorney who took over Flynn’s defense nearly a year ago, filed new documents in the case, revealing a secret “lawyers’ understanding” not to prosecute Flynn’s son if the retired lieutenant general pleaded guilty.

The criminal case against Flynn began when President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser pleaded guilty Dec. 1, 2017, to lying to the FBI about conversations he’d had with the Russian ambassador following Trump’s election. That case, initiated by the now-disbanded special counsel’s office, lingered for more than a year while Flynn cooperated with Robert Mueller’s team. An end seemed near when Flynn appeared before presiding federal Judge Emmet Sullivan on Dec. 18, 2018, for sentencing. But after Sullivan harshly rebuked Flynn and suggested Flynn might spend time in jail, the retired lieutenant general accepted the longtime judge’s offer to have the sentencing hearing continued until Flynn’s cooperation was complete.

Things remained static until Mueller announced on May 29, 2019, that “the investigation was complete, and that the special counsel’s office had been closed.” One week later, Flynn fired his Covington & Burling lawyers, Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, and replaced them with Powell.

Powell, a vocal critic of the Mueller investigation, filed a flurry of motions seeking, among other things, documents she maintained the government had improperly withheld; she also sought dismissal of the indictment for prosecutorial misconduct. Sullivan denied Powell’s motions and set a new sentencing date of Jan. 28, 2020.

Flynn Withdraws His Guilty Plea

But before the hearing date arrived, federal prosecutor Brandon L. Van Grack — a holdover from the special counsel’s office — filed a supplemental sentencing memorandum in the case, reversing the government’s position that Flynn was entitled to a sentencing reduction for providing substantial assistance to the prosecutors.

Flynn’s legal team responded by filing a motion to withdraw the guilty plea, arguing the government breached the plea agreement by pulling its recommendation for a substantial assistance sentencing reduction. Powell filed two more motions to withdraw shortly thereafter, one based on prosecutorial misconduct and the second based on claims that Flynn’s prior Covington attorneys had a non-waivable conflict of interest and provided ineffective assistance of counsel.

Sullivan delayed sentencing once more and directed Flynn’s former attorneys to provide material to the government related to Flynn’s ineffective assistance claims. Then came news that Attorney General William Barr had appointed the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Jeffrey Jensen, to review the special counsel’s handling of the Flynn case.

How Federal Prosecutors Sidestepped Legal Requirements

On Friday, in what appears to be the first official confirmation of the details of that appointment, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Timothy Shea, dispatched a letter to Flynn’s attorneys. The letter opened by informing Powell’s team that in January 2020, Barr had directed Jensen to conduct “a review of the Michael T. Flynn investigation.” That review, Shea explained, “has involved the analysis of reports related to the investigation along with communications and notes by Federal Bureau of Investigation (‘FBI’) personnel associated with the investigation.” Enclosed with the letter were an unknown number of documents “obtained and analyzed” by Jensen’s team in March and April. “Additional documents may be forthcoming,” the letter explained, concluding that the material provided was covered by the court’s protective order.

While the documents remain blocked from public view, Powell’s Friday court filing — captioned as a “Supplement to Mr. Flynn’s Motion to Dismiss for Egregious Government Misconduct” — portrayed the previously withheld material as explosive. “This afternoon,” Powell wrote, “the government produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI.”

“It also defeats any argument that the interview of Mr. Flynn on January 24, 2017 was material to any ‘investigation,’” Flynn’s attorney wrote.

Powell filed this recently received evidence under seal as Exhibit 3 but requested the court “order the government immediately to provide the defense with unredacted copies of the documents in Exhibit 3,” and that it promptly unseal those documents. Whether the Department of Justice will object to the unsealing of the documents remains to be seen, but we should know shortly.

Also attached to the filing were two heavily redacted exhibits that consisted of email communications between Flynn’s former Covington attorneys. “We have a lawyers’ unofficial understanding that they are unlikely to charge Junior in light of the Cooperation Agreement,” one email read, referring to Flynn’s son, also named Michael Flynn.

While alone that reference may not have raised concerns of misconduct, the second excerpt suggests prosecutors sought to hide evidence from other defendants by keeping the Michael Flynn Jr. part of the deal secret. “The government took pains not to give a promise to [defendant Flynn] regarding Michael Jr., so as to limit how much of a ‘benefit’ it would have to disclose as part of its Giglio disclosures to any defendant against whom MTF may one day testify,” Flynn’s attorney wrote.

To date, Sullivan has seemed unmoved by claims of prosecutorial misconduct, but that an outside U.S. attorney discovered documents he believed should be provided to Flynn’s legal team may change Sullivan’s perspective. If not, the email exchanges suggesting the special counsel’s team attempted to circumvent the disclosures constitutionally required under Giglio — more on that below — by forging a secret “lawyers’ understanding” not to charge Michael Jr. may just jolt the federal judge’s sense of justice.

The revelation of a “lawyers’ understanding,” after all, concerns much bigger questions than just Flynn’s guilty plea. It raises the specter of widespread abuse by federal prosecutors of the plea process to sidestep constitutional requirements. That’s what Giglio is: a constitutional mandate that the prosecution provide an accused with material evidence affecting the credibility of a government’s witness.

The Role of Giglio in Flynn’s Case

When a defendant cuts a deal with the government and agrees to cooperate and testify against a co-defendant or others, under Giglio those other defendants are entitled to learn the benefit of the plea agreement. But the email excerpts above suggest, as Powell argued in her latest filing, that the lead prosecutor, Van Grack, “made a side deal not to prosecute Michael G. Flynn [Jr.] as a material term of the plea agreement, but he required that it be kept secret between himself and the Covington attorneys expressly to avoid the requirement of Giglio.”

Those emails also distinguish Flynn’s case from the run-of-the-mill criminal case in which a defendant seeks to avoid a plea agreement because of a side deal. Courts regularly dismiss such challenges because the terms of the plea agreement expressly provide that there are no other agreements beyond those set forth in the written plea agreement. As typical, Flynn’s plea agreement included such a provision, as seen below.

Facts of Flynn Case Reveal Government Misconduct

But Flynn’s case is different for two reasons. First, the emails attached as Exhibits 1 and 2 in Friday’s filing provide evidence of a side agreement — something lacking in most criminal cases. Second, the emails suggest the government intended to bind itself to this commitment via a “lawyers’ understanding” and omitted the term from the written plea agreement for an improper purpose — to avoid the constitutionally mandated disclosures. Thus, in this case, the side agreement implicates the integrity of the judicial process and suggests prosecutorial misconduct.

The emails also support Flynn’s argument that the prosecutors wrongfully threatened to prosecute his son to coerce the elder Flynn to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit. Here it is important to recognize that threats to prosecute third parties during plea negotiations are not necessarily unconstitutional or even improper. The case law makes clear, however, that such bargaining “can pose a danger of coercion,” and “where the threatened prosecution pertains to those with whom the defendant has familial ties or other close bonds, the threat of coercion is much greater.” Thus, in using such tactics, courts require the government to abide by “a high standard of good faith,” which at a minimum requires probable cause to prosecute a family member.

Further, the Supreme Court has cautioned that where plea bargains involve “adverse or lenient treatment for some person other than the accused,” it “might pose a great danger of inducing a false guilty plea by skewing the assessment of the risks a defendant must consider.” Thus, courts have noted that “a plea agreement entailing lenity to a third party imposes a special responsibility on the district court to ascertain [the] plea’s voluntariness … due to its coercive potential.”

That the special counsel’s office omitted any reference of “lenity” to Flynn’s son in the plea agreement reeks of bad faith and suggests Mueller’s team lorded a threat of prosecution over the younger Flynn to coerce the elder to plead guilty. This conclusion is supported by the government’s behavior following a falling out between Powell and the lead prosecutor Van Grack.

After Powell informed Van Grack that Flynn would not testify that he had knowingly filed false Foreign Agent Registration Act statements in the government’s criminal case against Flynn’s former business partner, prosecutors added Flynn Jr. as a last-minute witness in that criminal case. The prosecutors, however, never called Flynn Jr. to the stand, suggesting it was a scare tactic to get Dad back in line. Likewise, after the breakdown between the prosecutors and Flynn, an FBI agent contact Flynn Jr. directly even though Flynn Jr. had an attorney.

These facts call into question not just the government’s conduct, but the voluntariness of Flynn’s plea. But because there was no mention in the official plea deal of any agreement not to charge Flynn Jr., the court had no opportunity to exercise its “special responsibility to ascertain the plea’s voluntariness.”

With these facts now known, it seems unfathomable that Judge Sullivan will reject Flynn’s motion to withdraw his guilty plea. But Sullivan should do more: He should dismiss the charges against Flynn to make clear that outrageous prosecutorial misconduct will not be tolerated.

Enough With The Sappy Coronavirus TV Ads

A new kind of television advertisement has crept into our collective consciousness here in the age of virus. In an effort to show that they care, and you know, sell stuff, major corporations are inundating the airwaves with saccharine-sweet, super-sincere TV spots that are not a little bit dystopian. Indeed, the virus, it seems, is inescapable even when we cut to a few words from our sponsors.

You’ve all seen them. They include phrases like, “In this time, more than any other,” or “As we all rise to the challenge,” or “Stay safe, stay home.” The last one is particularly infuriating. I mean, I am home! I’m watching freakin television! Where do you think I am, a sports bar? I’m just trying to tune out watching “Friends” over here.

In a Dunkin Donuts ad, employees in one store are making masks. An AT&T ad like dozens of others is a for-profit celebration of frontline responders. There is ad after ad after ad of cozy indoor shots of parents teaching kids, people cooking, virtual happy hours, all of it.

And they aren’t even honest. A lot of families are at each other’s throats. What there should probably be is more Peloton divorce ads about couples who now hate each other, or some single guy sadly taping together used pizza boxes for the recycling.

It is honestly enough to make me long lovingly for the days “Mike Bloomberg for president” ads were more prevalent than grains of sand on the beach. Remember that? It was about 14 years ago, I think. But annoying as they were, those ads weren’t as cloying and Orwellian as the 30-second spots reinforcing lockdown orders while selling products.

We all know already about the shutdown. It’s not a public service to constantly remind us that we have barely left our houses for two months. One of the big reasons people watch TV is to escape this weird reality for a few hours, to settle into the world as it was, not as it is. But the next thing you know it’s back to hospital rooms and facemasks on the screen, stirring music swelling beneath. Just stop.

You know what I want from TV ads right now? I want pretty people with good, strong teeth pushing products that can dramatically improve my life. I want jokes, and celebrity cameos, contests and yelling. I want some affirmation that someday life will be back to normal, not constant reminders of the current drudgery.

A great danger in a long-term slow-motion crisis is that a narrative can start to set in across the culture. Increasingly. that is reinforcing a victim narrative. After all, there is little some Americans crave more than the mantle of victimhood. It is a message of powerlessness in which all we can do is heat up a can of baked beans and wait for the dictatorship of expertise to give us the all-clear.

Television ads play an outsized role in crafting that narrative. This is in part because TV viewership among Americans is so fragmented that we don’t watch the same news, or the same shows, but we do watch the same ads. It is one of the few forms of television that can still saturate society. Please saturate it with something other than shilling while putting on a coronavirus pageant.

There is a danger of wallowing. Yes, our lives have temporarily changed, but no, coronavirus need not be at the center of our every waking moment. In fact, if we let it be, we will all slowly go insane. So please, big companies and advertising companies, just cut us a break. Let us think about something else. I’ll buy it, whatever it is. I promise.

New Sources Corroborate Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegations Against Joe Biden

Two more sources have come forward to corroborate former Joe Biden Senate staffer Tara Reade’s account of sexual assault against the former Delaware senator that allegedly took place in a congressional hallway in 1993.

Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor and Lorraine Sanchez, a former colleague of Reade’s on Capitol Hill both told Business Insider that Reade came forward to them with her story in the mid-1990s, keeping consistent with the story Reade has reported of her experience.

“This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it,” LaCasse told Insider who used to live next-door to Reade.

Sanchez, who worked in a California senator’s office also told Insider that she recalled Reade complaining about it at the time.

Reade first made allegations public last year accusing the former vice president of inappropriate touching when she was a staff assistant in 1993. In March, Reade charged Biden with forcibly kissing her and penetrating her with her fingers and said she was later let go after filing a complaint over the misconduct.

Reade said she had told her mother, brother and a friend at the time, all of which have been shown to be true with her brother going on record in the press to support her claims and a 1993 episode of “Larry King Live” where Reade’s mother called into the program with a transcript matching Reade’s description of events.

LaCasse told Business Insider that Reade spoke of the assault to her in 1995 or 1996.
“I remember her saying, here was this person that she was working for and she idolized him,” LaCasse said. “And he kind of put her up against a wall, and he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside her. She felt like she was assaulted, and she really didn’t feel there was anything she could do… I remember she was devastated.”
Sanchez gave Insider a similar story.

“[Reade said] she had been sexually harassed by her former boss while she was in D.C.,” Sanchez told the paper. “And as a result of her voicing her concerns to her supervisors, she was let go, fired.”

Reade however, can’t recite the date or location that the alleged assault took place, and three Biden aides that Reade says she told about the inappropriate conduct have denied knowledge of any complaint allegedly filed by Reade. Biden himself has also denied the allegations.

Still, with multiple sources corroborating Reade’s claims, the former Senate aide’s story checks out to be far more credible than allegations lodged against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh just a year and a half ago. Kavanaugh’s primary accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, failed to provide any evidence that the two had even ever met, let alone bring forward a single witness to back up her story that apparently took place more than 30 years ago. Even Ford’s lifelong friend, Leland Keyser could not offer evidence to support Ford’s claims.

Legacy media however, offered the charges against Kavanaugh wall-to-wall coverage despite the absence of any real case, while they ignore far more credible claims brought forward by an accuser with a consistent story backed up by multiple sources. CNN for example, published more than 700 articles on Blasey-Ford accusing Kavanaugh of gross sexual misconduct without evidence while completely omitting any coverage of Reade’s claims until April 17, nearly a month after Reade came public with her claims of sexual assault.

France plots gradual exit from lockdown from May 11, but cafes to stay closed

April 28, 2020
By Richard Lough and Michel Rose
PARIS (Reuters) – France will begin to ease its coronavirus lockdown from May 11 to avoid an economic meltdown, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said on Tuesday, but he warned that infections would spiral higher again if the country moved too swiftly.
Schools will gradually reopen and businesses will be free to resume operations, Philippe said in an address to parliament.
However, restaurants and cafes will remain closed until at least early June and professional sports, including soccer, will not begin again until the autumn.
“We must protect the French people without paralysing France to the point that it collapses,” Philippe said. “A little too much carefreeness and the epidemic takes off again. Too much prudence and the whole country buckles.”
More than 23,000 people have died in the pandemic in France, the world’s fourth highest toll behind the United States, Italy and Spain. But the lockdown had saved tens of thousands of lives, the prime minister said.
The numbers in hospital in France with COVID-19, the highly contagious lung disease caused by the new coronavirus, have fallen daily for two weeks, while the number of sufferers in intensive care has declined for 19 consecutive days.

The easing would be underpinned by an aggressive testing and isolation programme, Philippe said.
The government was prepared to slow or delay the unwinding if the infection rate rose markedly higher, he said, with administrative departments divided into ‘red’ and ‘green’ zones.
The government will take advantage of the slowing spread of the virus to rescue a free-falling economy, though Philippe said the French people would have to adapt to a new way of living.
“We are going to have to learn to live with the virus,” he said. “We must learn to live with COVID-19 and to protect ourselves from it.”

France’s blueprint for easing the lockdown reflects a balancing act, with the government keen to relieve the mounting frustration of people holed up in their homes since mid-March without heightening the risk of a second wave of infections.
France will implement a new doctrine on COVID-19 testing from May 11 with the aim of testing everyone who has come into contact with infected people, Philippe said. It targetted a testing capacity of 700,000 per week.
“Once a person has tested positive, we will begin to identify and test all those, symptomatic or not, who have had close contact with them. All these contact cases will be tested and will be asked to isolate themselves,” Philippe said.
He said primary schools nationwide can reopen from May 11, and high schools from May 18 in areas were the infection rate is weak. Lessons would only resume if there were no more than 15 students in the classroom at any one time and secondary school pupils will have to wear masks.
Companies should consider remote-working for at least a week after May 11 and anyone travelling on public transport or in a taxi would also have to wear a mask.
The ban on professional sports upends the 2019-2020 Ligue 1 season and impacts the already-delayed Tour de France, which had been postponed until August.
A vote will be held on the government’s proposed measures after a two-and-a-half hour debate, with just 75 of the National Assembly’s 577 parliamentarians sitting in the chamber to respect social distancing rules.

A Tale of Two States

The rules in Georgia right now: Businesses may reopen and operate “minimum basic operations”; businesses are not to have more than ten people in a building unless everyone can remain six feet apart. Employees are to practice social distancing to the extent they are able, and businesses are encouraged to have as many employees telecommute as possible or use staggered shifts. Handshakes and other unnecessary forms of person-to-person contact are prohibited. The use of personal-identification number pads and electronic signature capture devices is discouraged without disinfecting between uses. Gyms, fitness centers, tattoo parlors, and bowling alleys may reopen, but are encouraged to screen workers and provide personal protective equipment. Elective medical procedures have resumed.

The rules in Colorado right now:  Vulnerable populations and older residents are encouraged to stay home except when absolutely necessary; citizens are strongly encouraged to wear face masks in public. Real estate businesses are reopened. Retail stores can re-open in-person business on May 1, if they are prepared to do so with proper social-distancing guidelines. Elective medical procedures have resumed. Dog grooming and personal training are resuming, with limitations, such as contactless drop-off and payment. Starting May 4, all offices will be allowed to re-open with 50 percent of their workforce in the building. Businesses are encouraged to have as many employees telecommute as possible. If telecommuting isn’t an option, staggered shifts, social distancing, and physical barriers are encouraged. For larger companies, Governor Polis suggested temperature checks for employees, if feasible.

Other than the specific rules on gyms, fitness centers, tattoo parlors, and bowling alleys — perhaps the most widespread point of concern and disagreement — the two states are following roughly similar paths to reopening.

It is easy to find headlines contending that the decisions of Georgia governor Brian Kemp are “dumb,” “stupid and crazy,” “controversial,” leave mayors “beyond disturbed,” and “risk lives.”

I suspect that unless you live there, you haven’t heard much about the changing restrictions and recommendations in Colorado. Why is that?

Oh, Colorado’s governor, Jared Polis, is a Democrat — that explains it.

The decisions of Polis don’t serve a narrative that “good and wise blue state governors are keeping restrictions in place, while bad and foolish hick red state governors who don’t believe in science are recklessly reopening their states, embodying the mayor of Amity in Jaws.”

Here We Go – San Francisco Bay Area Extends Lock-Down Order Throughout May

It is being reported the San Francisco Bay area will remain in a state of forced lock-down with an extension of the stay-at-home orders throughout May.  Considering this is the home of Speaker Nancy Pelosi,… this decision highlights an expectation that the federal government will bail out local and state governments.

We anticipated this type of approach where Blue states & Blue regions will keep their economies closed as long as possible to inflict maximum political damage.  Simply, if San Francisco were not confident they will gain a federal bailout they would not be keeping their economic system closed for another entire month.

CALIFORNIA – Public health officials in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties say they will extend the shelter-in-place orders through May.
Later this week, the Public Health Officers of the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara as well as the City of Berkeley will issue revised shelter-in-place orders that largely keep the current restrictions in place and extend them through May. The new order will include limited easing of specific restrictions for a small number of lower-risk activities. (read more)

It is likely that Democrat governors and Democrats in the House have organized a specific media allied approach to demand the federal bailout.  There is simply no way any state or local region would remain shut down unless they were confident of funding.

Any bailout would only help the local and state government. It would not help the private sector, or private sector workers. By using federal taxpayer funds to replace missing tax revenue, the Blue states/regions would be protecting their own big government ideology.

The three step plan seems predictable: (1) Get out ahead of President Trump. (2) Defy the ‘all clear’ and shape economic benefit to their political allies. (3) Then use Fauci’s upcoming dossier to hit the administration for heartlessly opening the economy too early. 

During this economic war residents within the Blue occupied territories will be held captive to the political whims of their regional generals.

The economic freedom and liberty zone will encompass the Red region. The center of the country, mid west, southern region (surrounding the Gulf of Mexico) and south eastern Atlantic region. These areas will be open to commerce and economic freedom.

However, the urban dense populations (Blue pockets within Red zones) will push-back against the efforts of the Red generals in an attempt to retain alignment with their Blue team generals. Depending on the strength of the urban forces there may be roadblocks, sabotage, skirmishes and political violence against the freedom & liberty Red team.

Red captives within the Blue zones will have to be smart and strategic. Big Blue tech will be assisting the totalitarian Blue generals. Direct confrontation against the Blue forces should be avoided, and it will likely be a better strategy to fight stealthily as insurgents.

Any Red team member of the economic freedom alliance, trapped within a Blue region, is warned to evaluate their connection to their electronic devices. Your cell phones could be used as portable transponders expose your movement and your political views.

This is going to be one hell of a battle.

Essentially we are looking at a Spring and Summer conflict, an economic civil war between Blue states/regions and Red states/regions.

It’s beginning to look as if California is deliberately trying to tank the economy

We're flattening the curve.

Article written by Andrea Widburg in "The American Thinker":

One of California’s boasts over the years is that it’s possible to have a Progressively run state – including an open border and unlimited welfare for legal and illegal residents alike – and to be an economic powerhouse. As many have pointed out over the years, though, this is a peculiar contention. California’s economy has been kept afloat by Silicon Valley and the economy built to support it and, to a lesser extent, by the entertainment industry in Southern California. Outside of those bubbles, California has the highest poverty rate in America, not to mention the largest homeless population.
California’s bizarre experiment with shutting down the entire state to prevent the Wuhan virus from infecting any more people is going to prove whether the Progressive boosters or grim economic realities will win. And there’s always the possibility, far-fetched though it may seem, that California’s political leaders are deliberately tanking the economy both to prevent Trump’s reelection and to break the welfare system, a la the Cloward-Piven strategy, to force a socialist economy.
In California as a whole, after desperate Californians took to the beaches for temporary relief from their house arrest, Governor Newsom threatened them with an even longer shutdown if they did not instantly return to imprisonment in their own homes. This ignores the fact that the sun kills the virus and that outdoor transmission is rare.  Moreover, there’s increasingly strong evidence that shutdowns do not change the disease’s progression. What he’s doing is tyrannical. There’s no other word for it.
Meanwhile, in the San Francisco Bay Area, seven counties have agreed to continue their shelter in place through May! To appreciate the insanity of this, you need to understand that the curve is flattened in California, which was supposed to be the end goal before returning to normal.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “The number of coronavirus patients in Bay Area hospitals hit its lowest mark since the state started recording county-by-county hospitalization data.” Not only has the curve flattened, it’s completely inconsequential:
— San Francisco County announced one additional death and 16 new cases to increase its death toll to 23 and total case count to 1,424.
— San Mateo County reported 61 new cases, bringing its total to 1,080. The death toll remains 41.
— Alameda County reported 30 new cases, bringing its total to 1,498. The death toll remains 52.
— Contra Costa County reported three new cases, bringing its total to 820. The death toll remains 25.
— Santa Clara County reported 23 new cases and three new deaths, increasing the case count to 2,105 and the death toll to 103.
— Napa County reported four new cases, bringing its total to 64. The death toll remains two.
— Marin County reported one new case, bringing its total to 224. The death toll remains 12.
— Solano County reported 27 new cases, bringing its total to 226. The death toll remains four.
— Sonoma County reported two new cases, bringing its total to 220. The death toll remains two.
As of Monday, in Marin County, one of the counties remaining closed, the local newspaper conceded that “Marin’s coronavirus curve is flat and only two patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were being treated for the illness in the county’s hospitals on Sunday.”
If you’re wondering why there are so many videos floating around of hospital staff being silly, it’s not just because they’re punchy and fighting off the horror of death. Outside of New York, most hospitals are completely quiet. Because local governments mandated that hospitals can offer only emergency services, there are no patients. Kids aren’t getting necessary vaccinations, people who might be having cancers diagnosed aren’t getting that care, people in chronic pain are suffering – and bored staff members are dancing and making videos.
Some in California are coming to terms with the fact that the state’s housing policies, which called for super-density to fight the imagined horrors predicted by anthropogenic climate change models, are responsible for California's virus troubles. This does not deter anyone in California from relying on more models. Currently, California's citizens are being controlled by models that predict death rates tantamount to a modern version of the medieval Black Death.
The big question is, why is this happening? Why has California abandoned its goal of flattening the curve and moved on, without citizen consent, to wiping out the virus completely (which will never happen)? One reason could be that panicked Progressive politicians genuinely believe that the pockets of wealth in the California economy will be strong enough to keep the state afloat indefinitely. It’s hard to believe, though, that they are that stupid.
The other reason is that the state is courting financial collapse on purpose. This could be because doing so would (they hope) destroy Trump’s bid for reelection. Democrats in this one-party "paradise" may also be following the Cloward-Piven strategy, which is to overload the economy so that it collapses, necessitating socialist policies. Certainly, Newsom has said that the virus offers an opportunity for Progressives to "reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”

Flynn Defense Attorney Sidney Powell Documents Could Be Unsealed Tuesday or Wednesday

Amid stunning new revelations and evidence in the case against Lt. General Michael Flynn, Sean Hannity invites Flynn’s legal counsel Sidney Powell on his show so she can listen to him talk about it.

But seriously… I’m not kidding… watch this bizarre interview. Sean Hannity asks Sidney Powell several times to talk about the case against Roger Stone. What the heck?

Instead of asking questions about the case and her court filings, Hannity goes on to talk about what his sources are telling him about the documents that Ms Powell filed. This is the most odd non-interview you might ever watch.  Something is VERY wrong here.

Coronavirus and the Horrors of Democrat Control

Article written by Lloyd Marcus in "The American Thinker":

Mary and I live in a tiny town in West Virginia. Our grocery shopping options are 26 miles away in Maryland and 45 miles away in Virginia. Maryland stores refused to allow us to enter because we did not have masks. We drove to Virginia. It was refreshing seeing Virginians free to wear masks or not. I noticed that the majority of shoppers wearing masks were young people. Do they believe fake news media more that we older Americans?

Stopping for gas, the gas-pump TV monitor showed the propaganda commercial we see plastered all over TV. “Stay home. Stay Alive.” With fake news media promoting their lie 24/7 that going outside means death, it is not surprising that many Americans remain willing to surrender their constitutional freedoms to Democrat/RINO, anti-Trump, and anti-American scammers.

A 106-year-old woman recovered from covid-19.  Zhang Guangfen, 103-year-old, recovered.  A 100-year-old Chinese man recovered. A 102-year-old Pennsylvania man recovered. Bill Lapschies, a 104-year-old veteran, recovered. Keith Watson, 101 years old, recovered. Seventeen of the oldest people in the world recovered from COVID-19.  My 60-something year old in-law recovered. In January, after returning home from California, my wife Mary is convinced she had COVID-19. Ninety-eight percent of people who catch the virus recover. Fake news media gleefully reports deaths while ignoring the high recovery numbers.

Every day we are seeing more studies which confirm that COVID-19 is not deadlier than the flu. Numerous health experts say social distancing is not the correct solution. The total shutdown of America was not necessary.

Meanwhile, Democrat and RINO governors continue to decree absurd overreaching restrictions to supposedly “protect us.” The Raleigh N.C. police declared “protesting is a non-essential activity” and arrested a woman. Michigan gov. Gretchen Whitmer decreed, “All public gatherings of any size are prohibited.” Bam! There goes our foundational right to “peaceably assemble.”

In some states, residents are not allowed to visit friends or relatives. People with more than one home are banned from traveling between them. Big box stores cannot sell carpet, seeds, U.S. flags, and paint. A paddle-boarder out on the water far from anyone was arrested at Malibu Beach. In California, police gave $1,000 tickets to people watching the sunset in their cars. In various states, freedom to worship God in your car in parking lots is banned.

A threat by the city of Los Angeles scared the crap out of me, as it should every American. The city will cut off water and power of those who do not comply with its outrageous restrictions. Wow! Are we no longer living in America?

The U.S. Constitution is a sacred document which has protected our freedoms since our founding. It is intolerable that governors can decree it null and void by simply saying they are doing it for our good. As my late momma would say, “Help us Lord Jesus!”

Recently in my tiny West Virginia town we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day. Two moms walked side by side pushing their babies in strollers. I heard laughter and yells from kids at the school yard playing games and basketball. Six motorcyclists had lunch beside the main road through town. People were thrilled to be outside interacting.

Governors insisting on keeping Americans in cages is unsustainable. But the greater question is why are Democrat governors so hellbent on doing it? Clearly, the lockdown is no longer about protecting us from COVID-19. They relish having total control of every aspect of our lives. Let us not forget that HillaryCare would have denied healthcare to gun owners.

Ponder what your life would be like if Democrats gained control of the White House, the House and the Senate. Kiss all your constitutional freedoms good-bye.

I repeatedly find myself asking, “What is wrong with Democrats and the American left?” Why is everything they want harmful to American citizens? Why is their thinking so dramatically different from that of average Americans? I realize they have globalist and progressive agendas. But still, why are they obsessed with killing as many American babies as possible even after they are born?

Democrats and the American left claim to be advocates for LGBTQ. Why do they praise Islam which advocates killing homosexuals and despise Christianity which courts them with love?

Fake news media and Democrats scared America into a total shutdown. Then, Democrats in Congress refused to sign on to coronavirus relief checks for suffering Americans unless they were allowed to include funding for their pet projects unrelated to the shutdown or virus.

Why have Democrats used the coronavirus to release felons who are harming citizens? Twenty-six million and counting Americans have lost their jobs due to the shutdown. Why are Democrats pushing for illegal aliens to be allowed to enter our country to take jobs?

Do you see a pattern? Folks, I could go on and on with things Democrats want which harm Americans. Again, I ask. What is wrong with these people?

I am extremely grateful that Americans are rising up across our great nation, demanding the return of our freedoms. God is on our side. Please join the rebellion

“Five Pages of Flynn Evidence” Could Be Unsealed Today

Fox News host Tucker Carlson provided some additional insight into the Flynn documents that were filed with the court last Friday noting the potential for the documents to be unsealed tomorrow.  According to an earlier report by Maria Bartiromo the documents relate to notes taken by former FBI legal counsel James Baker; and surround the events that encompassed the FBI interview of General Flynn in January 2017.  WATCH:

In a supplement to the defense motion to dismiss [pdf here] we discover some of the evidence of prosecutorial misconduct turned over by the DOJ to the Flynn defense. Specifically Lt. General Michael Flynn’s plea was based on: (1) a framing by the FBI; and (2) a threat against Michael Flynn Jr. if his father didn’t sign the plea.

If the reports are accurate it is very likely Judge Sullivan will allow the plea to be removed.  If the documents are as strong as outlined the entire case could be dismissed.
Because the exhibits had to be filed under seal, they are heavily redacted; however, Flynn’s defense counsel, Sidney Powell, has asked the court to release & unseal the full content of the exhibits so the world can see the coercion behind the corrupt plea agreement.

The Mueller prosecution team lead by Brandon Van Grack put the agreement and threat in writing, but they also made a deal with the former defense team to hide the terms in an effort to cover-up their misconduct. Coercion to force a plea is unethical and unlawful.
The full filing is below.
US v Flynn by Techno Fog on Scribd

According to the latest court schedule the deadlines are noted below. Michael Flynn’s new motion to dismiss is filing #181; the documents filed under sealed are item #182:

It is possible for the #182 documents to be unsealed prior to any motions on their content. According to Tucker Carlson these documents may be unsealed tomorrow.

Apparently, the seal documents include notes taken by former FBI chief legal counsel James Baker the FBI meeting where agent Peter Strzok and agent Joseph Pientka interviewed National Security Advisor Michael Flynn at the White House.

According to Bartiromo James Baker’s notes are exculpatory in that they show the intent and purpose of the FBI interview was to frame Lt Gen. Flynn.
James Baker was removed from his position December 21, 2017, approximately three weeks after Flynn signed the plea agreement on November 30, 2017.

Baker’s removal from his position as FBI counsel was around the same time when SSCI Security Director James Wolfe (FISA leaker) was removed from his position at the Senate intelligence committee.  James Baker remained in his position until he resigned from the FBI on May 4, 2018, right in the middle of what we know were FBI cover-up operations.

When James Baker resigned the James Wolfe indictment was hidden & sealed (since March ’18); the Julian Assange indictment was hidden and sealed (since March ’18); and two months later the FBI lied to the FISA court (July 12, 2018). {Go Deep}

One note of caution… There is another “James Baker” in the mix.
Col James Baker was the handler for CIA/FBI operative Stefan Halper.  Col James Baker is likely the source of the original Flynn-Kislyak leaked transcript to the Washington Post.

Therefore a possibility exists the “Baker” notes or emails might pertain to Col James Baker, and not FBI Counsel James Baker.  We’ll have to wait and see…