Friday, April 24, 2020

Michael Avenatti Released from NYC Prison ‘Due to Coronavirus Fears’

Former celebrity lawyer and CNN guest Michael Avenatti was released from a Manhattan jail-cell this week over what his attorney’s described as health concerns related to the nationwide Coronavirus pandemic.
“Michael Avenatti, the celebrity attorney whose clients include adult film star Stormy Daniels, has been released from a New York jail as he begins a temporary reprieve from detention because of coronavirus pandemic fears,” reports CNN.

“We’re really gratified that the judge took the action that he did. He recognized the seriousness of the situation. Unfortunately, there are a lot courts across the country that have not. We’re fortunate,” said his lawyer.
According to court records, Avenatti will spend 90 days confined to a friend’s home in Venice, California.

More Media Misdirection on Trump-Russia

The most useless committee on Capitol Hill has 
answered a question no one was asking.

The headline is an attention-grabber, particularly the subhead. The New York Times breathlessly reports that a Republican-led Senate panel has issued a report that “undercuts claims by President Trump and his allies that Obama-era officials sought to undermine his candidacy by investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.”

Naturally, you’re thinking: “That’s it. All Trump’s diatribes about a ‘hoax’ have been the usual claptrap. Even the GOP admits that the Obama administration had good reasons to investigate whether Trump’s campaign was colluding with Russia.”

Except . . . that’s not what the Times story actually says. Carefully parsed, it’s not even what the headline says.

In truth, the story is a nothing-burger. We learn that one of the most useless committees on Capitol Hill, the Senate Intelligence Committee, has issued a 158-page report — festooned with the usual “there are things we can’t tell you” redactions — as a capper to its three-year investigation into a question no one is asking: Did the intelligence community competently conclude that Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign?

No one is asking that question because, for the vast majority of people closely following the collusion caper, that would be like asking whether the Chiefs won the Super Bowl.

We know Russia interfered in our campaign. Given Moscow’s long history of meddling in American politics, it would only have been a story if Russia did notmeddle. The principal argument by President Trump and other intelligence agency critics has not been that Obama officials undermined Trump’s candidacy and presidency “by investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.” The argument is that they undermined Trump’s campaign and presidency by claiming that Trump and his campaign were complicit in Russia’s 2016 election meddling.

On that key question the Useless Committee is, as is its custom, mum.

To be sure, there are some pockets of doubters on the question of Russia’s culpability. There always will be because, as I described chapter-and-verse in Ball of Collusion, (a) the Obama administration habitually politicized intelligence to serve its narratives, and (b) the Obama-era Justice Department and FBI ignored rudimentary investigative practice by failing, in one of the most consequential investigations in American history, to take custody and conduct their own forensic examination of the body of the crime, the Democratic Party servers that had been hacked — relying, instead, on a DNC contractor with deep connections to the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration.

Add to this that Robert Mueller, that senescent Washington fixture, larded his staff with activist Democrats whose indictments were long on political narrative but short on actual crimes. Add, too, that Mueller’s case against Russian companies charged in the “troll farm” scheme collapsed after it became painfully clear that the social-media propaganda conspiracy was laughable, improvidently charged, and could not be tied to the Kremlin.
You get the point: Few people doubt that Russia is guilty, but if the Washington establishment cannot convince everyone of that fact, it’s got itself to blame.

But that’s all a sideshow.

The real question is whether the Obama administration and its officials held over by the new administration fabricated a tale about the Trump campaign’s complicity in Russia’s hacking. Did they peddle that tale to the FISA court while willfully concealing key exculpatory evidence? Did they continue the investigation under the guise of counterintelligence after Trump was elected, in the hope of finding a crime over which he could be impeached? Did they consciously mislead an American president about whether he was under investigation? Did they purposefully suggest in public testimony that the president was a criminal suspect, while privately assuring him that he was not one? And finally, when the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense was collapsing in a heap, did they open a criminal obstruction case — based on an untenable legal theory and facilitated by a leak of investigative information that was orchestrated by the just-fired FBI director — in order to justify continuing the probe under the auspices of a special counsel?

On these questions, the Useless Committee’s report is silent. Indeed, the report says right up front, in the findings section, that the intelligence agencies, over the FBI’s objection, did not include information from the infamous Steele dossier in its December 30, 2016, assessment on Russian interference — though, “as a compromise to the FBI insistence,” dossier allegations were included in an annex to the assessment. The Senate-report findings do not get into why the FBI was pushing so hard on the preposterous dossier. Nor do they mention that, by the time of the assessment, the bureau had already heavily relied on the dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant from the FISA court, and was even then preparing a submission to get yet another warrant — telling the federal judges the bureau believed that the Trump campaign was conspiring with the Kremlin.

We don’t hear much about what matters from the Useless Committee. Indeed, when last we heard mention of the committee, it was because Senator Richard Burr (R., N.C.), its chairman and the ultimate insider, made news for having feverishly dumped $1.7 million in his personal stock holdings on the eve of the coronavirus market collapse.

On the matter of Trump-Russia collusion allegations, the intelligence issue that roiled the nation for three years, the Intelligence Committee has had little to say. For a while, there was some dark collusion innuendo from Burr’s friend, Senator Mark Warner (D., Va.), the ranking member on the preeningly bipartisan committee. But we haven’t heard much since Warner was caught using the Washington lobbyist of a Putin-tied oligarch to try to score a tête-à-tête with the dossier fabulist, Christopher Steele. As Warner observed at the time, in a text to the lobbyist, we’d “rather not have a paper trail” on this one.

And then there was Senator Marco Rubio (R., Fla), another senior Useless Committee Republican. He was heard from a while back, assuring the media that, from all that he had seen, there was “no evidence” that the FBI had been investigating the Trump campaign. Rubio was regurgitating the FBI’s talking points about how tasking informants to chat up Trump campaign officials about the campaign’s purported collusion with Russia was somehow not investigating the campaign. This, by the way, was after public disclosure that the FBI, in its FISA applications, had proclaimed its suspicion that the Trump campaign was enmeshed in a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with the Kremlin — an allegation the bureau copied nearly word-for-word from the too-good-to-check Steele dossier (which baselessly alleged that this “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” was managed on the Trump side by campaign manager Paul Manafort, with Carter Page as an intermediary). Senator Rubio has not had much to say since the Justice Department’s inspector general began issuing reports about the FBI’s serial deceptions of the FISA court.

So now, the committee that does nothing has released a report about nothing new, which the Times promptly serves up as a bombshell that purportedly undercuts Trump contentions about the Obama administration’s Russia investigation . . . even though the committee report does not actually address the president’s main contention: that Obama intelligence and law-enforcement officials tried to frame Trump for conspiring in Russia’s election meddling.

Par for the course.

NASA builds ventilator for COVID-19 patients in 37 days

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:17 AM PT — Friday, April 24, 2020
NASA researchers and engineers said they have built a ventilator for use on coronavirus patients in only 37 days. In a statement Thursday, NASA said the machine “passed a critical test” at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
The builders are hoping to have the machine quickly approved by the FDA through an emergency use authorization. They also hope it will help free up the nation’s supply of traditional ventilators to be used on the most severe coronavirus patients.
“We have the potential to save human lives — people that we might know, our neighbors, our families — and that intensity, it’s amazing,” stated Michelle Easter, a mechatronics engineer.
 NASA said the machine can be built more quickly and uses fewer parts than a traditional ventilator, but isn’t designed to replace current machines. It’s designed to last up to four months and is “specifically tailored” for coronavirus patients.

John Brennan Suppressed Intelligence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary in 2016

We’ve heard it, as though it were set in stone as a fact, that Russia wanted to have Donald Trump win the 2016 election. From that alleged fact have sprung all manner of idiotic conspiracy theories from the left, in addition to the Russia collusion hoax.

But former CIA officer and National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz said that, in fact, former CIA head John Brennan ignored intelligence that Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

Oops. But that didn’t help the narrative Democrats were trying to sell to undermine Trump.

Fleitz pointed out this information as part of questioning the recently released Senate intel report which continues to support the claim that Russia interfered to help Trump. Fleitz pointed out the new report is contradicted by some of the conclusions that the House found in their investigation in 2018. He also called Brennan “the most politicized intelligence chief in American history” in a Fox News op-ed.
“The Senate Intelligence Committee report falsely claims that ‘all analytical lines are supported with all-source intelligence’ and that analysts who wrote the intelligence community assessment consistently said they ‘were under no politically motivated pressure to reach specific conclusions.’”
Fleitz says House Intelligence Committee staff members discovered exactly the opposite and told him that there is ample evidence that Russia may have interfered in the 2016 election, but not necessarily on behalf of Trump.
“More gravely, they said that [then-] CIA Director John Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts.”

Wait, what? Let’s hear that again.

Fleitz said that “Brennan suppressed high-quality intelligence suggesting that Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election.”

He said that, on the other hand, “low-quality intelligence that failed to meet intelligence community standards to support the political claim that Russian officials wanted Trump to win … ”

So you mean the evidence was more suggestive that Hillary Clinton, whose team was paying for information that may have been Russian disinformation in the dossier to undermine Trump, may really have been the person the Russians wanted to win? You mean they really didn’t want the person who had Russian disinformation spread against him to win? And that Brennan allegedly suppressed that intelligence to fit the political narrative Democrats were trying to pitch?

Seems like that’s fairly important information to correct the record with. Not to mention that raises even more questions that need answers.

Tornadoes, damaging winds expected to hit southern states again

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:31 AM PT — Friday, April 24, 2020
Severe weather continues to threaten southern states as storms, which killed at least six people in the region, move east. The National Weather Service stated there is an “enhanced risk” of tornadoes and severe winds hitting parts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina Friday.
On Wednesday, multiple fatalities were reported in connection with storms in Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. Officials also reported dozens of other weather related injuries and several homes and buildings were destroyed.
Southeast Texas residents recounted their experience when a suspected tornado touched down in their neighborhood.
“We got into our bathroom and stood there for probably 30-45 seconds. Sounded like a train like they say, and we heard crashes, snaps and as soon as I could open my door I said, ‘Oh my God.'”

–Connie Slemmons, resident Polk County, Texas
 Forecasters have said a second storm could hit southeast states again Friday afternoon with possible hail and damaging winds to especially hit Mississippi and Alabama.

White House Should Shift to Economic Recovery Briefings

Most Americans don’t want more government hand-outs or debt-inducing programs. We want to protect the vulnerable and move on before the damage is too great to repair.

The so-called Murray model on COVID-19 issued yet another update on Wednesday, its 11th iteration in less than a month

Even though his apocalyptic projections about massive shortages of hospital beds, intensive care units, and ventilators failed to materialize this month, Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, keeps upping the ante. It was Murray’s collection of scary graphs that Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx presented to the president at the end of March to support their push to extend the “social distancing” guidance until April 30. President Trump acquiesced; that decision effectively shut down the U.S. economy, has confined most Americans to house arrest, and is fueling fear and panic across the land.

After being so wrong, any professional with a sliver of integrity would crawl away in shame. Murray should be offering an apology to the nation for warning of widespread death and misery which, outside of New York City, cannot be found on anything like the scale he predicted. The president should be hauling Murray and his abettors into the White House to demand answers.

But being a scientific modeler means never having to say you’re sorry—see climate science for a lengthy list of examples—so Murray is not only unrepentant, he’s spinning out more imaginary charts.

Republican governors who either never enacted draconian social distancing decrees or are planning to end those measures are on Murray’s latest hit list. Florida and Arizona, whose Republican governors want to liberate their states gradually in a few weeks, should not be permitted to lift social distancing measures until the middle or end of June, Murray says.

The residents of North Dakota will have to wait until after July 4 to celebrate their freedom. Governor Doug Burgum, a Republican, never instituted a stay-at-home order and is preparing plans for businesses to open on May 1 so Murray has pushed back North Dakota’s safe date to July 19. (The state has had 17 COVID-19 fatalities.)

It’s nothing more than a game of scientific darts, which might be entertaining if the catastrophic impact of Murray’s failed model weren’t so clearly coming into view. The Labor Department released another horrific report on unemployment; 4.4 million Americans filed new claims last week, bringing the total number of jobless Americans to more than 26 million in just five weeks. The nation’s unemployment rate now stands at its “highest level of the seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate in history,” according to the agency. States cannot keep up with the unexpected surge in demand.

Forty percent of Americans now have an immediate family member out of work.

But joblessness is only one gauge of the level of misery Americans are experiencing. Hospitals are laying off staff and sustaining huge financial losses since the healthcare system is open to coronavirus patients only.

A devastating article in the New York Times this week detailed how cancer sufferers are not getting treatment and other life-saving procedures such as brain surgery and organ transplants are being delayed. “Many hospitals have postponed surgery for breast tumors, an unsettling decision for women eager to have the cancer removed,” the Times reported. “Nearly one in four cancer patients reported delays in their care because of the pandemic, including access to in-person appointments, imaging, surgery and other services.”

The nation’s food supply chain is facing unprecedented strain. Farmers are plowing under their fields as food demand for restaurants and schools disappears. Meat shortages are imminent as packing plants shutter and ranchers have nowhere to store beef, pork, and chicken.

Domestic violence is on the rise in several states. Some regions are reporting a spike in calls to suicide prevention hotlines. The long-term effects of house arrest could be devastating. “Prolonged social isolation takes physical and psychological tolls that are well-documented,” a psychologist told the Wall Street Journal this week. “Numerous studies link isolation and loneliness to depression, dementia, heart attacks and strokes. It shortens lives.”

The country has been thrown into an unforeseen and immediate crisis the likes of which we have never seen in American history. There was no warning and no way to prepare; we are in a state of shock that the collective life we led just two months ago is completely and heartbreakingly gone for the foreseeable future.

That’s why it’s time for President Trump to speak to the trauma the nation is enduring, and not just continue the same drumbeat about the “invisible enemy” each day from the White House press room.

The daily briefings featuring the Coronavirus Task Force have become repetitive. Trump’s jiujitsu with the hostile, childish, and hysteria-inducing White House press corps might entertain some of his followers, and undoubtedly it amuses the president himself, but does little to ease Americans’ rising anxiety about the future.

Fauci and Birx, aside from misleading the president with the disastrous Murray models, don’t have much new to offer. Their updates should be short and weekly, not daily, since the health crisis shows major signs of abating.

The president should now pivot to focusing primarily on how to recover both the economy and the spirit of the American people. He needs to speak directly to our fears. He must give cover to governors who have every reason to bring life back to normal in their states rather than listening to the same small chorus of “experts” who have misled him. 

He needs to get his economic team before the public every day to explain how and when we can start getting back to business as usual—and in days, not weeks or months. Most Americans don’t want more government hand-outs or debt-inducing programs. We want to protect the vulnerable, strengthen our health care capacity, and move on before the damage is too great to repair.

Trump performs best when he gives voice to the inner worries of Americans that others are too timid to express. COVID-19 is deadly and scary but Trump promised Americans the cure wouldn’t be worse than the disease. We are now at the point where we need to hear his plan to make good on that promise—and the president must change course accordingly.

New York Coronavirus Test Shows State-Wide 14% Infection Rate – New York City 21%

Data Indicates Mortality Rate 0.5%

Yesterday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released initial data from 3,000 people tested for COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state.  Interestingly, though not surprisingly, the field tests were conducted on the general public who were visiting retail supermarkets and box stores (WalMart, Target, Costco, etc.).  The resulting data falls directly in line with previous CTH analysis of human interface.

The preliminary New York results show a state-wide infection rate of 13.9 percent within the sample. Which would extend to 2.7 million people state-wide.  With that infection rate, the mortality rate from the infection would drop to 0.5 percent.

The samples show an infection rate in New York City is 21.2 percent. [WATCH]

(VIA CBS) – New York’s first survey of coronavirus antibodies shows that 13.9% of those tested in the state had coronavirus antibodies in their system, meaning they have contracted and recovered from the virus, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. That suggests that 2.7 million people have been infected statewide.
The survey was taken from a sample size of about 3,000 people found outside their homes, shopping at essential businesses, such as grocery stores, which remain open. Results show antibodies in 12% of women and 15.9% of men, but a disproportionate rate of antibodies in black and Latino New Yorkers.(more)

(Reuters) “If the infection rate is 13.9 percent, then it changes the theories of what the death rate is if you get infected,” Cuomo told a daily briefing.
The survey targeted people who were out shopping, but not working, meaning they were not essential workers like grocery clerks or bus drivers but were more likely to test positive for antibodies than someone isolated at home, Cuomo said. (read more)

The direct result of this survey is that 14 percent of people in New York who interacted with retail supermarket cashiers were previously infected with the Coronavirus; or carried the coronavirus antibodies…

REPEATING – There are few high-traffic businesses more densely populated than grocery stores.  In fact, within the U.S. economy retail supermarkets have the highest foot traffic of any business sector in the entire economy; that’s just an empirical fact…. and the coronavirus impact increased that foot traffic by an average of 40 percent.  Now, stop and think about this logically & apply a large dose of common sense. Think about human-to-human interface.

First, with approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. population penetrating through grocery outlets; and with 100% of that massive number of consumers going through checkout lanes; if the COVID-19 viral strain was as significant as claimed by the worst-case data, then supermarket cashiers would have been the highest exposed profession of U.S. workers in the entire nation.  There wouldn’t even be a close second place.

Considering that metric; and considering the overall population penetration & density within the business operation; there has not been an employee-based business disruption due to the coronavirus.  Put another way: the coronavirus has not stopped the function of the highest human interface occupation in the entire U.S. economy.

Secondly, think about the businesses that are closed; perhaps think about your job that may have been shut down…. now frame your risk based on the supermarket example as highest human interface and highest population penetration in any business field.

If the #1 at risk industry has operated, essentially without disruption and with almost zero substantive mitigation, while carrying the largest population exposure rate, then all other less-exposed business operations would have significantly less operational risk.

Why would anyone be concerned about opening their business?

If you take the factual outcome of the retail food industry as a measure, it would follow that other than a few proximity businesses which may need prudent modifications or remain temporarily closed (ex. modified airplane seating, concerts, stadiums or capacity seating venues etc), then all other businesses should immediately resume operations.

No other business segment within the economy is as exposed to the population as the retail food business; and yet supermarkets operated without issue.

So why shouldn’t all businesses immediately get back to work?

Perhaps a few initial modifications might be needed; but not much, and not for long.

Think about it….

Looks Like Trump Was Right About The Coronavirus Fatality Rate

In early March, President Donald Trump was lambasted for saying on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show that he had a hunch the coronavirus fatality rate, which the World Health Organization pegged then at 3 to 4 percent, was in fact much lower, under 1 percent. Many commentators, myself included pointed out that the beginning of a pandemic medical crisis was not the time to be floating hunches. But, as we always knew was possible, it looks now like the president might well have been right.

New data from random antibody tests conducted in New York State suggest that as many as 2.7 million people statewide have had the coronavirus. That along with the just over 15,000 deaths that have occurred leads to a fatality rate for the virus of .5 percent according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Here is what Trump said on March 4:

“Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor.”

He went on to say:

“I think that that number (the WHO number) is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent.”

Democrats and media pundits blasted Trump for spreading “misinformation.”

While this data is preliminary, it is backed up by another study in Los Angeles that found 40 times more people had carried the virus then were previously known. This dropped the fatality rate in LA from 4.5 percent to .1-.3 percent.

It is difficult to stress how important these findings are. The 5-week lockdown that has destroyed the American economy was put in place by contemplating what looks to be rather absurd numbers by the WHO.

While the United States has nearly lost a terrible 50,000 lives to the virus, this radical shift in our understanding of just how deadly it really is should make us question not only the logic of the lockdown in the first place, but more importantly how much longer we are going to stay on this destructive course.

The fact of the matter is that back in early March, what Trump was saying made sense. We had conducted very few tests of asymptomatic people and consequently we were flying blind as to just what percentage of covid-19 cases were becoming critical or leading to death. If Trump’s informed “hunch” continues to be confirmed, it will require vast changes in how we are battling the virus.

For one thing, the idea of contact tracing, which Cuomo said yesterday would be led up by Mike Bloomberg in New York, comes under serious doubt with these new findings. For example, in New York City the sample suggests that about 20 percent or some 1.6 million people have already had the virus. At that rate of spread, tracing becomes a very dubious proposition.

It would be nice if Trump’s perspicacity on this issue led to the media giving him a little more respect on the Chinese Virus response, but that’s unlikely. Either way, the results are fantastic news. At a .5 percent fatality rate or lower, the coronavirus is not the killer we feared it was, and that should make everyone happy.

Michigan Democrats Plan Vote to Target Rep. Karen Whitsett and Ban Further Democrats From Endorsing President Trump

No-one is allowed to leave the DNC plantation, ever!

Michigan Democrats are apoplectic that State Representative Karen Whitsett credited President Trump for her coronavirus recovery earlier in the month with praise for his support for hydroxychloroquine.  Making the issue even worse for the party of authoritarian control Mrs. Whitsett is black, and thinking for herself.

As a direct result, the Michigan Democrat party is planning to censure Rep. Whitsett and formerly ban anyone from the Democrat party from endorsing President Trump; or they will face total financial and structural ostracization from the party.

MICHIGAN – Detroit Democrats plan to vote Saturday to censure and bar any future endorsements of a Democratic lawmaker who credited President Donald Trump with advocating for the drug that she said cured her of COVID-19.
State Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit, broke protocol by meeting with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence during an April 14 meeting of COVID-19 survivors, during which she credited hydroxychloroquine for saving her life.
“Thank you for everything that you have done,” Whitsett told Trump at the meeting. “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line. … I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words.”
[…] The admonition means she will not get the group’s endorsement for this year nor will she be able to engage in the group’s activities for the next two election cycles.
“At the end of the day, we have political systems,” said Jonathan Kinloch, chairman of the organization. “We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason.”
“They do not belong to themselves,” Kinloch said of endorsed candidates and elected officials. “They belong to the members and precinct delegates of the Democratic Party.” (more)

The DNC Club cannot allow black or minority voters to break ranks.  The success of President Trump’s colorblind policies are an extinction level event for the control masters with the Club who construct their plans based on identity politics.

This is the ultimate authoritarian nature of Democrats as professional marxists and manipulators…  This is the primary reason why President Trump is an existential threat to their political world-view.

Fetchin’ Gretchen (“Karen”) Whitmer Channels Baghdad Bob

 Petition Demanding RECALL of Fascist Michigan Gov. Gretchen ...
Article by conservativecurmudgeon in "RedState":

Throughout my entire life in the Great Lakes State, Michigan has had some real political doozies slouching and piddling around. Most notable are the loathsome career Democrats: Zoltan Ferency, Lynn Jondahl, Bill Hart, Bobby Crim, David Hollister, Coleman Young, Bob Carr– and the ever lovely Debbie Stabenow, who has been hanging around, picking up the slack since the French and Indian Wars.

However: we’ve reached a new apex of foul with Gretchen “Karen” Whitmer.

Most places, where more than a couple of dozen families congregate (and there is a Panera Bread within a twenty minute drive) have a Karen Whitmer: Airily (and superficially) articulate, driving the latest model Subaru with the “Celebrate Diversity” and “Love Wins” bumper stickers, arguing on Facebook about how much better the world would be if everyone agreed with her mindless twaddle. These gals invariable have visions (hallucinations? delirium tremens?) of grandeur, of accepting their Nobel Prizes for Environmental Awareness in Oslo , and… thus run for school board.

Once ensconced, and with a closet full of scarves and Vera Bradley, they begin to Virtue Signal as if they were Lillian Hellman herself. Build Schools! Ban Guns! Raise Taxes! Regulate! For God’s sake, STOP SMOKING! Wear your F@**#ing Seatbelt! Oh, and when there’s time: make everyone around you MISERABLE, especially your husband who get accosted at the hardware store every time he peeks his head out in public because his freakin’ wife is such a damnable, obnoxious scold.

Most of the time, these Mediocre Mamas are the electoral victims of their own stupidity, and when they vie for higher office are stopped either by party regulars that find them insufferable and obnoxious, or by the voters who couldn’t stand them when they were seventh-grade Hall Monitors, and sure as hell can’t stand them now that they are on the County Commission.

But, every once in a while one of the these Ladies oozes through the electoral process, and gets elected to a suburban representative post in the State Legislature, where (by the magic of capillary action) slither and skulk their way up the leadership ranks where eventually they are given Keys to the Kingdom. Think Bella Abzug, without the feminine aesthetic.

Thus –we in Michigan are graced with Fetchin’ Gretchen.
She is a truly detestable, hypocritical politician: Raised in one of the wealthiest suburbs of Grand Rapids (Forest Hills, just down Ada Road from Betsy DeVos’s hometown), married– now on her second go ’round– to a Dentist, forever griping about the unfairness, the injustice of a life having to be lived surrounded by wealth, civic tranquility, material plenty, and a manicured landscape.

Dear old Dad was an apparatchik in Rino Republican William Milliken’s Commerce Department as it’s head, and later used this bit of entre to become the 20-year director of Michigan Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The privelege of institutional graft flows through the veins of women like Whitmer. Myopic doesn’t begin to describe the world-view of such women, and is a slander against the nearsighted.

Truly a Woman Of The People, Fetchin’ Gretchen moved to a singular stronghold of entrenched Democrat Party intrigue: Southeast Michigan. She showed her stripes early on, running for a State Rep seat in 1994 at the ripe old age of 23. She lost. She tried again; she lost.

But, convinced she had Great Wisdom to impart, she kept trying. Eventually, she won a seat in the Legislature– and the social-climbing technocrat was on her way.

That Karen –er, Gretchen– is of only middling intellect is apparent from the moment she opens her mouth: The usual platitudinous tripe blurps out in the cadence of those who spend long car rides listening to NPR. She has all the right lexicon, the jargonese: “Communities of Color”, “Environmental Justice”, “Climate Crisis” roll off her tongue with the best of the Marxist Left.

As became immediately evident with the latest Crisis Covid, however, Karen Whitmer’s mammoth brain went into lock-down mode when confronted with having to deal with actual issues outside the crib-rails of her demented world view. Thus, her only refuge was linguistic and superficial.

So, it was with great interest that I heard her say (and I quote) when responding to the embarrassing fact that her political cronies had been awarded a no-compete state contract: “…the Department of Health and Human Services doesn’t have a political bone in its theoretical body”.

Nuh-huh. Whatever, Gretchen. I mean, Karen.

Please, remember: The Great Oracle of Lansing, Fetchin’ Gretchen is a… wait for it… wait for it… a Communications Major! So, it goes without reason that someone who found the writings of Dan Rather a more important cannon of literature in training for a life of public service than, say, Blackstone or Hume.

And the lack of simple human awareness in the statement about Political Bones in the Body of the Bureaucracy is simply stunning: Only a person who is utterly awash in politics would be unable to grasp how thoroughly corrupted by “politics” –if not by simple worldview– the entire bureaucracy is. I don’t care how much the Department of Overlap and Redundancy Department pleads that it is guided by altruism and science: Government governs, it doesn’t (indeed, it cannot) nurture; as such, it must reject science, it must collect to itself all means of coercion, when it’s power is threatened.

…and it exists for political reasons, and for the projection of will-to-power by the governing elites. I don’t care if it’s the highway department, or the natural resources department, or the Kleenex department. They are ALL political– sinew, fat, muscle AND bone.

But: Only a set of eyes from Outside the political, governmental framework can see it. Thus: The Gretchens, The Karens are necessarily blind.

So, I was reminded of the jaunty Iraqi fellow who took to the airwaves in Baghdad in early April of 2003, festooned with microphones, claiming with a perfectly straight face that American and Coalition Forces were nowhere near the Baghdad Airport –right after every television camera in the world had just broadcast footage of American military hardware and personnel swarming the place.  His nom de guerre quickly became “Baghdad Bob”…

His soon-to-go-blam world of prestige and consequence forbad him from acknowledging what practically every other human already knew: His time was “up”.

Anyone who has ever dealt with a State Health Department knows they are political, stem to stern, eave to footing. They are peopled by folks that are bizarrely disconnected from economic reality, whose pensions are fully funded without market influence, who exist in a bubble of ethereal living; where the likes of untrammeled beard-hair can cause plagues, but bat-droppings in communist virus labs are to be expected –and to bring up such things is racist.

Politics, twenty-four-seven-three-sixty-five. And there are No Americans at the Airport! 

The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class

 Article written by Steve McCann in "The American Thinker":

At the culmination of a national health or societal crisis in the United States, it has become de rigueur for the media and innumerable pundits ensconced within the professional class to perform a post-mortem on how the citizenry handled the crisis and what lessons the rubes in fly-over country should have learned. But in the current pandemic, the top levels of professional class that populates the ruling class and runs the media and the major institutional bureaucracies has irretrievably unmasked itself. And the in the postmortems that will come, they will be found deficient.

Credulous Cowards

An immutable tenet of today’s ruling class is that if someone or an institution within their power base is labeled as “experts,” then these authorities are not to be questioned and their assumptions, predictions or projections must be treated as gospel. The century that followed the rise of the Wilsonian progressives, who idolized a powerful government run by educated experts, saw enormous scientific, medical, and industrial achievements the hands of experts, the products of higher education. The professional class, usually products of higher education, grants deference to certified experts, and the media makes celebrities out of those experts that support important goals of the ruling class. Experts have had a very good century.

In the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization, a darling of the American elites, claimed China was successfully mitigating the spread and the virus was not spread by human to human contact.  Other experts, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, claimed the virus was not a serious threat.  These proclamations were believed without question by the ruling class as is borne out at the time by their public statements, published articles and mocking of President Trump for taking the threat far more seriously than any of the nation’s elites. 

However, on March 16, an even higher echelon of experts, the Imperial College in London, came out with a study projecting 2.2 million Americans would die if no mitigation took place or 1.1 million if an unprecedented societal shutdown were imposed. This immediately became the new mantra and the media arm of the ruling class was dispatched to spread this apocalyptic message far and wide and to now vilify President Trump for not doing enough soon enough. 

Within 10 days, however, the Imperial College walked back their doomsday scenario reducing the fatality estimates by over 90%.   Nonetheless, thanks to our media class, mass hysteria was consuming the nation, so more experts were needed to keep up the drumbeat of fear and trepidation.

Enter the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on March 25, predicting a meltdown of the nation’s health care system due to an enormous shortage of hospital and ICU beds throughout the nation, as well as up to 162,000 deaths. 
The immediate necessity of a societal lockdown, regardless of the economic or human cost, was thus cast in stone.  Since that original study, the IHME has revised their study three times reducing their projected death toll by 60% and downgrading the need for hospital and ICU beds by more than 80%. 

During this entire period of time, the nation’s elites never questioned or highlighted the errors of either the experts who claimed that the virus was under control and not a major concern or those and their projections which were used to shut down the nation and cast untold millions into unemployment and unbelievable distress.  By mid-March, their media arm had created such a groundswell for a national lockdown that any countervailing studies by numerous non-preferred but eminent doctors and scientists in the United States and around the world were ignored and their research not permitted to see the light of day.

One must conclude, therefore, that the ruling class is too credulous to question any of their annointed experts and too cowardly to ever admit their own errors  in judgment.

The Ruling Class Exhibits Totalitarian Tendencies

Conservatives have cast a jaundiced eye toward the principal political arm of the ruling class, the Democrat Party, for many years, believing the leadership and elected cohort to be closet totalitarians.  As the coronavirus lockdowns spread from state to state, the party, its elected officials and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, unabashedly emerged from that closet, along with a few Republicans.

Wannabe autocrats surfaced in New Jersey, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, California and 25 other states, issuing contradictory and often illegal orders and proclamations under the threat of jail or severe fines.  Virtually all these unilateral proclamations, without benefit of any legislative or judicial action, drastically curtailed essential civil rights. 

The Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, was asked by Tucker Carlson by what authority did he have to nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing an order that resulted in 15 people being arrested for congregating in a synagogue.  His response: “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this…we looked at all the data and science and it says people have to stay away from each other.” 
Murphy is a member in good standing of the ruling class and their deference to preferred “experts” and not the Constitution.

It was not just governors and mayors on the state and local level.  Others such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the entire hierarchy of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media and the coastal elites supported and applauded these actions.  Further, this same cabal publicly proclaimed this crisis was the ideal opportunity to force their long wished for socialist agenda on the nation.

The façade of moderation the ruling elites built over the years is no more.  They have exposed themselves for who they really are: totalitarians.  If they were ever to control all the levers of power, they would never willingly surrender them.

Americans Now Know the Ruling Class Sold the Nation Out to China

While the American public has long been suspicious of Chinese influence in America, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed for all to see the extent of this nation’s reliance on a global adversary for necessities such as medical and pharmaceutical products.  And that the single-minded pursuit of wealth and power prompted the American ruling class to proclaim over the years that it was a great benefit for the United States to empower China.

China owes its faster than expected rise as a world power to the transfer of American jobs, technology, capital, and business acumen to China so that US shareholders could receive capital gains, US executives could receive incentive pay for producing consumer products at a much lower labor cost, and the nation’s elites could, using riches from Chinese investments in the US, consolidate their retention of power.

Apparently, the American ruling class could not comprehend that if US corporations produce the goods they market to Americans offshore, it is the offshore countries that benefit the most from the economic activity.  If that location is an authoritarian regime bent on world domination, then they will use their newfound wealth to build up their military, exploit and suppress their citizenry, promote manufacturing dependence, and corrupt the governing classes of their potential adversaries.

And a substantial segment of the American ruling class has been corrupted by the Chinese Communists.  (Investigative reporter Lee Smith has an excellent analysis of how this corruption evolved at  These sympathizers are presently defending China by unabashedly regurgitating Chinese propaganda about who was responsible for the Wuhan Virus, how it was spread and by refusing to acknowledge that the globalist philosophy of dependence on potential foreign adversaries for manufactured goods was a mistake.

The coronavirus crisis has revealed to an increasingly larger percentage of the populace the extent to which they were sold out by a now compromised ruling class.

The Ruling Class Cares Only About Itself Not the American People

From mid-January to the present, the reaction of the nation’s elites to the Wuhan Virus pandemic has been almost solely based their intense hatred of President Trump.  In January and February, among a number of other steps, Donald Trump imposed a travel ban on Chinese nationals and quarantined those Americans returning to the United States from the Wuhan area.  At the time, he was pilloried as a xenophobe who was overreacting.  Now the President is savagely maligned for not doing enough in January and February.

During the month of March, hyping extraordinarily flawed studies, the media by constant fearmongering stampeded the general public into demanding action from the administration.  A partial shutdown was proposed which gave license to the wannabe dictators in various states to impose near martial law.  In just four weeks nearly 30 million have lost their jobs, the economy is in tatters and the national debt, due to relief and stimulus spending, will balloon by over $6 trillion (the total national debt in 2002: $6.2 trillion).

The original purpose of the shutdown was to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread. Which has been accomplished.  The time has come to reopen the economy.  Except many of the denizens of the ruling class insist on moving the goalposts and setting targets that can never be met before the country reopens. They are insisting on universal testing (an impossibility) and a vaccine (which will take up to 18 months) before the nation can get back to work.  In other words, a guaranteed safe world -- there can be no more outbreaks and deaths from the virus.  They intend to hold President Trump politically responsible for a reopening that in any way fails to meet these unattainable metrics.

The fate of untold millions of Americans mired in an economic and societal depression is immaterial as long as the economy and the nation are in shambles come November 3, 2020.  The people be damned as long as Donald Trump and his populist movement, the most serious threat the ruling class has ever faced, are permanently defeated.

This nation has survived wars, depression and seven global pandemics yet the Wuhan Virus has revealed that the current American Ruling Class is most serious long-term threat to this nation in its 244-year history.