Friday, April 24, 2020

Michigan Democrats Plan Vote to Target Rep. Karen Whitsett and Ban Further Democrats From Endorsing President Trump

No-one is allowed to leave the DNC plantation, ever!

Michigan Democrats are apoplectic that State Representative Karen Whitsett credited President Trump for her coronavirus recovery earlier in the month with praise for his support for hydroxychloroquine.  Making the issue even worse for the party of authoritarian control Mrs. Whitsett is black, and thinking for herself.

As a direct result, the Michigan Democrat party is planning to censure Rep. Whitsett and formerly ban anyone from the Democrat party from endorsing President Trump; or they will face total financial and structural ostracization from the party.

MICHIGAN – Detroit Democrats plan to vote Saturday to censure and bar any future endorsements of a Democratic lawmaker who credited President Donald Trump with advocating for the drug that she said cured her of COVID-19.
State Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit, broke protocol by meeting with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence during an April 14 meeting of COVID-19 survivors, during which she credited hydroxychloroquine for saving her life.
“Thank you for everything that you have done,” Whitsett told Trump at the meeting. “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line. … I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words.”
[…] The admonition means she will not get the group’s endorsement for this year nor will she be able to engage in the group’s activities for the next two election cycles.
“At the end of the day, we have political systems,” said Jonathan Kinloch, chairman of the organization. “We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason.”
“They do not belong to themselves,” Kinloch said of endorsed candidates and elected officials. “They belong to the members and precinct delegates of the Democratic Party.” (more)

The DNC Club cannot allow black or minority voters to break ranks.  The success of President Trump’s colorblind policies are an extinction level event for the control masters with the Club who construct their plans based on identity politics.

This is the ultimate authoritarian nature of Democrats as professional marxists and manipulators…  This is the primary reason why President Trump is an existential threat to their political world-view.