Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Will the courts help America on the road to suicide?


Article by Robert Arvay in The American Thinker

Will the courts help America on the road to suicide?

I recall a case in which a criminal had murdered a child, then buried her.  A complication arose, and the question came up — might the victim still be alive?  There was a limited time to find the little girl.  If indeed she had been buried alive, according to suspicions, then it was important to get the criminal to show where he had buried her.  He led the police to the grave; the poor child was already dead.  

The criminal was released, since he had not been read his Miranda rights.  Some law enforcement officials voiced outrage, noting that once the criminal was set free, he was able to murder further victims.  There was a strong likelihood that he would, based on the behavior of other pedophiles.  Lives could be saved by keeping the murderer imprisoned.  The court, apparently, did not consider the threat to the public.  It adhered to what it regarded as the letter of the law.

We now have strong evidence of massive electoral fraud.  Crimes were committed.  There is a limited amount of time to correct the matter.  State legislatures are holding hearings and might save the republic by awarding electors to the candidate who in fact did get the most votes in their respective states.  

Whether they do or not, the question remains: can the courts restrict themselves to the narrowest interpretation of the law, without regard for the consequences — the consequences of permitting the presidency to be occupied by the favored candidate of a massive criminal enterprise?  Can they ignore the strong likelihood that a Biden presidency (followed within days or weeks by a Harris presidency) will open the floodgates of illegal immigration?  Can they ignore the evidence that the Democrats will award citizenship to millions of them?  Can they avert their gaze from a future in which the levers of power will be controlled by a party that can illegally ensure never losing another election?  Can the Supreme Court, indeed, disregard that it will soon be swamped by additional justices who will impose socialism on the nation?

In other words, will the criminals be set free to perpetuate their crimes?  Will the Republic itself be murdered?  

It can be argued that none of this is any business of the Supreme Court, and in ordinary times, that would be correct — but these are not ordinary times.  It has been said that "the Constitution is not a suicide pact."

We may be about to find out.  If the state legislatures do not send the proper electors to vote for President Trump, and if the Court does not step outside its otherwise proper box, we may not need to be told where the bodies are buried.  They will be ours.



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