Friday, December 18, 2020

Taken a train? You too could be Transportation Secretary!

Pete Buttigieg is totally qualified to be Transportation Secretary because he rode the train in college.

This morning, I saw a tweet from NPR politics sharing an article about Pete Buttigieg being tapped for Transportation Secretary, and hoo-boy, is the pull-quote hilarious.

Pete Buttigieg, President-elect Biden’s pick for transportation secretary, said he has “a personal love of transportation,” recounting train trips on Amtrak while in college, and said he proposed to his now-husband, Chasten, in an airport terminal.

This sounds like something from the Babylon Bee.

“A personal love of transportation?” I mean come on!

Pete Buttigieg is a mediocre man with a middling intellect — which might explain why, when he isn’t burping out insipid platitudes, the best he can muster to show his readiness to take on the position of Transportation Secretary is “I rode the train in college.”

Remember when President Trump selected Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education?

“She’s not qualified to be Education Secretary!” The angry media howled. “DeVos was never a teacher!”

But Buttigieg reminisces about riding the train and proposing to his husband in an airport terminal and NPR thinks this qualifies him for Transportation Secretary.

Betsy DeVos attended school, so by the Buttigieg standard, she was more than qualified to be Education Secretary. Hell, just walking her dog past an elementary school would’ve sufficed.

By the Buttigieg standard, every single person who has ever ridden a train or a bus or driven on the highway is also supremely qualified to be Transportation Secretary.

Of course when Pete was mayor of South Bend, Indiana, he didn’t do much to improve the streets. But, hey, he rode on Amtrak and proposed to Chasten in an airport terminal! So game, set, match, you haters!

Was the writer of this NPR article born without the shame gene?

We have four years of this kind of slobbering, ass-kissing, bar-lowering coverage ahead of us. You realize that, right?