Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Suck-Up Mitt sucks up to Biden

Is there a more useless politician than Mitt Romney?

Suck-Up Mitt sucks up to Biden

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

Is there a more useless politician than Mitt Romney? This guy spends 99% of his time playing the suck-up.

He sucks up to the Leftist media.

He sucks up to Democrats.

And now, big surprise, he’s sucking up to Joe Biden.

Suck-Up Mitt went on CNN’s “State of the Union” this weekend and actually said that Joe Biden is a “clear-eyed and intelligent individual” (🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂). And, fear not America, Joe Biden will totally take the threats posed by China and Russia seriously.

Has Mitt Romney ever met Joe Biden?

Don’t you think you should get to know him a bit before you decide to sell your soul to China Joe?

What was it Joe Biden said about the CCP on the campaign trail?

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man! They’re not bad folks, folks.”

Joe laughs off the threat from China the same way he laughed off Russia in 2012 when he and Obama were running against Suck-Up Mitt.

Yet Mitt thinks Joe Biden will take the threats seriously? Come on, man!

Only a suck-up would claim a bumbling idiot like Joe Biden is “clear-eyed and intelligent.” Compared to what? Cletus the slack-jawed yokel?

For crying out loud, even Obama’s own Defense Secretary admitted that Joe Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy position for the last forty years.

If Suck-Up Mitt thinks this desiccated, perpetually confused old coot will lift a single digit to stop any threats posed by his ChiCom pals then Mitt Romney isn’t particularly clear-eyed and intelligent either.

For crap’s sake, Mitt. Just switch parties and be done with it.

Jesse Kelly. Loser Republicans.