Sunday, December 20, 2020

Some Background on July 2020 U.S. Order to Close Houston Chinese Consulate

On July 21st of this year the United States told China they must close their consulate in Houston, Texas, giving them 72 hours to cease operations and events.

Three days later U.S. federal agents and officials entered the consulate alleging the Chinese government was engaging in espionage targeting U.S. interests.

The activities of consulate officials in Houston “are a microcosm, we believe, of a broader network of individuals in more than 25 cities that network is supported through the consulates here,” a US Justice Department official said Friday. “Consulates have been giving individuals in that network guidance on how to evade [and] obstruct our investigation. And you can infer from that the ability to task that [a] network of associates nationwide.”

In an interesting interview a few days ago, Gordon Chang, expanded on the operation that was taking place from within that consulate. (H/T Cari Kelemen)  WATCH (prompted to 12:50):

What Chang outlines is in alignment with what Trump officials have cited as ongoing malign activity by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and speaks to a larger intent by Beijing to influence the 2020 election.

If we overlay what we have witnessed and discussed for the past several years as the Trump administration has tackled the China issues head-on, we can see how our nation has approached an inflection point toward Beijing.

Indeed the larger global community is now aware of a vast network of CCP officials that have infiltrated all systems, processes and institutions of western interests.  The panda mask of China has dropped and now we see the true extent of the dragon tentacles.

Recent reporting on the scale of this influence was ignored by U.S. media, in part due to their financial alignment.  Additionally, the aspects of Hunter and Joe Biden engaging for personal affluence with the Chinese government stands as a remarkable example of the cunning nature of Beijing’s strategy.

Senator Dianne Feinstein with a CCP spy in her office for almost three decades.  House Intelligence Committee member Eric Swalwell having a long-term relationship with another Chinese spy amid recent headlines.  Various academic institutions compromised by Chinese operatives and the theft of intellectual property.  The scale of what China was executing is still unknown as more comes forth each day.

Into this mix we now have a more substantive understanding over how China was influencing U.S. politics; and, as we see in the Houston consulate example, how Beijing was fomenting strife in advance of the November 2020 election as part of a larger plan to install and support U.S. politicians aligned with their interests.

America-First is antithetical to the long-term goals and objectives of the communist Chinese regime.  This was always evident in the way Beijing responded to the trade and economic policies of President Donald Trump.

Ultimately the global battle between the Red Dragon (CCP, Beijing) and President Trump is at the root of the concerted effort to remove/defeat him from office.  CTH has discussed this confrontation at length since the first shots were fired.

U.S. President Trump, representing economic nationalism, stood against China and was winning in the economic war despite the interference from Wall Street and U.S. media.