Saturday, December 12, 2020

Retailers warn of delayed shipping this holiday season


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:10 PM PT – Friday, December 11, 2020

Retailers urge shoppers to place their online holiday orders early, amid a surge in online shopping.

Shoppers across the country turned to the safety of online shopping options due to concerns over the coronavirus. While this presents a safer and easier option for customers, suppliers tasked with the challenge of transporting these goods face a major backlog.



Retailers warned shoppers to place their orders as far in advance as possible to avoid the late arrival of presents.

This comes after nearly a year of increased demand for online delivery services, as the coronavirus has shuttered millions of Americans in their homes.

According to experts, 2020 will see as much as three times the amount of online shopping as last year. Additionally, as many as seven million packages a day could face delays.

In an attempt to meet these heightened demands, shipping services, such as tech giant ‘Amazon,’ will be delivering orders as late as Christmas Eve.



Some carriers even placed limits on the amount of packages retailers can ship a day, in order to ensure all companies receive equal services from shipping providers.

Meanwhile, retailers encourage customers to utilize curbside pickup services to safely buy gifts for their loved ones. 









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