Saturday, December 12, 2020

Part 3: Gather the Goons – Team Construction and Practical Survival


Article by Talon2 in RedState

Part 3: Gather the Goons – Team Construction and Practical Survival

To quote COL Schlichter: “We can win outside the margin of fraud. We just can’t do it if pouting whiners sit home muttering about how they are mad cuz things didn’t go their way last time.”

Note before we begin: I am using twitter handles as some of the folks mentioned wished to remain as anonymous as possible while still being part of this.

*Steps off soap Box*

Previously we have covered the current operating environment, the importance of building a team and executing missions at the lowest level to build team cohesion, work out issues, and gain experience. Remember we are fighting a much larger, more well financed, ruthless, more numerous (at least tactically) foe.  These seemingly insurmountable strengths will be their downfall. With size comes issues, The left has become used to the right rolling over and showing their belly every time they lob an accusation at us.  Remember Mittens during the Candy Crowley Debate? The left has locked themselves into an ideology of totalitarianism and cannot breakaway from if for fear of their base.  They have become unable to fight the ideological war and are dependent upon legacy media and the tech titans to censor and ban us.  Yes I am on twitter and facebook. I also have backup plans should I ever get the full Alex Jones treatment. This leaves and incredible opportunity for us to build new coalitions that will ensure lasting electoral success and the survival of the United States we all know. But in order to do that, to have our Flag hanging over the remains of the bombed out husk of the leftist Fuhrerbunker, we must first build the support team around ourselves that will allow us to do that.

How do you go about building your team?  Well it depends on a couple of things.  1. Where do you live/Where can you look for recruits? 2. What is this team going to be used for? 3. What are their Skills and how long have you know them? Getting pretty complicated huh? Well no one said this is going to be easy.  Lets go through it line by line.

  1.  Where do you live?  The first thing we need to do is go look for people that we think will be sympathetic to the cause.  If you live in a Free state you probably wont have to much trouble finding help.  This is geared more towards those living in purple states and especially for those living behind enemy lines. If you live in a purple or blue state you will need to be much more subtle. Look for small indicators of who might be on your side. Things like firearm related stickers on your neighbors truck.  An American flag hanging from a front porch, or a blue/red/green/not BLM  lives matter flag/sticker/morale patch. These are just some of the things that might indicate ideological alignment.  Go slowly and approach softly.  Think of what our enemies like, where they hang out, and then look for the opposite.
  2. What is the team going to be used for?  Just like in the military you will need to purpose build your team.  You don’t send a single squad to seize an airfield, just like you wouldn’t send a Battalion to occupy a single house.  You have to take into consideration the limits of time and space in the construction of any team.  If the local PTA is a having a meeting about letting transgenders use the bathroom they feel like using tomorrow, and you only have 1 other person then you have a decision to make.  Depending on your ability to recruit and retain members, this will determine what types of operations you can undertake, and what your operations tempo (i,e, how often you do stuff) will be.  Remember you and your teams have lives and families to support.  You have to take that into account.
  3. How long have you know them, and what are their Skills ? With any type of insurgency – and make no mistake that is what we are fighting – you must ensure that the operational and physical security of your team is airtight. While it may be impossible to have only familial bonds on your team, you must ensure that every team member is properly vetted prior to being admitted into group with the cool kids.  I am NOT saying spy on them – that how you end up in bracelets explaining to the cops why you were digging through the Jones’s trash.  That’s not a good place to be.  What I am telling you to do is before you give them the keys to the castle take them on a few small operations and see how it goes.  Using things like a Canary Trap, and other leak mitigation techniques can test to see their resolve.   Secondly what skills do they have to help the organization?  Can they procure supplies? Logistics guy. Do they now people, and have the trust of people in the organization you are trying to infiltrate?  Intel guy. Can they sell ice to an Eskimo? Recruiter/Financier.  IT/Tech? For lack of a better word Propaganda/Memesmith.  You will need various specialties to round out the group and not everyone will be able to participate in every mission.  This is limited only by your imagination and willingness to expend the effort to make it happen.

This is a long process and shouldn’t be undertaken lightly.  This is going to require hours upon hours of painstaking work in order to ensure that the group you are building is capable of accomplishing the tasks you have set for them.   There is plenty of additional reading that you can do that will delve into the details of cell construction, training and individual duties and responsibilities.  I would recommend you start with the following reading materials for further discussions on team construction.

  1. FM 3-24 Army Counter Insurgency Manual
  2. FM 3-07 Stability and Support Operations
  3. FM-3-18 Special Forces Operations – Note: THIS WILL NOT TURN YOU INTO AN OPERATOR.
  4. How the weak win wars 

This is not an exhaustive list but will certainly get you on your way.

Practical Survival:

What I am not going to do in this section: Tell you what gun to buy, what plate carrier /chest rig to buy, what bug out bag to buy etc.  That’s all personal choice.  If you need advice I would recommend you reach out on twitter to the following people:

  1. @offthe_res
  2. @Snakeeater36
  3. @Shadzey1
  4. @SlowZen
  5. @brinkofill
  6. @DempMcgee
  7. @furyoriental

Just to name a few. They have gear threads, gun threads and medical threads that should be able to fill in most of the blanks.  What I am here to help you with is this.  When the leftists come for you – and make no mistake they will come for you – what do you need to ensure that you will be able to make a getaway with the people and equipment you will need to live to fight another day.  One of my twitter follows is a person by the name of @furyoriental and he had this to say:

Lesson from my refugee parents.

Always had 24K jewelry hidden in the house.

Dad Said, “If the commies/gov/bandits ever come, we’ll use this to escape.

Break off a link = a meal

A Bracelet = a car

A necklace = get someone out of jail or camp.

Now it is a shame that I have to write those words in the United States of America in 2020.  But here we are.  Remember, take the left at their word.  They want us impoverished, silenced, broken, reeducated or dead.  Now some of you are going to say “but Talon the police/sheriffs/National Guard will protect us – we are good!” Really?  You want to go with that?  How is that working out for the people in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Kenosha and all of the other cities and towns that were engulfed by leftist violence, looting and murder over the summer? Did you not see the police being recalled, the NG being told to stand down, and the populace being terrorized at will by those degenerates with little to no repercussions? Understanding that fact, what can we do about it to ensure that, should we be caught behind enemy lines, should we be caught unawares, what can we do to help ourselves live to fight another day?  First, keep cash around the house.  Yes physical cash/precious metals.  How much is up to you.  I am a bit on the paranoid side so I try to keep a not unsubstantial amount of precious metals, foldable cash and jewelry on hand.  Keep it hidden well so the kids can’t find it, but not so well that when the Antifa Hit squad shows up your bribe money is no where to be found.  Don’t be afraid to use Jewelry like @furyoriental said above.  If It can get you out of a jam, who cares if it was your mothers, you cant do anything with it if you are dead.

Keep a bugout bag in the house within easy reach.  There are about a 1,000,000 threads with what should go into a bug out bag.  Here is a list to get you started.  I would add to and not take away from this.  Personalize a bag for each family member.  Take into account their unique needs and likes.  Remember you are going to need to survive with nothing but what you have in that bag so make it count.

If you haven’t already – buy a firearm.  Preferably a shotgun, pistol and rifle.  I am not going to tell you what to buy, just don’t buy a Springfield XD, or a Kimber.  This is one of those “if you know, you know” moments.  Find something you like and can handle.  Like I said, if you have a specific question on what is best for you individual situation ask the guys I listed out above. Many gun ranges will rent weapons of the type they have for sale so you can try before you buy.  Take a class on weapons safety. Train with you weapon of choice.  Buying it is only the first step.  You have to spend time out on the range. For the specifics of engagement criteria I would recommend you read Prairie Fire @offthe_res  lays out the differences between evolutions of the oncoming suckage and what are some ways to handle them as the threat matrix increases.

Ok the time comes, you have got your bribe money, your bugout bags are packed and assembled and you have something to protect yourself with.  You hear the beginning of the riots about 3 blocks over and your team mate from the next subdivision calls you and tells you the Antifa goons are going house to house, he and his girlfriend are rolling out in 5.  Now what? You gather up the wife, your two kids and Doggo and jump in the car to make your escape.  Now what? Well how much gas does your car have?  You keep the car topped off right? You keep at least a half a tank in gas cans in the garage right? You have done route planning that keep you off the main highways and out of sight right? You have driven this route before and cached things along this route that will allow you to survive right?  You have a car bag with extra belts, fluids and consumable parts to ensure that should something outside of a major component fail you can still repair your vehicle and get to safety right?  You have comms, cellphone, CB radio GMRS or otherwise to the rest of your team right?

All of these things and many others must be considered so that you are not the ones that end up at the bottom of a ditch begging for your life.  I am not saying this to scare anyone or to dredge up anxiety.  Uncertainty leads to anxiety, anxiety leads to fear, fear leads to paralysis and paralysis leads to death. I have seen what things can turn into.  I was in Iraq in 2007-8 when the Sectarian violence was at its worst.  I know what it looks like and I know what it feels like, and to be honest with everyone, we are not that far off.  I truly hope it nothing happens, that we can back off from the brink, but I just don’t see it.   Knowing all of this, knowing that the left wants to crush us and ensure we can never rise again, what are you prepared to do about it?

Part 4: Gather the Goons – Intelligence Gathering and Exploitation

Part 5: Gather the Goons – Make Yourself and your organization Indispensable

Part 6: Gather the Goons – The War of the Flea – How to beat Leviathan

(P.S. I recommend that you buy both of @offthe_res books Concrete Jungle and Prairie Fire – as someone who has served overseas and seen my fair share of combat it taught me a lot.

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