Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Our self-important Elites sure love their titles

For Jill Biden, and the rest of the faux aristocrats in America, titles confer entitlement while setting them apart from us rags and tatters.

Apparently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the only Democrat who thinks America is like Downton Abbey. I’d bet money the garbage elites in America would love, love, love it if we started using the titles of British aristocracy.

Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron, Baronet – not only would they be in hog heaven if these titles were afforded to them, they would no doubt think they deserved it.

But since America isn’t Downton Abbey, our garbage elites have to make due with what titles are available.

Take DOCTOR Jill Biden.

Back in October I remarked on how prickly Biden supporters get when you point out that Jill is not a doctor.

Jill decided late in life to go back to school for two years and get a doctorate in education. Now she and the rest of the garbage elite insist that she always have the title “DOCTOR” added to her name.

Just like in Downton Abbey where Robert Crowley must always be referred to as “The Earl of Grantham” or “Lord Grantham,” Jill must always be referred to as DOCTOR Jill Biden.

Not because she is a doctor by profession. Because she’s not a doctor by profession; she’s a school teacher.

But for Jill Biden, and the rest of the faux aristocrats in America, titles confer entitlement while setting them apart from us rags and tatters.

As I said back in October:

There is a major difference between academic accomplishments and a profession. And in that respect, Jill is not a doctor; she is (well, was) an educator.

My holding a Masters of Fine Arts does not make me a Master of Fine Arts. I’m a writer who holds an MFA in dramatic writing.

Jill is not a doctor, she is an educator who holds an EdD in education.

This isn’t hard to understand.

But for prickly Biden voters, it is absolutely anathema to point it out.

The Left has always been obsessed with titles that make them appear more important than they are.

They never referred to Obama as a “part-time lecturer” at the University of Chicago law school. Instead, Democrats insisted on calling him a “Constitutional Scholar.”

Titles and honorifics give them a sense of superiority.

And that’s the nub of it.

Demanding Jill Biden always be referred to as DOCTOR Jill Biden is all about making Jill Biden appear more important and superior than she is.

I’m thinking she would much rather be called “Marchioness Biden” or “Viscountess Biden.” But we don’t have aristocratic titles in the United States. So Jill has to settle for DOCTOR Biden.

This weekend, the “How Dare You Demean DOCTOR Biden” kerfuffle started up all over again because a classless opinion writer in the Wall Street Journal had the poor taste to suggest Jill Biden stop calling herself DOCTOR Jill Biden when she becomes First Lady.

I mean, he has a point. How many titles does this woman need?

From the all-hands-on-deck Well-I-Nevering that erupted, you’d think the Wall Street Journal published illegally-obtained audio recordings of Jill Biden talking smack to her back-stabbing friend.

Former spokesman for Jill Biden, and current Biden Transition spokesman Michael LaRosa was apoplectic with rage.

Oh for crying out loud. Don’t be such a big girl’s blouse, Michael.




Jill Biden gets called out for trying to appear more important than she actually is, and these lunatics, of course, claim it’s “misogyny.”

And the entire Faux American Aristocracy piled on.

Including the Dowager Duchess of Chappaqua:

And the Marquess of FangBang:

But these guys aren’t defending Jill Biden; they’re defending their own sense of self-importance.

Titles before or after their names give these people a sense that they are better than we hoi polloi in our Walmart clothes and Payless shoes.

In a country without nobility, academic titles are the closest thing to a peerage these pretentious, self-important people can get. And they are going to make the most of it.

We commoners are facing economic devastation as the ruling class shuts down our businesses and kills our jobs. But these pretentious assholes don’t give a crap about it because they’re far too busy closing ranks and howling like wounded poodles because an opinion writer suggested that Jill Biden stop being so insufferably self-important.

Pointing out the absurdity of Jill Biden insisting on the title “DOCTOR” wasn’t “repugnant” or “sexist.”

Instead, it was a reminder that here in America we don’t have nobility; we don’t bestow titles to elevate some over others. In America, all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with you know, you know, the thing.