Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Old frail guy falls while “playing with the dog”

Joe falls while “playing with the dog” 
and the pet psychic didn’t see it coming? 
What kind of psychic is she?

Apparently Joe Biden broke his ankle the other day. But not because he’s old and frail. Nope. Not at all. See, according to the “Office of the President-Elect,” totally not frail Joe was playing with one of his dogs when he fell.

When I saw the news, I could feel the hackles on the back of my neck go up. Something about the story sounded just a little too contrived.

I mentioned the other day that the throne-sniffing media is excitedly writing about the Biden family pets. (They’re getting a cat!)

As a matter of fact, on the same day I wrote that post about the media’s hard-hitting, all-hands-on-deck coverage of the Bidens getting a cat, the Daily Beast ran this story:

Huh. Joe falls while “playing with the dog” and the pet psychic didn’t see it coming? What kind of psychic is she?

Or pychic as Joe might call her.


You think Team Biden isn’t hyper-aware of what Biden-related stories are getting play in the media? You think they live under a rock?

Team Biden knows exactly how to play the media for maximum throne-sniffing coverage.

And right now the Biden pets are hot, hot, hot!

My guess is, the frail old man lost his balance and toppled over the way people who are very frail and old are wont to do. And rather than simply inform the press that old Joe took a tumble and broke his ankle, Team Biden’s Media Quick Reaction Force got together and concocted a cover story tailor-made for the throne-sniffers who cover him.

“Hey, the Biden pets are hot, hot, hot right now. Let’s tell them Joe was rough-housing with the dog when it happened. This story would do two things. First, it gives the impression that the President-Elect is spry and athletic. And it mentions one of the Biden family pets!”

If I was a betting gal, I’d wager what actually happened is something that happens all the time. Old frail Joe tripped on the edge of the rug or wiped out while he was gingerly navigating the stairs. Or maybe he slipped in the bathtub.

Now, I’m not saying the dog wasn’t involved. It’s possible Joe was shuffling through the house and accidentally tripped over a sleeping dog.

I just doubt the fall was from “playing with the dog.”

Listen, Joe Biden is unsteady on his feet. We’ve all seen enough video footage of the old, meandering coot ambling unsteadily toward his SUV while someone holds his elbow and guides him toward the door.

He’s old, frail and mentally confused.

I have a feeling Joe Biden loses his balance a lot. In fact, I’m sure this was not the first time the old frail guy fell down. It was, however, the first time a fall resulted in an injury that couldn’t be hidden from the press.

And while Team Biden didn’t learn much from the mistakes Hillary made on the campaign trail, they obviously learned one thing: Do everything you can to prevent the old frail guy from falling while cameras are rolling.

Well, they did learn a second thing: Put in place the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.