Thursday, December 17, 2020

New Documents Show Hunter Requesting $10M From ChiComs On Behalf Of ‘Entire Biden Family’

New documents reported by Fox News Wednesday offer more details into a $10 million deal outlined between Hunter Biden and Chinese businessmen with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, adding fuel to ongoing scandals plaguing President-elect Joe Biden, big tech, and big media.

According to correspondence obtained by Fox, Hunter Biden reportedly offered his “best wishes from the entire Biden family” to CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming in 2017 and urged the Chinese business partner with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party to wire over $10 million to “properly fund and operate” a joint Biden venture. 

“I hope my letter finds you well. I regret missing you on your last visit to the United States,” Hunter Biden wrote in a June letter. “Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners.”

In the same letter, Biden continued to note Tony Bobulinski, a Biden business partner-turned whistleblower this year, requested the $10 million dollar transfer from Ye’s associates.

“I would appreciate if you will send that quickly,” Biden wrote, to fund the Biden-led firm Sinohawk in partnership with Bobulinski who would serve as CEO.

Later emails responding to Hunter Biden reviewed by Fox dated in July show the Chinese chairman enthusiastically arranging for Biden’s request working to “expedite” the transfer.

The correspondence is dated just before emails published by the New York Post in October show Chairman Ye outlining a $10 million annual contract for Hunter Biden for “introductions alone,” a portion of which would be slated aside for President-elect Joe Biden funneled through Hunter.

Fox News’ blockbuster revelations gives further credibility to the Post’s earlier reporting this year, which was dismissed by corporate media who adopted Democratic talking points to chalk up the stories as Russian disinformation, and suppressed by big tech engaging in election interference in the final days leading up to the November contest.