Saturday, December 19, 2020

McCarthy Finally Received FBI Briefing on Swalwell Compromise With Chinese Spies

The Democrats certainly appear to have a compromising situation with Chinese spies inside their political network that extends well beyond Representative Eric Swalwell and Senator Dianne Fienstein.   The California delegation of Democrats most certainly has the biggest exposure to having been infiltrated with Chinese operatives.  It is all sketchy.

Think carefully about this part….. As noted in this interview segment Nancy Pelosi is claiming she was briefed on the Chinese spy compromise around Swalwell with McCarthy.  However, simultaneously House Leader Kevin McCarthy states he found out through the media.  Keep in mind McCarthy has only been part of the ‘Gang of Eight’ since Jan 2019 (he as minority leader and Pelosi taking over from Paul Ryan as House Speaker).

A Pelosi briefing prior to 2019 was in her role as Minority leader with Ryan as speaker (Nunes/Schiff as Chair/Ranking on HPSCI). Therefore either Pelosi was briefed outside the Go8 structure, or she is lying about briefing with McCarthy.  While Pelosi is a notorious liar, the former explanation of a defensive briefing seems more likely.

That means U.S. intelligence officials during the Obama administration kept the Swalwell compromise secret and outside the Gang-of-Eight.  Accepting that reality is further evidence the U.S. intel apparatus -writ large- was operating through the prism of politics.