Thursday, December 17, 2020

Joe Biden’s immigration policies would flood U.S. with migrants


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:33 AM PT – Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Mexican foreign minister said if Joe Biden were to win the election, this would lead to an increase in illegal cross-border immigration.

On Tuesday, Marcelo Ebrard said Mexico does not support Biden’s open borders immigration policies, asserting they would not solve the problem and would actually encourage migrants to make the perilous journey through Mexico to the U.S. border.

In recent weeks, a caravan of migrants have begun the journey from Honduras. They are justifying their decision to come to the U.S. by citing pandemic economic effects combined with destruction from hurricanes, which battered South American countries last month.


 Jose Gonzalez, a coordinator with a Guatemalan Christian organization that works with migrants, said he expects the number of these caravans would multiply if Biden were to win the presidency as changes in government in the U.S. encourage migrants to test the waters of possibly shifting immigration policies. He said he expects the current caravan to get larger as it travels through more countries.



Several open border lobbying groups are urging the Democrat candidate to open the borders and allow all South American migrants into the U.S. interior. Groups like ‘United We Dream,’ a far left immigration advocacy group, are also pushing Biden to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens, allowing those within the country to stay and those who cross to remain.

President Trump has continually affirmed his commitment to keeping America’s borders secure while putting America first. He noted, Biden’s immigration proposal begins with a pledge to increase the annual global refugee admissions cap from 18,000 to 125,000. This is nearly a 700 percent increase.

This comes despite Biden admitting in his own campaign statement that some countries in South America that produce a great number of refugees, such as Honduras, are riddled with crime and narcotics trafficking.

His immigration policy outlines a plan to combat said violence by granting amnesty for more than 11 million immigrants. Biden’s plan would also pay countries a billion dollars a year for four years while their citizens continue to flee to America in droves 



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