Monday, December 21, 2020

Former Judge Tells Election Fraud Hearing He Believes Courts 'Intimidated by the Left'

A former Wisconsin judge, who testified Wednesday in the state on behalf of the Trump campaign and the citizens filing affidavits alleging election irregularities during the 2020 general election, told lawmakers of his concerns that “the court system has been deeply intimidated by the left.”

James Troupis told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that he believes the American judiciary, much like lawyers forced to seek protection after threats following their work on behalf of the Trump election challenge, are caught up in what he called a “sad, sad state of affairs.”

“One of the reasons I was called because virtually every major law firm in this country and in this city refused to represent the president. Not because of the lack of merit in his claims—we’ve certainly demonstrated that there’s merit—but because of the cancel culture,” Troupis said.

“Because of the environment that has been created by the left that has intimidated lawyers so that they can’t be here. They’re not here, from the giant law firms, precisely because they were ordered by their management committees and others that, ‘You cannot take those cases. The reasons you cannot take those cases is because our clients, or the Democrat party, or the incoming administration will remember that and they will hold it against you.’”

He added, “As a former judge, I was so incensed by that.”

In late November, one of Trump’s lawyers, Linda Kerns, was placed under official protection as a result of “continuous harassment in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason — all for representing the President of the United States’ campaign in this litigation.”

Kerns ultimately quit the case after another firm, Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur, withdraw their support for the case in Philadelphia after attacks by the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project.