Sunday, December 20, 2020

Do What Must Be Done, Mr. President


Article by Believe it!

One and a half months into the "Big Fuckin' Steal" saga, and a mountain of election fraud proof later, and it feels as if we are no closer to preventing the overthrow of our country than we were in the days following its blatant an unabashed implementation.

We heard and read all kinds of speculation of 4D Chessmaster plans firing off directly from President Trump's synapses and into physical reality. From red castles with surveillance technology that tracked the democrat's vote switching in real-time, to daring Mission Impossible style midnight raids of German server complexes that even resulted in gunfire and spilled blood, or hell, even the rumor that all the legal ballots were secretly watermarked with a blockchain code to verify their authenticity... and yet... it is now one and a half months later and Biden is still poised to steal the whole thing.

Where Do These Swing States Stand?

Currently each stands with dueling electors. That is, electors for both candidates. A precarious situation indeed as this would leave it up to Vice President Pence to disqualify the votes from the contested states, and/or a representative and senator to challenge the electoral results, thus leaving it up to the House electors to play kingmaker. But as Boards of Stupidvisors defy congressional subpoenas, alleged courts of law ignore cases without seeing the evidence, or secretaries of state outright break election laws by ordering poll data to be destroyed, one thing has become perfectly clear. The Establishment will protect the fraud at any costs. Just ask Georgia Governor Kemp's daughter, who lost her boyfriend to a "traffic accident" that exploded his innards far and wide enough to literally make him a legal voter in at least ten different counties in the Rotten Peach State. Or ask the detective who investigated the crash for signs of foul play. Oh wait, you can't because while picking up the hamburger meat that was once a living person, the guy suddenly decided to Epstein himself. Oh well. Two more for the Coronavirus statistics.

Seems like riots are the least of John 'Ruth Bader' Roberts' concerns.

So with a system that is fundamentally broken enough to try and steal an election from the most popular President in recent history, do so blatantly and getting caught in the process, but too filled with cowardly and/or corrupt vermin to actually put a stop to it, what are we the American people to do about it?

We can pester our state legislatures, provided you live in one of these swing states, and we can pester our U.S. Congressional Representatives to vote for Trump IF the electoral college votes are contested, but beyond that all we can do is continue to collect and share the proof of election fraud to strengthen the growing chorus of enraged citizens who will not accept our country turning into a turd-world banana republic.

But if the electors or the Congress vote Joe Biden in, regardless of how fraudulent the election results were, he will be in every legal sense the President-elect and will be set to lie his hand (and his ass off) on the Bible on January 20th. The only thing that would reverse that would be smoking gun proof that Joe Biden was knowledgeable or involved in the election fraud. Which based on his elated admission in an official video, is still a strong possibility.

The purpose of this article however is to spell out what President Trump must do in order to correct these fraudulent election numbers and true the vote. We all know Trump won this election by a landslide, and thankfully he knows it too. Unfortunately, the President has been worryingly absent in this whole effort to pressure legislators to investigate. We were promised Stop the Steal rallies where the President would present evidence that the election was stolen, yet the only one we got was what doubled as a hype-fest for two republican candidates for the U.S. Senate, one of which had already stated on the record that he looked forward to working with McConnell and Biden in 2021. Now there is a new report that President Trump will hold a second rally for these candidates January 4th! He should be holding rallies every day in these various swing states to highlight the election fraud! What good does he think campaigning for these two will do if the democrats get away with cheating on the first go-around?

A Troubling Report

Yesterday a report was leaked, yes leaked, from the White House that should be of great concern. The President met with Flynn, Powell, and was in contact with Giuliani by phone. In this meeting, which didn't stay confidential for very long, President Trump basically revealed that he never had a plan to beat the cheat, and still doesn't have one. That's why the others were there, to give him his options.

I am disgusted to write that the advice they gave him was not encouraging. Flynn suggested Martial Law, which I don't fault him for blurting out in a fury-filled bid for retribution after all he was put through. Giuliani discredited that idea as too extreme and not legal at this stage before other options are exhausted.

Giuliani's suggestion was equally shot down about using the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the machines and ballots directly. I think it was Mark Meadows who said DHS didn't have that authority. Powell was not very helpful, suggesting the machines be impounded, but offering no method through which to accomplish this. Though she does see the right of it. The Dominion machines are the key to correcting this fraud. More about this later.

Rattcliffe is of course a no-show. We were told a BIG report on election fraud was coming... eh... last Friday. Well Friday came and went without a peep. Another corrupt Deep Stater, just like Barr, who not only ignored evidence of election fraud, but undermined the effort to fight it by giving a statement to the Enemy of the American People that he had seen no evidence of fraud in amounts great enough to change the results of the election. A true statement if you never remove your face from the donut box, but still a deceptive left-wing talking-point nonetheless.

President Trump's Only Path to Reclaiming His Win

This is my personal plan for the President. He didn't do what I wrote he should have on the virus, the lock-downs, the mail-ins, or the riots, and it all cost him. Hopefully he prove amenable to this wisdom.

First, the Peter Navarro Report is a great start to saving this election. He released a report documenting the fraud in these various swing states, and concludes that the elimination of this fraud will flip the entire election back to President Trump. DarkGoldenMan will have his own article about this later today, but the evidence contained therein is the focus here.

There is something you need to get an investigation started. That thing is called "Probable Cause".

The information in this report is all the probable cause you need to get warrants, Mr. President. It is time to demand search and seizure warrants for Dominion machines and any and all ballots. Employ trusted IT experts to handle and examine the machines, and forensics experts to analyze the ballots for signs of forgery. Get warrants for all security camera footage from the TCF Center in Detroit, the State Farm Center in Georgia, and any other major tabulation center in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada.

Call in volunteers from the Trump rallies in each of these states to inspect the signatures on the accompanying paperwork and find all the sleeves that contained mismatched signatures, marks that were not actually signatures, non-postmarked envelopes, impossible dates of birth such as 1/1/1900, etc.

Same goes for arrest warrants of any poll workers who are alleged to have engaged in misconduct or election fraud, or who signed off on obviously fraudulent ballots. Interrogate them. Slam the evidence down in front of them. Make them sweat. Make them flip on those who paid them to cheat for Biden. Get confessions in exchange for immunity.

Even if the machines have been wiped, that in itself is evidence of fraud, because that data is supposed to be preserved for 22 months. Same case for voter information on sleeves or envelopes that accompany the ballots. If that information has been destroyed, that is evidence of election fraud. This is because there is no reason to destroy that evidence except to cover one's tracks.

After the proof is found and exposed to the American public, that is when you encourage all Americans to press on their state legislatures to recall all Biden electors and put forth Trump electors to Congress on January 6th. That puts the onus on the democrats to prove that their alleged results were legitimate. If they can't prove that these numbers are valid based on legal votes, then they lose. The legislatures should be encouraged to call the electoral count as having ended in the early hours of November 4th when poll workers stopped counting ballots and before the large ballot dump of illegal forged ballots for Biden.

Vice President Mike Pence can choose to count the Trump electors' votes, and reject the Biden electors' votes, and the rightful winner of this election will be reelected. If this is challenged, then let the electors in the House vote to reelect President Trump, and the Senate can vote on Vice President.

If any judge or state official gets in the way of this righteous effort, or if no judges will grant the warrants, you block them or go around them with federal agencies by using executive orders. You will need trusted FBI (action) and FEC (oversight) agents for this. Order these people to action, and fire anyone who refuses or tries to delay the operation. If that doesn't work for any reason, then it is time to declare Martial Law, which places all legal authority in the President. Get the job done and disregard any ruling that tries to obstruct justice.

The military is not needed to enforce any of these actions. The President merely needs to call on the U.S. Marshals and trusted agents within the DoJ and FBI. If necessary, state militias can be activated to secure various locations and protect the work of the agents.

Also invite members of the state legislatures to observe the process and meet with department officials so they know everything is being done legitimately.

First, secure all machines and ballots to ensure no one tampers with them. Seize all Dominion assets, including funds. Analyze all hardware and software, and have the FEC and IRS examine Dominion's finances. Then target the main areas of irregularities, such as Wayne, Milwaukee, Fulton, Maricopa, etc. counties. Focus the verification efforts on these major election fraud sites first then expand out to other counties, including red counties which were also targeted for vote switching. Chances are, the state elections will flip just based on Dominion vote switching alone.

Clear Example of Enough Votes to Flip the Results

I will use Michigan as an example, since it has the largest disparity of votes at 154,188. Michigan has 83 counties. Antrim County has been "corrected" (not really, but that's another thread). That leaves 82 left to be verified. A switched vote counts as two votes, since Trump loses one and Biden gains one. So half of 154,188 is 77,094 switched votes to be found. 77,094 across 82 counties is 941 switched votes per county. Antrim had 16 Dominion machines. 941 divided by 16 is 59 votes per machine (likely one per precinct) for their county. So if Dominion switched just 59 votes from Trump to Biden on each machine, that would flip the election. Amounts would vary depending on how many machines per county, but 941 per county is the consistent number. Also keep in mind that the more machines there are, the fewer number of switched votes would need to be found. So if a county had 40 machines, that would be 24 switched votes per machine. See how easy it is to flip an election?

Certainly we can find this number of switched votes on any given machine. Though it's possible that some machines were programmed to count accurately, while others were programmed to switch votes in numbers greater than 59. It's also possible that the machines switched more than 77,094 votes statewide. Find them all! We still have President Trump's popular vote to think about.

And remember, Antrim is a small county of 23,598 people, and yet they found 6,000 switched votes. Now apply this same math to the other states with even smaller disparities.


10,457 gap ÷ 2 (switched vote ratio) = 5,229 switched votes ÷ 15 counties = 349 switched votes


11,779 gap ÷ 2 (switched vote ratio) = 5,890 switched votes ÷ 159 counties = 38 switched votes

President Trump wins over 270 with MI, AZ, and GA.


20,682 gap ÷ 2 (switched vote ratio) = 10,341 switched votes ÷ 72 counties = 144 switched votes


81,660 gap ÷ 2 (switched vote ratio) = 40,830 switched votes ÷ 67 counties = 610 switched votes

This is without factoring in all the forged ballots from the ballot dumps.

[Edit: Slight correction here. According to another report, Michigan only has 64 counties that use Dominion machines. So that would be calculated as:


154,188 gap ÷ 2 (switched vote ratio) = 77,094 switched votes ÷ 64 counties = 1,205 switched votes

Not that big of a difference, but I just wanted to be accurate.]

The next task is to verify the mail-in ballots. These can be examined for authenticity. Mail-in ballots should have been folded, and should have pen marks consistent with human handwriting. Therefore, any ballots that are not folded or have printer toner to fill in the marks for candidates, are obviously invalid mail-in ballots.

Next, any ballots with only the presidential section filled in should be suspected by default and then analyzed for signs of forgery.

The number of total ballots should also be matched up with poll books. If the poll book data doesn't match, that precinct should be disqualified completely unless officials can reconcile the books by comparing spoiled ballots or something like that. But most likely the poll books will be way off because ballots were run multiple times and someone merely guessed at how many non-voters they should mark off as having voted in the books.

People in the poll books should be called by phone and asked if they voted. If more than 1,894 people in a county say no, then that is evidence of fraud high enough to affect the outcome of the election, since only that number per county would be required to reach 154,188 statewide. In either of these cases, those votes from those precincts should be disqualified. Also, if the poll book data has been deleted, that precinct should be disqualified and those who deleted the information should be arrested and interrogated for the name of the person who ordered that the data be deleted.

Names should also be double-checked against the death records of the state to make sure there were no votes cast in the names of dead people.

Next up, the ballot dumps.

If security footage shows that ballot dumps were made after the polls closed, then any ballots that arrived at those tabulation centers after that time should be disqualified automatically. It's the same as going to a polling place in person and voting after the polls closed. It's illegal.

So in the case of Michigan, if the TCF Center video shows ballots arriving at 3:30am on November 4th, then the Michigan legislature should call the election at the time before those ballots were dumped and tainted the results. That way, the results before the dump are certified as official. All ballots counted at the TCF Center after that ballot dump should be disqualified.

This is the same thing that should happen in Georgia with their dump of hidden ballots after sending the observers away. It is a fact that the large spike in Biden "votes" came from them running those fake ballots and doing so multiple times.

Stop the Steal, not the Real

Do not stop once you get the result you want. This is a legitimate effort to find the truth, not to obtain a desired election result. Keep digging for fraud. Keep exposing it. In Pennsylvania the laws were illegally changed to allow non-signatures to be counted as valid. This violates the state legislature's election laws. All counties that counted such mail-in ballots should have their results voided unless these ballots can be weeded out.

In Wisconsin thousands of people claimed indefinite confinement in order to get around the state's voter ID laws. This is no different from someone showing up to vote in person and then not showing any ID. Those votes should be disqualified, and the people who tried to cast them should be charged with voter fraud.

That goes for poll workers too! The Georgia Gang that sent the observers away and then kept counting without them, they should all be arrested RIGHT NOW before the Georgia Senate runoff.

That goes for all the BLM thugs in Detroit as well who harassed observers and denied them their ability to do their jobs.

Same goes for the bribers in Nevada, buying votes with gift cards.

Also, arrest and investigate anyone who certified precincts they knew were out of balance. That too is fraud.

Set an example. Send the message that cheaters will lose big.

And there is no bigger loser in this than Joe Biden.


This is what effective action looks like, Mr. President. The American people can't do any of this alone. We need authority granted by the Office of the President. Otherwise, all we can do is pester our state legislators and hope they recall the Biden electors and send only Trump electors, then the House electors vote Trump. A long shot at best, seeing as how cowardly and treasonous the republican party has become.

Believe it!