Monday, December 21, 2020

Devin Nunes Outlines the Common Sense Explanations Behind Current Issues

Congressman Devin Nunes appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss a variety of key issues and provide his hindsight on prior comments.   Nunes outlines the common sense of the election, why Biden was selected by the Obama clan and why Harris was installed as the Obama term-3 operative.  Everything around that outline is concise and accurate.

Additionally, Nunes points out the purposeful weaponization of COVID-19 shutdowns by Blue state/region democrat leadership; the inherent hypocrisy within approaches that make no sense; and how the end goal of their effort to destroy Main Street business is tied to a larger fundamental change objective, increased dependency AND the goal of federal bailouts for overindulgent spending. Again, concise and accurate.

On the Spygate story Nunes points to the recently released text messages from Lisa Page and Peter Strzok and states a criminal referral for the treatment of George Papadopoulos should be forthcoming.