Thursday, December 17, 2020

Cuomo the King of Bans

Andrew Cuomo takes time out from banning indoor dining, church services and private gatherings to ban the sale of confederate flags.

Yesterday during his Emmy-winning TV show, Governor Andrew Cuomo scoffed at the concerns of restaurant and bar owners facing bankruptcy over his imperious indoor dining ban. The King of Bans proclaimed these business owners should be grateful he’s not shutting them down completely.

“Let’s focus on what the real issues are,” Cuomo the King of Bans scoffed.

Well, apparently one of the “real issues” the man with a ban is focused on is banning the sale of confederate flags on state property – like, for instance, the Great New York State Fair.

Said the King of Bans:

“By limiting the display and sale of the confederate flag, Nazi swastika and other symbols of hatred from being displayed or sold on state property, including the state fairgrounds, this will help safeguard New Yorkers from the fear-installing effects of these abhorrent symbols.”

“Fear-installing effects?”

Just how pathetic are you if you need the state to “safeguard” you from “the fear-installing effects” of seeing a piece of fabric?

Well, if we’re going to start banning things that “install fear,” perhaps now is a good time to mention that the sight of Andrew Cuomo is so fear-installing, I’m literally shaking.

Look, I’m no special-pleader for the confederate flag and I’d sooner gnaw off my own arm than purchase a swastika, but this is a flat-out violation of the First Amendment.

But when does Andrew Cuomo care about that?

He certainly didn’t care about the First Amendment when he ordered a ban on church and synagogue services.

If only the King of Bans had considered banning the placement of COVID-positive seniors into nursing homes.

But I guess that wasn’t a “real issue” he needed to focus on.

Now, it isn’t just Cuomo. The King of Bans only signed the bill. It was the New York State legislature that wasted its time on passing this flag-ban bill to begin with – as if we don’t have more important things to worry about here in New York State.

Then again, New York State government never met a ban it didn’t embrace.

New York has banned the use of plastic grocery bags, internet sales of vaping products, certain firearms, magazines with more than a 10-bullet capacity. And, let’s not forget, they banned hydraulic fracturing — despite the abundance of natural gas beneath our feet. And that’s just the tip of the banning iceberg.

The only thing this state refuses to place a single ban on is abortion. In fact, in January 2019, New York state lifted every abortion restriction imaginable. Sure, they banned the practice of declawing cats, but you can kill your unborn baby for any reason and any time — up to the point of birth.

This is why I wasn’t at all surprised that Cuomo wasted no time exploiting the Wuhan panic as a carte blanche to unilaterally issue ban upon ban.

Banning large gatherings in private homes.

Banning indoor dining, outdoor dining, ordering drinks without ordering food.

Cuomo has always behaved more like a king than a governor. He has always treated New Yorkers less like his fellow citizens and more like his subjects. It’s just the way he is.

And while he might be Biden’s top choice for Attorney General, I’d be shocked if the King of Bans accepted the job.

Why would this imperious glory hound give up all the power he’s taken upon himself as New York State’s Imperial Highness only to play backup dancer to Joe Biden?

I just don’t see that happening.