Monday, November 9, 2020

Without Concession Biden's Hands Are Tied.

Without President Trump Conceding
The Election Biden Has No Access
To Government Funding
For His Transition Team

By Nemesis

CNBC is reporting the Covid-19 transition team has zero funds without President Trump conceding the election, nor does any of Biden's teams. Pay close attention to the beginning of the video and what is said.

It seems Biden has no access to ANYTHING until President Trump concedes the race...they can't even talk to the administration. I'll bet that has Sleepy Joe in a knot....

But according to the reporting Biden isn't doing anything more than Trump's plan for relief and management of the virus.

Biden is walking into a Covid-19 plan that has already been established. He's doing nothing. Except predicting doom and gloom...with excessive spending.

Perhaps Trump should wait until the Electoral College declares a winner to December.


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