Sunday, November 29, 2020

‘Weird’ Spike in Incomplete Nevada Voter Registrations, Use of ‘Casinos’ as Home Addresses

An affidavit filed by Republicans in Nevada, citing a data scientist, shows an allegedly inexplicable jump in voter registrations in the state.

The scientist, Dorothy Morgan, referenced in their affidavit, said she spotted a “historically strange” increase in voter registrations missing the sex and age of the voter, as well as registrations where casinos and RV parks are provided as “their home or mailing addresses” in the Third Congressional District, which covers much of Clark County and Las Vegas.

Citing the other presidential elections as a reference point, Morgan said there were 68 voter registrations missing the critical data in 2016. But in 2020, there were 13,372 voters missing that data, she said.

About 74 percent of the allegedly incomplete registrations occurred between July 2020 and September 2020, Morgan found, according to the affidavit.

“This investigation found over 13,000 voters whose voter registration information revealed no sex or date of birth. Not only does this mean we cannot verify whether these voters are old enough to vote, it is also historically strange: While one does not expect voter registration information to be perfect, it is very strange that there were very, very few of these kinds of imperfect records with missing or invalid information until this year—when there are 13,372 of them,” the data scientist said, according to an affidavit obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Morgan noted the unusual address, saying that casinos and RV parks were listed.

“I have also identified dozens of voters who listed as their home or mailing addresses a temporary RV park and casino,” she wrote.

In an interview with the newspaper, Morgan said on Thanksgiving Day that she found the data “weird.” There were “just a lot of people who have zero birthdays, zero birth month, and then, unknown sex,” she continued.

“I saw is that you have a handful of people and then all of a sudden you have 13,000 people making that error in 2020, and that’s just, that’s not right,” Morgan added.

The scientist said that her findings are merely scratching the surface.

“Based on the results I have found in the limited time I have had to analyze this dataset, I expect to find additional oddities in the election data as I conduct further analysis,” she wrote.

Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office has not responded to a request for comment on Friday.

Nevada’s election data shows Democrat Joe Biden with a more than 30,000-vote lead over President Donald Trump. Earlier this week, the state’s Supreme Court certified Biden’s win.

Jesse Binnall, an attorney for the Trump campaign in Nevada, said on Nov. 24 that he will prove that many fraudulent votes were cast in the Silver State, asserting that Trump is the rightful winner of Nevada’s six Electoral College votes.