Thursday, November 5, 2020

TRUMP WON SO BIG IN WISCONSIN that Democrats Needed 89% State Turnout to Nullify His Landslide

TRUMP WON SO BIG IN WISCONSIN that Democrats Needed 89% State Turnout to Nullify His Landslide, Eek Out a Victory and Steal the Election

By Jim Hoft
Published November 5, 2020

President Trump outperformed his 2016 totals in Wisconsin by 200,000 votes!!


It was a HUGE Victory for President Trump in Wisconsin!

This is a HUGE NUMBER!

President Trump had a sizable lead in Wisconsin but Wednesday morning Sleepy Joe somehow took the lead.

Overnight Wisconsin had a huge dump of votes all for Biden, notice the blue line below:

We dug further and found from the official Wisconsin website there are 3,684,726 active registered voters.

So — We are supposed to believe Wisconsin had an 88% turnout!! Something NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN RECENT US HISTORY!

And they’re still counting votes.

And this did not include the additional votes to other candidates.

Look at this…

And now this…

Seven Democrat Wards in Milwaukee turned in more votes than registered voters. 90% of Milwaukee wards reported 90% voter turnout!

The Milwaukee City Wire reported that 90% of Milwaukee wards reported 90% voter turnout!

Here is a photo from a Milwaukee voting station.

The cheating was so bad in Milwaukee that at least 6 dead voters who were born before 1903 voted.

And now this…
We are supposed to believe that Basement Biden did better than Obama and Hillary Clinton in Milwaukee!

Barack Obama captured 78% of Milwaukee vote.
Crooked captured 76% of the Milwaukee vote.
Basement Joe Biden captured over 90% of the vote.

This is how you steal an elections.

It should be clear the Democrats are stealing Trump’s record night in Wisconsin!

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