Monday, November 16, 2020

“Today I will weaponize my identity” said no white women ever

I’d say the number of white women who, on November 3rd went to the polls thinking “I must weaponize my identity” is somewhere close to zero.

Boy Leftists really hate white women. I’ve been chronicling the slanders made against white women for quite some time now, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Yesterday on MSNBC’s AM Joy, some woman named Julie Kohler claimed that white women weaponize their identities against black men.

Yes, I wake up every day, look in the mirror and say, “Today I will weaponize my identity against black men.”

It’s the perfect daily affirmation. And it’s always at the top of my To-Do list.

This Julie Kohler (who, by the way is a white woman) also claimed that “white women have taken an active role in the maintenance of white supremacy.”

I don’t know about you, but I have my White Supremacy Maintenance Kit carefully stored under my kitchen sink with a second, smaller White Supremacy Maintenance Kit in the back of my car.

Hey, you never know when it will come in handy. You don’t want to be out at the grocery store or your favorite coffee place without your White Supremacy Maintenance Kit nearby.

Now, I don’t expect a rational human being to make an appearance on MSNBC – especially not on AMJoy.  But the level of animus MSNBC guests have for white women is staggering.

See, they’re super upset because the majority of white woman voted to reelect Donald Trump. And rather than examine the policies President Trump has advanced to find the reason for that, the race-baiting lunatics at MSNBC leap to “white women are white supremacists who weaponize their identity against black men.”

Imagine a world in which a panel of bitter, angry MSNBC talking heads discussed the inherent evil of black women. Do you think that kind of racist demagoguery and slander would last longer than a New York Minute? Those guests wouldn’t just be shut down, they’d have their lives ruined by an angry mob.

But when the target of hateful bigotry is white women, then no slander is off the table.

And, no. I’m not going to embed the video. If you really want to watch it for yourself, click HERE.

As I said, I’ve been making note of this kind of bigotry for years. This isn’t new. We got a spate of “those evil white women who weaponize their identity” invectives when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. They also returned after Alabama’s Republican Governor (a woman) signed that state’s restrictive abortion bill into law.

And who can forget Hillary Clinton’s own foray into “White Women suck” when, in an interview with Vox, the 2016 loser accused white women of voting as their husbands told them to. That sentiment was echoed by the race-baiting Michelle Obama.

The only people I see trying to weaponize identity are cranks like MSNBC guest Julie Kohler and all the other members of the Feminist Borg.

Julie Kohler, like the rest of these hateful cranks at MSNBC, sees the world through the prism of identity politics. Naturally she assumes the rest of us see the world that way as well.

But we don’t. In fact, I’d venture to say 55% of white women don’t wear race-colored glasses.

It’s more likely that they voted for Trump because they want to keep their neighborhoods safe, prefer good paying jobs, low taxes and low energy bills — not to mention like the idea of being able to send their children to a school of their choice.

I’d say the number of white women who, on November 3rd went to the polls thinking “I must weaponize my identity against black men” is somewhere close to zero.

But Julie Kohler, like so many Leftist women, simply cannot look past her own racial prejudice. She cannot conceive of a world where women don’t all think alike. And since she believes all women should think alike, any woman who doesn’t think like Julie must have evil motives.

This kind of divisive racial animus wasn’t caused by Donald Trump. And if, God forbid, Joe Biden becomes President, it will get even worse. Because any criticism of the President-in-waiting Kamala Harris will be viewed in the exact same way by the exact same race-mongers like Julie Kohler.