Tuesday, November 17, 2020

This prat is the least self-aware man in the world

Has there ever been a bigger blowhard than Andrew Cuomo?

If there’s one thing about this Wuhan Pandemic that has driven me completely sack of hammers it’s been watching the media, Hollywood and the easily hoodwinked trip all over that prat Andrew Cuomo like he’s God Almighty.

Speaking as someone who’s had to put up with his decade of failures as governor, seeing the fawning praise for this incompetent prat makes me feel like the only sane person in a room for a crazies.

There’s a scene from the Woody Allen film “Radio Days” where the Woody Allen character’s aunt and uncle are listening to Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. As the aunt laughs herself silly, the uncle, in a fit of exasperation, points out “He’s a ventriloquist … on the RADIO! How do you know his lips aren’t moving?!”

When it comes to Andrew Cuomo, I totally get how the uncle feels.

Cuomo’s an incompetent prat pretending to be a potent leader while everyone cheers. Can’t they see all the dead bodies?! Don’t they notice what a complete blowhard he is?!

Last Monday when Pfizer announced their COVID vaccine, that incompetent prat quickly went to the TV cameras and announced that he would block the distribution of the vaccine in New York.

Can you believe this asshole?

New York’s body county from COVID exceeded that of any other state in the union. And Cuomo’s first response to the news of a vaccine is to vow to block its distribution?

So at a press conference on Friday, President Trump said that in order to get the vaccine out to as many people as possible and as quickly as possible, he wouldn’t be sending any to New York State.

It makes perfect sense. Since Cuomo has already promised to block its distribution in New York, why waste doses of the vaccine on a state where it can’t be distributed to the people?

And how does that prat Cuomo respond?

By threatening to sue President Trump for not sending New York the vaccine Cuomo is promising to block.

I can’t even with this guy.

But Cuomo isn’t the only idiot holding elected office in New York.

Our inept Trump-deranged Attorney General Leticia James also threatened to sue President Trump for skipping over the state whose governor promises to block the vaccine’s distribution.

Your boss vowed to block distribution, you ignorant clown!

Honestly, is there not one New York politician who has the sense God gave a goat?

I said back in June that New York has a leadership vacuum. Which, given this governor, is hardly surprising.

But there is one person who doesn’t seem at all aware of New York’s leadership vacuum. And that’s Leadership Vacuum Ground Zero himself, Andrew Cuomo.

Last night, The Hill — that go-to site for fluffing Democrat politicians – posted a video of Cuomo pontificating on leadership as if he has a single clue.

This three minute and fifty-two second video exposed this prat as the least self-aware man in the world.

The pull quote The Hill featured once again made me feel like the uncle in “Radio Days.”

“The key is to be strong and secure enough to admit your mistakes and admit your shortcomings – don’t get defensive.”

Are you freaking kidding me?!

I tried to watch the entire video clip, but I couldn’t hear half of what he said over the stream of profanities I was screaming at the screen.

Cuomo has refused to accept responsibility for the death of over eleven thousand seniors killed when he forced nursing homes to take COVID positive patients. He blamed Trump. He blamed family members. He blamed nursing home staff. Hell, he even blamed the New York Post.

Truth is, we don’t even know the complete number of seniors whose lives were lost because of Andrew Cuomo. He refuses to provide accurate data.

But tell us more about admitting your mistakes and shortcomings, you blowhard fool.

There is not a single thing this prat has done that matches his sanctimonious rhetoric.

Despite the media’s best efforts, Cuomo’s reputation as a blame-shifting glory hound is getting hard to ignore.

In fact, like Cuomo himself, it’s becoming a bit of a running joke:

But it’s easy for this guy to go through life as the least self-aware man in the world. After all, like Obama before him, Cuomo is held up on the shoulders of the news media as a great leader.

So he doesn’t need to actually the things a great leader does. Instead, he just rides the media wave of slavish approval while the bodies pile up.

If there is one good thing that can come out of this COVID debacle, let it be that New Yorkers finally notice that the prat who is our governor is a complete and utter fraud.

But given the fact that voters in this state elected this fool three times, I’m not very hopeful that it will happen.