Wednesday, November 4, 2020

This Guy Is Triggered

 Twitter Thread by Charles M Blow, some guy who really clings to mindless identity politics. 

But the real takeaway here is that Trump broadened the GOP base, returning the Party to it's multicultural working class roots. 

from Charles M. Blow via Threadreader

This is so personally devastating to me: the black male vote for Trump INCREASED from 13% in 2016 to 18% this year. The black female vote for Trump doubled from 4% in 2016 to 8% this year.Image
Also, once again, exit polls show a majority of white women voting for Trump. (Important note: Pew analysis of actual votes in 2016 showed that it wasn’t a
Also, the percentage of LGBT voting for Trump doubled from 2016. DOUBLED!!! This is why LGBT people of color don’t really trust the white gays. Yes, I said what I said. Period.Image
Also, the percentage of Latinos and Asians voting for Trump INCREASED from 2016, according to exit polls. Yet more evidence that we can’t depend on the “browning of America” to dismantle white supremacy and erase anti-blackness.Image