Monday, November 2, 2020

Thin-skinned Barry is sounding kind of bitter

Trump didn’t just break him; he deflated him.

For years now, I’ve been referring to Hillary Clinton as the chick who won’t let go – the bitter, jilted ex who, despite the passage of time, still cannot stop obsessing about the guy who dumped her. But the truth is, that description also fits thin-skinned Barry Obama to a tee.

The forgotten, former President is hitting the campaign trail for his doofus VP in the waning days of this election. And by all accounts, it seems Barry isn’t so much making the affirmative case for Joe as he is airing his bitter grievances against the guy who made him irrelevant.

Obama’s stump speeches on behalf of Biden are like listening to the bitter ex railing against the guy who dumped her.

Yesterday, thin-skinned Barry couldn’t stop perseverating on the overwhelming crowds that attend Trump’s rallies. Sure, he tried to disguise it as “Trump is obsessed with his crowd size,” but in reality, the only person obsessed with Trump’s rally sizes is Obama himself.

It really burrows under Barack’s skin just what a rock star Trump is.  I mean, it eats away at him like a flesh-eating virus.

Julie Tweet Thin-Skinned Barry

And, boy, is he diminished.

In Michigan, Obama lobbed childish insults at Trump hoping to deflate him. But the only one looking deflated is thin-skinned Barry himself.

And in what can only be described as Instant Karma, while thin-skinned Barry was in Michigan mocking Trump’s crowd sizes, this was the scene at President Trump’s rally in Butler, PA:

Posobiec Butler rally tweet - Thin-Skinned Barry

No wonder Barry is acting like a bitter, jilted ex.

The other day, Julie Kelly zeroed in on exactly why Obama is willing to appear before tiny audiences and stump for his doofus VP – and it has nothing to do with his doofus VP.

I mean, come on. Do you really think Barack Obama believes this guy is Presidential material?

In her column “Obama Can’t Get Past His Grudge Against Trump,” Julie wrote:

The former president was planning to stay out of the race, according to his longtime political consigliere David Axelrod, but Trump’s antics have forced Obama onto the campaign trail. “He doesn’t view it as a personal grudge match with Trump,” Axelrod told CNN last week, defending yet another breach of precedent and protocol by the 44th president of the United States.

But of course Obama’s last-minute campaign activity is completely about his grudge against Donald Trump. As much as the news media loves to portray Trump as the one who is easily rattled, it is actually Trump who very easily gets under Obama’s skin. The former president is fixated on the man who succeeded him, the political foe Obama repeatedly said would never win the presidency. Few politicians are as thin-skinned, petulant, and vengeful as Barack Obama—just ask Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn—and it’s obvious that Donald Trump still gets the best of him.

Boy, if that ain’t the truth.

Thin-skinned Barry’s stump speeches are littered with childish taunts, peevish irritation and a whole lot of defensiveness.

As Julie put it:

Which could explain why Obama is lashing out; rather than offer voters a compelling reason why they should elect Joe Biden, Obama is spewing his personal contempt for Donald Trump.

Trump eclipsed him. That’s the nub of it.

As I’ve said before, the Obama legacy may as well have been written on an Etch-a-Sketch. One good shake by President Trump and it was gone. Trump has so successfully erased Obama from our memories, even Democrats can’t remember what kind of President he was.

No wonder Trump gets under Barry’s translucent skin.

As Julie said in her column:

Barack Obama knows that if Joe Biden is defeated, the loss will represent another repudiation of the Obama-Biden reign. Obama’s presence on the campaign trail isn’t really about helping his bestie win the White House, it’s about saving face.

Thin-skinned Barry may think mocking Trump will bruise the President’s ego.

But in reality, it is Barry’s own bruised ego that is on full display.