Tuesday, November 10, 2020

They don’t want unity; they want submission

Unity? Please. This isn’t about bringing us together; 
it’s about bringing us to heel.

Yesterday, Kurt Schlichter started using the hashtag #UnityWatch for all the tweets that expose the phoniness of the calls for unity from the Democrats and the media.

I’m guessing that is going to be a well-used hashtag. Because despite these supposed calls for unity, I’m not really seeing much unity from these people.

These guys are compiling blacklists.

Their vile attacks against Trump supporters haven’t slowed in the least; in fact, they continue apace.

You’d have to be the most naïve sap on the Planet to believe their calls for unity are on the up-and-up.

I featured this tweet from the wretched Michelle Obama in my post “There is no joy in their victory, only rage and revenge.” I’m not surprised Kurt added it to his #UnityWatch.

One can’t help but wonder if their calls for unity are in reality demands for submission.

Submit to us and we’ll unite with you, otherwise, you’re a racist who supports lies, hate, chaos and division!

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how many people fell for Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” drivel.

I’ve been writing about this woman since 2013 and let me tell you, she’s a straight-up bitch. I mean nasty.

Her “above the fray, take the high road” persona is the biggest fiction ever created by the media.

Fact is, it is impossible to take Michelle’s or anyone else’s calls for unity seriously.

Where was their desire for unity after Trump beat Hillary?

President-elect Trump reached out to all Americans on the night he won. Half the country and one hundred percent of the news media slapped him away without a second thought.

Do they think we suffer from dementia that we don’t remember how hateful and divisive they’ve been for the last four years?

Do they think we can’t remember that the Obama Administration corrupted the peaceful transfer of power, set up Mike Flynn, spied on Trump campaign and transition people? And the media was complicit?!

Do they think we’ve forgotten the lives they destroyed and the people they defamed?

I said on Friday that you cannot bridge the divide after blowing up all the bridges. Uniting the country now after four solid years of tearing us apart seems unlikely at best.

Then again, I don’t think they really want to.

And that right there is the nub of it.

They don’t want unity; they want submission.

As I said yesterday, this isn’t about uniting us; it’s about conquering us.

And now these conquerors demand that we throw down our arms, get on our knees and kiss their standard … like the King of the Gauls did after being defeated by Caesar in HBO’s “Rome.”

This isn’t about bringing us together; it’s about bringing us to heel.

Unity isn’t even a blip on their radar.