Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Twizard of Fraud

Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain.

In my post “The Media Simulation,” I wrote: “The frantic ‘Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain; Biden is the winner’ narrative makes me wonder if the media doth protest too much.” And those frantic protestations are doubly obvious on Twitter. Every single tweet that references voter fraud is getting slapped with a frantic warning label from what I’ll call the Twizard of Fraud.

Just check out President Trump’s twitter feed. Twitter’s “Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain” is all over his tweets. And let’s just say it stinks of panic.

You can almost see the flop-sweat pouring off Jack Dorsey every time someone presents evidence of voter fraud.

Even when someone tweets out screen shots of signed affidavits alleging voter fraud, the Twizard of Fraud quickly adds its panic-stricken caveats that “mail-in voting is safe and secure, this claim about election fraud is disputed, and pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain!!!!!!”

But don’t worry folks. Twitter isn’t a publisher.

Meanwhile, the brain-addled old coot who has not officially won the election is able to tweet endlessly about what he’s going to do on January 20th, and the Twizard of Fraud doesn’t slap him with a “Official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted.”

Just for the record, the race has not been officially called for either Trump or Biden.

As it stands right now, Joe Biden has 259 electors and President Trump has 217. Given that there’s a recount in Wisconsin and lawsuits in Michigan, Biden just might lose some of those 259 electors before this is done.

So why is it Biden is allowed to prattle on about being “President-Elect” without a single warning label from Twizard of Fraud?

Well, we know why.

Twitter is part of the simulation. It is part of the Big Lie that Biden “won” and Trump lost and there is no voter fraud, so pay no attention to the back-dated ballots, the sworn affidavits, the lawsuits or all those dead voters in Michigan. The Twizard of Fraud declares them all “disputed.”

And who’s “disputing” them?

Well, the Twizard of Fraud and the Democrat handmaids in the media who have spent the last four years trying to shove President Trump out of office. Yeah, we can totally trust their “expert” opinions.

They hope you don’t notice that the goalposts keep shifting. First we were told “there is no evidence of fraud.”

Now the claim has changed…

As with the polling prior to the election, the objective of this coordinated effort to declare the election over and fraud “disputed” is an attempt to dispirit you to the point where you simply give up looking.

The Twizard of Fraud, the Democrats, and the garbage news media are fully aware that election fraud, irregularities and chicanery tilted swing states away from Trump and toward Biden.

They aren’t “disputing” fraud so much as they are attempting a cover-up.

As I said the other day, they’re not upset about about these reports of fraud because they think there is no fraud; they’re upset because the last thing they want is for us to get a peek behind the curtain.

This is why we cannot concede.

Conversely, this is exactly why they demand we do concede. Because the sooner we concede, the more likely it is the fraud remains hidden.

It’s why that idiot CNN skirt Brianna Keilar attempted to shame Senate Republicans into offering congratulations to “President-Elect Biden” despite the fact that there is no “President-Elect Biden” to offer congratulations to.

Shapiro Tweet - Twizard of Fraud

And there may never be a “President-Elect Biden” if even half the reports from Pennsylvania are true.

According to the Epoch Times:

More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database.

Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date. [Emphasis Dianny’s]

But pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain, y’all! The Twizard of Fraud says it’s “disputed.”

Biden’s alleged “victory” stinks to high heaven.

Which may explain why the Twizard of Fraud and the garbage news media don’t want us looking behind the curtain.

If Biden is officially declared the winner after all this flagrant fraud, we will never be able to have confidence in the outcome of a presidential election again.

And this is precisely why we have to keep up the fight and see this through.

This isn’t just about Trump.

It’s about preventing the United States from turning into a banana republic where “elections” are a farce and our system of self-government the greatest fraud of all.