Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The media simulation

As Jesse Kelly always says: None of what you see is real.

If you get your news from the mainstream media, you probably think Joe Biden won the election. So it might come as a surprise to you to learn that you are stuck in a media simulation and in reality, neither candidate has won the election as yet.

On Friday in my column “Suddenly refusing to concede is a bad thing,” I warned you that this media simulation was happening:

So while the media can’t officially declare Joe Biden the winner, they absolutely can cement the narrative.

And that is exactly what they’re doing right now – not because Biden actually officially won, but because saying it enough will cement it into the American psyche.

The news media doesn’t report the news; it creates a simulation.

We are living in that media simulation right now.

By preemptively declaring Biden the winner, the media hopes to delegitimize the challenges, recounts and lawsuits that are pending in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin and Georgia.

It’s exactly why, within hours of preemptively declaring Biden the winner we got hit with a tsunami of soft-focus fluff news stories about the Biden and Harris families – like, for example, “Joe Biden’s Dog Major Makes History as the First Rescue Dog to Live in the White House” (yeah, I’m not making that up; here’s the link).

It’s all part of the media simulation.

The goal is clear – to cement into our minds that Biden is the winner while simultaneously making the Trump campaign’s challenges to flagrant voting irregularities look like nothing more than sour grapes.

And while I remain skeptical that these challenges will flip the outcome (I hope I’m wrong), I can’t help but wonder if the reason the media jumped the gun and declared Biden the “winner” is because they are beginning to worry that these challenges will in fact flip the election to Trump.

The frantic “Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain; Biden is the winner” narrative makes me wonder if the media doth protest too much.

In the last few days they’ve gone from “there is no evidence of voter fraud” to “okay, there’s some fraud, but not widespread fraud” to “okay, there’s widespread fraud, but not enough to change the outcome.”

Then suddenly they declare Biden the winner.

Come on, they’re not even trying to hide it.

The media simulation is an attempt to set in concrete the narrative that Biden is the true winner no matter what happens.

There’s no downside for the media in this.

If the challenges don’t change the outcome, Biden is the President-elect.

If the challenges do flip the outcome and drop Biden below 270, the media can launch the claim that Trump stole the election thereby giving way to another four years of “Orange Man is Illegitimate; let’s investigate and impeach.”

In the meantime, you might have noticed another aspect of the media simulation – namely “Trump refusing to concede is going to hurt the Republican Senate’s chances in the Georgia run-offs.”

No it won’t.

I’m thinking the opposite is true.

Republicans are emboldened by Trump’s willingness to fight.

Should President Trump throw up his hands and give up when there is overwhelming evidence of fraud, cheating and chicanery, Republican voters in Georgia would be dispirited and discouraged. And that might very well suppress Republican turnout for the January 5th runoff.

Which is exactly why we’re getting this “Trump refusing to concede is going to hurt Republicans in Georgia” media simulation. The media wants nothing more than depressing Republican turnout in Georgia in order to flip the Senate.

As Jesse Kelly always says, none of what you see is real.

There is no declared winner in the 2020 Presidential race. Neither candidate has garnered 270 electoral votes as yet.

And the entire media complex is fully aware of that.

Everything that is happening right now is nothing but a disinformation operation and media simulation.

Will the race tip to Trump?

I remain skeptical. But given this is 2020 and nothing in 2020 is ever off the table, there still might be a chance.

And our garbage media knows that.