Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Democrats’ Grand Delusion

Joe Biden is wrong as usual. Democrats do not choose truth over lies or fact over fiction. They fool only themselves.

The Steele dossier, an infamous series of memos that alleged Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with the Russians to rig the 2016 election, is the single most influential piece of fabricated political propaganda in American history.

The document is so bad that even the author has attempted to distance himself from its shoddy contents; Christopher Steele, despite being portrayed by the news media as a reliable former British spy, was in fact an untrustworthy partisan operative paid by the Democrats to concoct bogus claims against Donald Trump.

Nothing in the Steele dossier—from outlandish stories about peeing Muscovite prostitutes to secret trips to Prague—is true. Further, numerous investigations have concluded that no, the Trump campaign was not in cahoots with the Kremlin to defeat Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Steele, not Donald Trump nor anyone in his orbit, was the guy tied to Vladimir Putin’s pals.

But none of these facts stops the overwhelming majority of Democrats from believing the exact opposite. According to an April 2020 poll, 77 percent of Democrats still think the dossier is legitimate and not mere campaign opposition research, which it was. 

By extension, Democrats still believe that Team Trump worked with the Kremlin to help elect the president of the United States in 2016. Keep in mind, the survey was taken one year after Robert Mueller issued his final report and testified to Congress that his two-year, multimillion-dollar probe into Trump-Russia collusion came up empty.

Think about that for a moment. Three out of four Democrats believe a purely fictional document, one that most of them probably haven’t ever bothered to read on their own, simply because it said bad things about Donald Trump. It’s akin to believing in the Tooth Fairy. Yet in the face of irrefutable evidence, most Democrats refuse to concede they were wrong, that they were duped and fooled, that they were intentionally misled by MSNBC and the Washington Post.

How can this be? After all, we deplorables are admonished, the Democratic Party is populated by all the smart people, the overly-educated, the “experts,” our Betters With Letters. Democrats are the party of science! As Joe Biden mindlessly regurgitates on the campaign trail, Democrats believe in “truth over lies, science over fiction.”

What a total joke.

Democrats, in reality, are the party of grand delusion. No tale is too wild, no anonymous accusation is too far-fetched to warrant a modicum of healthy skepticism. QAnon has nothing on these political automatons; programmed daily with party-approved talking points, rank-and-file Democrats dutifully recite the conspiracy du jour with just the right amount of humanlike fear and fury.

Trump is a Russian stooge? Absolutely! Brett Kavanaugh participated in gang rape chains in college? Of course! The vice president authored an anonymous column and best-selling book warning America about the threat posed by his running mate? No doubt!

OK, maybe it wasn’t Pence but it definitely was Kellyanne Conway or John Kelly or Melania Trump for sure.

Pro-life high schoolers from Kentucky disrepected a Native American elder? How dare they! Jussie Smollett was attacked on lower Wacker Drive by MAGAts! Bubba Wallace found a noose! But Hunter Biden’s laptop absolutely is Russian disinformation!

The list goes on and on. Even when confronted with facts or a straight-up admittance of the hoax by the allegedly aggrieved victim, Democratic Party zombies continue to justify their embarrassing groupthink with solemn lamentations that the fabricated incident represents something evil about America, or at the very least, about Donald Trump.

Democrats now believe—or at least want others to believe—that cities are preparing for violence and unrest because President Trump, the story goes, won’t concede the White House even if he loses. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer confessed he was “so sad” to see D.C.-based stores boarding up windows and doors over the weekend. “I never thought I would see so many buildings here in the nation’s capital boarded-up on the eve of a presidential election in anticipation of possible unrest.”

The theme was set. “When conservatives celebrated Trump’s election 4 years ago, did they know that in 2020 we would board up shops, prepare for riots and the arrival of militias, game out ways he might steal the election, protest aggressive vote suppression?” tweeted NeverTrumper Anne Applebaum on November 1. “This is what he has done to America.”

New Yorker columnist Susan Glasser warned that cities preparing for post-election strife is a “purposeful strategy of the president of the United States” because Trump has “attacked the legitimacy of our institutions of American democracy.”

Once more, Democrats and the media ask us to ignore what we see with our own eyes and instead accept their latest Trump-hating fable. Never mind that Democratic mayors and governors have allowed lawless thugs to repeatedly destroy downtown stores over the past several months to honor George Floyd or whatnot. Ignore the violence and mayhem unleashed with impunity by Anitfa and Black Lives Matter.

No, it’s Donald Trump’s fault the mobs will once again smash windows and steal pricey handbags from boutique mannequins.


But of course, like everything from the party of delusion, this latest outrage is a ruse to cover up reality. For months, Democrats and NeverTrump have been war-gaming different election outcomes to ready their troops for war. The plan includes the deployment of millions of “pro-Biden” protesters while “all the votes are counted.”

Participants of the Transition Integrity Project, with financial backing from some of the richest people in the world, will call for widespread protests, work stoppages, and Big Tech censorship until Joe Biden is installed in the White House. Even if the president wins reelection, the insurrectionists won’t yield until political leaders of both parties agree to long-desired changes to the Constitution. After stinging losses in 2000 and 2016, defeated Democrats have no intention of allowing history to repeat itself this year.

Joe Biden is wrong, as usual. Democrats do not choose truth over lies or fact over fiction. To the contrary, Democrats are the masters of delusion. As long as Donald Trump is the villain, any fictional script, including a laughable dossier, is considered legitimate.

They fool only themselves.