Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tapper + Fauci: ‘Christmas is Probably Not Going to be Possible’

CNN’s Jake Tapper thinks that despite a coronavirus vaccine on the horizon, Christmas should be canceled.

Tapper announced his opinion in a recent interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who, implied that even with the deployment of an effective COVID-19 vaccine, Americans must continue wearing masks and following public health orders. 

“We can’t abandon fundamental public health measures,” he said. “You can approach a degree of normality while still doing some fundamental public health things that synergize with the vaccine to get us back to normal.”

While Tapper originally asked Fauci about safely planning holiday celebrations, he ignored Fauci’s answer that “it depends on several factors,” and continued to push the issue.

“So not until the second or third quarter of 2021 though,” Tapper began. “Christmas is probably not going to be possible.”

“It’s going to be a gradual accrual of more normality as the weeks and the months go by as we get well into 2021,” Fauci responded.

As COVID-19 cases in the United States have begun to rise again, politicians and bureaucrats such as Gov. Gavin Newsom of California have implemented new regulations limiting how many people can gather together in homes for holiday celebrations. These regulations also include a ban on indoor gatherings.

Despite the Democrats’ urging to keep holiday gatherings to just the people who live in a house together already, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress scheduled big dinners on Capitol Hill to welcome new members just weeks before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

“It’s very spaced,” Pelosi told NBC, attempting to defend the Democrats’ hypocritical actions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued recommendations for how to “safely” celebrate holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, suggesting virtual gatherings as an alternative to joining together in one of the loneliest years to date.