Saturday, November 7, 2020

Suddenly refusing to concede is a bad thing

Funny how that happens.

This morning the media called the election for Joe Biden, and already they’re demanding President Trump concede the race.

Which is all kinds of ironic coming from the people who applauded like clapping seals when Stacey Abrams refused to concede.

These are also the same people who, to this day, let Hillary Clinton claim that the 2016 election was stolen from her.

But now they’re furious that Trump won’t concede?

LOL! Get stuffed.

The truth is, between pending lawsuits and challenges, the election is not officially over. It isn’t the media that declares a winner. And until these challenges are dealt with, the states in question can’t declare the winner either.

So why should Trump concede?

Well, we know why the media wants him to.

Trust me, they aren’t outraged over Trump calling out the mail-in ballot shenanigans because they actually believe there’s “no evidence.” They’re outraged because the last thing they want is any sort of examination into these shenanigans.

That’s why they’re eager for President Trump’s concession speech. Because the instant he concedes, all examination stops.

But at this point, there is far more evidence of cheating and fraud in 2020 than there ever was for Russian interference in 2016. And that’s kinda the point. The media is running cover for widespread fraud. And so long as President Trump keeps up the fight, the harder it will be to hide the truth.

So while the media can’t officially declare Joe Biden the winner, they absolutely can cement the narrative.

And that is exactly what they’re doing right now – not because Biden actually officially won, but because saying it enough will cement it into the American psyche.

The news media doesn’t report the news; it creates a simulation.

Claiming Biden has been “declared” the winner will make Trump look like a “sore loser” and a “threat to our democracy” for refusing to concede.

See how it works?

As Jesse Kelly always says, “None of what you see is real.”

(I’m sure Jesse would be saying that today had Twitter not suspended him on Monday.)

The election isn’t over yet.  Biden is not the President-elect yet.

But the media is going to do everything it can to drill that dishonest narrative into our heads.

Now I’m going to say something that will probably piss you off.

I have a sinking suspicion the challenges and lawsuits will amount to nothing. In the end, I think Biden will officially be declared the winner. Too many powerful people are far too invested in defeating Trump. Given that, I just don’t see this coming to a favorable end.

I also think most Republicans in the Senate and some in the House will be the most susceptible to the media’s simulation. The narrative will set like concrete in their minds. The truth is, a lot of them are more than happy to severe any ties to the President for their own benefit. As a result, Trump will be out there flapping in the wind all by himself without the support from members of his own party.

In fact, I think of all those who will demand Trump concede, the loudest voices will be from among the Senate Republicans.

I want to be wrong.

I hope I am wrong.

But from where I’m sitting right now, I don’t have a lot of confidence that I’ll end up being wrong.