Wednesday, November 11, 2020

See no evidence, hear no evidence, speak no evidence

Even as the evidence of voter fraud piles up, the media pretends that voter fraud is nothing but a myth.

I think we’re zeroing in on why the garbage news media is still claiming there is no evidence of voter fraud, irregularities and chicanery happening.

They refuse to look at the evidence compiled so far.

They refuse to listen to the evidence presented.

And they refuse to even discuss the possibility that evidence of voter fraud exists.

Yesterday, Fox News host Neil Cavuto cut away from the press conference with Kayleigh McEneny and Ronna McDaniel rather than allow viewers to watch. His reason? McEneny was making allegations of fraud and chicanery and “unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue to show this.”

Well, I guess now Fox News viewers won’t know what evidence McEneny and McDaniel presented – not because they didn’t have any, but because Neil Cavuto wouldn’t let viewers hear it for themselves.

So much for “We report; you decide.”

I guess Neil doesn’t consider sworn affidavits evidence.

Listen, this isn’t about “good countenance;” it’s about perpetrating the unfounded claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist.

The Trump campaign and the RNC has compiled a hell of a lot of that stuff we call “evidence.”

But even if the perpetrators stood in front of a microphone and said, “Yup, we totally exploited vote-by-mail to tip the election results to Biden,” the media would continue to see no evidence, hear no evidence and speak no evidence.

This goes beyond gaslighting.

It’s like I said yesterday, this election is a media simulation and it bears little resemblance to reality.

Reaboi tweet - See no evidence, hear no evidence, speak no evidence

Look at what Twitter added to Raheem’s tweet: “Official sources called this differently.”

That’s a lie. The presidential election has not been officially called for anyone.

But it’s all part of the plan.

This is highly coordinated election interference.

All of it.

The Democrats use insecure mail-in voting to tilt states to Biden knowing that Big Tech and the news media will not only look the other way, but actively pretend documented evidence of fraud doesn’t exist.

Then the media calls the election for Biden before the legal challenges and ballot counting is even over.

Biden then declares himself “President-Elect” despite the fact that he isn’t “President-Elect.” And the media and Big Tech play along.

And then these cretins have the gall to claim calling out documented fraud is a threat to our democratic process.

Oh, I see. It isn’t the fraud that damages the public’s faith in our elections; it’s investigating the sworn claims of fraud that does.

What a crock of shit.

This is the stuff of Third World shithole countries. And it is happening here in the United States of America.

Speaking of Third World shithole countries, you might want to read this 2016 BBC article “Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs.” This article was written about the election in the African country of Gabon in 2016.  But you’ll be amazed at how much it parallels what is happening right here right now.