Saturday, November 14, 2020

Robespierre-Elect Biden

Robespierre-elect Biden isn’t “restoring the soul of the nation” 
so much as he’s 
“restoring the soul of the French Revolution.”

Just one year ago I wrote that the Bernie Revolution would be of the Robespierre variety. Little did I realize that this Bernie Revolution would still continue apace even without Bernie. But it has. With the blacklists, Big Tech censorship and calls for retribution coming from the Left, Joe Biden might not yet be President-elect, but he certainly is Robespierre-elect.

After the news media “declared” Robespierre-elect Biden the “winner,” the Bernie revolutionaries and the ResistanceLOL wasted no time compiling lists of those they’d like to destroy.

Robespierre-elect Biden isn’t “restoring the soul of the nation” so much as he’s “restoring the soul of the French Revolution.”

Great going, Joe!

Ben Shapiro is right. This divisiveness won’t go away. There is no “going back to normal” when the ones who created this division think they’ve won the election.

It wasn’t Donald Trump who created this hate-filled animus. It was the media, the Left, the Democrats and Hollywood. And it began long before Donald Trump was elected. They are the ones who believe America is so irreparably broken it must be “fundamentally transformed.”

This is why even in victory these guys react with vicious anger and vengeance. They want to burn this country down. They want payback. They’ve chosen the French Revolution model.

They don’t want to “restore the soul of the nation.”

And the funny thing about it? The hapless old man at the top of the ticket — this Robespierre-elect Biden — doesn’t even realize that he’s thrown in with the side that wants to gut the soul of our nation.

Why do you think they were willing rig the primaries for old Joe?

I said in March that should he win the White House, Joe Biden would be nothing but a vessel. He isn’t captaining this ship.  The revolutionaries who seek to destroy us are the ones in charge.

So while he might be Robespierre-elect, Joe isn’t the power behind this Revolution of Revenge. He’s just the face of it.

He will never control it; it’s controlling him.

Let’s be honest. This old man has been in government for nearly half a century. In all that time, Joe Biden never led a damn thing. He isn’t a leader; he never was. Should he win the White House, that won’t change.  And the instant Biden loses his usefulness, the Revolutionaries that exploited him will toss him aside without a moment’s hesitation.

In the end, like his namesake, Robespierre-elect Biden will be devoured by the very Revolution he thinks he leads.

This is why it is so crucial to use every legal means at our disposal to fight back against the fraud and chicanery in this election.

Because Robespierre-elect Biden won’t be the only one trampled underfoot by this anti-American revolution.

The entire country will as well.